Top 5 worst ults and worst talents in the game?

I didn’t say it’s a must go in all situations, i only see a room for both talents according to the situation. If you have static enemies that can’t move that easily with big hp pools, this range might have his utility. Especially because you can synergize this with the level 20 which also grants more AA range after a dash.

I know, the dash lvl 1 also synergize with that lvl 20, but as i said, both can be interresting in my opinion, it’s only a question of Match Making.

Lvl 1 talent doesn’t apply to Odin, in fact no talents adapt to Odin except this level 20 for more dashes (and Odin is especially mentionned in the tooltip of that talent, however you only get more dashes but not any bonus on the AA range).

Both of these can make plays though. Some heroics can’t.

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In draft mode, I will sometimes pick Artanis if the enemy has taken Ragnaros. Purifier Beam is very effective in burning down Rag when he is Molten Core form. As you say, PB can be a bit niche, but it’s not worthless.