Toxic solution: Remove TEAMMATES stats until end of game

Removing any live data about the match regardless of how people use it or how arguably useful it is would be a mistake.

As a minor point, stats mean different things at different times in the match. Showing them only at the end would be a loss of data.

The main point has been stated again and again. Toxic players do not require data or well supported arguments to unleash their anger at you. They do this because they lack self control and suffer little to no consequences. They do not require data but they WILL use it if they think it will further their attack. This is a crucial difference because they would be just as happy assuming they are right without proof because they are not in full logic mode they are in an emotional override state.

Removing the data would leave the toxic crowd unaffected and anyone who uses the team stat data for anything is at a loss.

Net gain of 0 and negative.

Understand your enemy, for he is you.

Sorry to keep this going but I thought of a few apt analogies. Please take the time to think about this.

  • Having laws is a bad idea! Theres always gonna be criminals anyways. Laws do no stop criminals! All laws do is take away freedoms from honest people… sound familiar?

  • If I had no idea what the weather/season currently was…how likely am I going to complain that its cold outside?

  • If you called me ugly on this forum, would I care knowing you have no idea what I look like?

I think the stats screen is the very oxygen the toxic player lives off of. Oh, I died 6 times and you died 8? Now I can blame you for the loss and rip you for feeding.

Your points are flimsy and anecdotal. Quite a stretch aat the least and they still don’t change the sound defeat of your argument.

No, your points are flimsy and anecdotal. Quite a stretch at the least and they still don’t change the sound defeat of your argument.

Yup… pretty easy to completely ignore the points someone makes.

I see them. I didn’t ignore them. I even gave you feedback. My arguments are not stretches and they succeed in making my case.

That actually helps a lot in target priority. They may have Chromie…but he can’t land a single Q, while their Nova is amazing at poking. So, she should be chase priority.

Healer only got 30k heals, while yours has 100k? Okay - so we can ignore healer and just down dps, as HPS is low.

In this idea, the only stats hidden until the game is over are your teammates. You will still always see yours and your opponents numbers.

I am sorry to be so random and off-topic, but the name and avatar rang a bell for me. Did you draft Tracer on Braxis in SL earlier today? I think you had a Garrosh and an Anduin on your team as well. If so, I was the Anub on the other team.

And yes, I was pressing Tab to see how hard you were rocking my backline, especially my KTZ, so I could focus you harder in the late game! (Trying to drag it back to the topic at hand…)


Yes that was me. You would have loved to see the team chat on my side. Funny enough it was the Kael and Anduin pointing fingers over who got caught out more and nobody commented about the severe lack of damage on our team. Almost because gamers will argue over anything when they get tilted, regardless of damage stats.

gg btw <3


I dislike being cynical, but ideas like this one make me relieved that HOTS is in maintenance mode, as it’s unlikely to be listened to and implemented.

You can now be reported and silenced for using pings, you can be chat silenced for anything that someone deems offensive, they no longer show team groupings as it was somehow negative, the damage taken stat was removed because, toxic.

This is a team game which should encourage polite and open communication with availability to as much information as possible. Part of that is having statistics and metrics to make decisions that not only benefit the individual but the team as a whole. Stats themselves are not inherently toxic, like any metric or tool in the game like Voice Chat, it is a neutral option that people can choose to use wisely or not.

The outright removal of features punishes people who have not misused the features provided, it is also a reductive approach akin to throwing out the proverbial baby with the bathwater, with no guarantee it will reduce toxicity.


pros check stats every 20 seconds during a stream, to get an idea of if their teammates are still soaking, if they are taking a lot of damage, if they are struggling to finish their quest

it’s not toxicity, it’s to find out weaknesses in the team and help them by making the right conclusions from those stats

(the wrong one being flaming that player, the right one being going to their lane to help them soak against a superior laner and so on)

its also very vital to know your teammates quest progress from the stat bar, this isnt a solo game, that info influences how you will do in the next teamfight as well


I feel like this really wont change much of anything in the grand scheme of things. Regardless of a stat screen or not, if you are very clearly dying more than others on the team, if you are finding yourself caught out despite repeated warning pings, and are generally never in the team fights to contribute because your dead, I reserve the right to call you out on it. And if I look at the stat screen and it tells me that everything I just said is true, I’m going to brace myself for an inevitable loss because its unlikely that the rest of the game can be salvaged-- particularly if the offender simply keeps doing what they’ve been doing and show no signs of on-the-fly improvement. A single player is more than capable of ruining the entire match for his team, and regardless of how well I and the rest of the team play it wont matter when the offending player isn’t participating in one way or another.

Guess what I’m trying to say is, removal of team mate stats wont change anything. You’ll still have loads of toxic players, and loads of players like me who gets tired of his 7th or 8th loss straight because of one (and even worse, two) problematic players.

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Alright… I accept defeat. Not because I dont think it will reduce toxicity (still confident it would) but because I am clearly in the minority. GG and good talk. :slight_smile:

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It isn’t about win or lose, you proposed an interesting idea which inspired (well I think so) an interesting debate. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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It’s not really about being “defeated” or being in the minority. It’s just that punishing a huge group because of the actions of a few is something that never really works in the real world. I still remember being a kid in the 90’s and having teachers punish the whole class in an effort to punish troublemakers. It NEVER, EVER worked and it only served to make both students and parents hate these teachers.

Troublemakers won’t stop being troublemakers just because you punish their peers.


Stats should not be shown at all til the end of the game. You should be able to see your own then at the end be able to see both teams.

it would be glorious for people to constantly die and play poorly but not get any blame for it? Someones been caught being bad far too often I see. This is the rambling of someone who refuses to get better and wants everyone to get a pat on the back for trying. This is honestly disgusting. You should be held accountable for how you play the game in a ranked match. If youre a bad player that hasnt looked at any builds, any tier lists or even tried to watch any experienced player videos, you deserve to be ripped for wasting 4 other players time and lowering their rank. Get good or stop playing.

Exhibit A…

You can be a winner or a cry baby. Its your choice. If you need big daddy blizzard to save you because you cant handle criticism than maybe playing ranked matches isnt for you. Maybe playing anything competitively isnt for you. Whatta you think? People get better without someone telling them how? I see you dying because you have bad placement or picked the wrong talents and Im the bad guy if I say “hey kn1ghtmare, pick this or dont go too deep in”?

Because people like you would rather cry and hide than get better. So instead of taking my criticism and trying to get better, you tell me to shut up, tell me idk what Im talking about or ignore me right off the bat. This snowflake generation is weak.

I have the feeling that in each game you lose you find the person on your team with the lowest dmg done or most deaths, and rip them a new one. All under the guise of “advice”, of course.

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