So I’ll quickly define worst : Leading to little to no benefit, taken at the cost of a talent that’s actually good, high risk low reward, leading to low winrates compared to others.
Here’s my list :
Rexxar’s bear ult. The bear does almost no damage, it’s garbage. It dies in seconds. Increasing it’s damage is just laughable compared to boars that can engage/disengage and save from a bad situation leading to a loss or allow a good engage leading to a win, especially with roots at 20. I’d say it’s THE worst ult in the game.
Tychus drakken laser. On paper it seems not too bad, until you realise how abysmally low hp it has and that it can’t outrange forts (or barely, you often place it in range.). How often have you seen a drakken placed for it to be destroyed in less than 2s literally and just not get any value? Plus, it’s static, has low range. How often have you seen a drakken placed, enemies move 2m away and it’s now useless? Compare to odin that outranges forts, allows for decent aoe/waveclear, has a super long range shot to finish targets and provides armor + unstoppable on cast to protect from some things… Owch.
Anub’s losecusts. That ult’s damage is laughable, and the sustain it provides is so low it can barely outheal minion damage, a lili autoattacking is already more damage than you heal. And the 20 it gets is absolutely horrendously weak compared to fast return/getting75% damage reduc/ getting a cocoon bonus damage and duration for annoying targets. Try it, go to practice mode, use locusts in a minion wave, and count how long it takes to actually kill them. It’s laughable. Instead, you could have a cocoon that can cancel abilities, enable engages/combos, peel for your team mates and possibly save the game. (Or die in seconds, but still much better than losecusts.)
Rain of dumbstruction for guldan !
So, on the one hand, you get this amazing easy to use cc, that can lower armor, that deals decent damage, hits a large area, can single handedly win games, your only form of peel on a no escape character… And on the other you get rain of bronze ! IF you are lucky, and I insist on IF, it can maybe kill a minion. It will rarely hit, when it does, it often hits the full hp targets rather than the low hp you’d like to finish (and would with horrify !), it does… very average siege, not good at clearing mercs either, long cooldown too… At 20, same issue, even with the 90% slow, it rarely helps. Maybe you’ll hit once, or twice. Noob guldans pick this, see the damage go up (fake damage not leading to kills or anything meaningful) and think omg me so stronk me big stats. Avoid the rain. -
Falstad’s gust ! Just kidding, that one’s like the best in the game at 20 with 5s stun XD
The 5th place doesn’t have any real HORRIBLE ults like the four previous jokes, but I’d argue for leoric’s march. It’s not exactly bad, but it means you don’t get access to an autowin button at lvl 20. Getting a decent silence cage at 20 is just an instant win, place yourself at the entrance, press E to become unmovable and voila, your team will melt them and there’s nothing they can do. Compare to march that… well, does a bit of damage. I’d say it’s a bad pick. I’d tie it with Karazim’s 7 palm strike that is next to useless when you hit just 2 or more targets in terms of damage, compared to an ult that can save a team mate and restore full hp. Keep the hard carry on your team alive, he’s worth 100000 times more than your lousy damage ult will ever be in terms of damage and kill potential.
What’s your list?
As for talents the clear obvious worst talent…
Ana’s lvl 1 shrike quest ! That thing is hard to stack, provides almost no healing benefit over a already low healing spell… and that’s it. Even at 200 stacks, the healing provided is laughable. And to get this fantastic “benefit”, you lose out on 2 good talents. Never, ever, ever pick this thing.