Tons of actual trolls, how to get out of Bronze League?

Technically statistics works the same for everyone, but become more accurate the higher the sample.

It’s like with a simple coin toss. We know it’s 50-50, but with a 3-toss sample you can easily get 100-0.

There’s also the issue of players perception. In a lot of cases, the so called trolls are just players making mistakes and being bad.

This would be even more the case when talking about bronze matches. Bronze players can do the weirdest things that make no sense and throw the game. That’s not being trolls, they’re just that bad or easily distracted.

Chances are that everyone, including OP, has been called a troll or similar before. I’ve tried it too; people telling other people to report me because of things they didn’t see or things they don’t understand.


And in some cases, it is simply not understanding what is a good play in the first place. The most obvious example is when your team has a perfect chance to end, and one or more of your team mates wants to go take a camp or boss instead. In their minds, they are doing the right thing, and the person who wants to kill their core is “bad” or “trolling”.

There are lots of subtle things a good player does that may not be recognized by people of less skill. For example, a good tank will anchor when their team is doing a boss or objective and you can’t account for the enemy. People at lower ranks will often see this as “Afk in a bush? Trolling!”


It’s true, most of the time “trolls” are people who are just bad at the game. There isn’t a report button for “player not bothered to look up guides or watch pro players play” so it can be annoying but it’s just something everyone has to deal with, especially at lower leagues.

Then there are actual “trolls” for example someone who gets titled 5 minutes in says “go next” then asks at the hall of storms for remainder of game, which exsist but are rarer than bad players.

And I agree on the player perception, one recent example that sticks in my mind I was playing as Zeratul on cursed hollow and one of the first tribute fights happened was around level 6/7. I’d mainly been soaking until this point, I pretty much 100-0’d enemy Brightling then was forced out because I was nearly dead, went to tap and team had lost fight before I’d gotten back.

A Tassadar then to my suprise said “Useless Zera” to which I replied “I killed brightwing, what did you do?” To which they replied “Double your damage”

I opened stat screen and I’d done around 13 k - 1 kill 0 deaths the Tass had done around 21 k - 0 kills 1 death.

Clearly the Tassadars perception was that he was playing better because he had done more damage. My perception was the Tass had been fighting in a 3 man most of the game while I’d been soaking, Zera is fairly weak early game, Zera has a more in and out playstyle while tass should be raining lightning on the opposing team whole fight. Also my damage led to a kill wheras tass’s didn’t. Then I overtook his damage mid-late game and had a lot more kills but he didn’t say anything then so I don’t know if his perception changed!

But comments like that happen fairly often tbh and a lot of the time they come from bad players.


Oh its not just a bronze issue. Trolls happen anytime and anywhere.

Reminds me of a game I had on Dragon map. as KT. Got flamed on for having lower dmg then a Leo who keep 1v3 enemy team everytime he could.

A KT cant really do that without dieing within 4 sec lol. Then he continued to use his stats padding to make me look like I were worse then him when I used less dmg to get my kills then he did.

And orb build Mings are even worse. Some have the guts to say he was better then everyone els while he feeded the most but hey as long his dmg was higher then that is all what matters. No need to have any kills when you can brag about being top dmg and top feeder.

Also had a ultra toxic Gaz back in 2014. I still remember that guy cause the way he acted like a keyboard warrior whole game is hard to forget.

He bragged he was top dmg over our KT meanwhile he keep going alone never helping us and feeded everytime he could while going in 1vs5 everytime he saw enemy team. Not once he helped us.

And then there was that time back when I played KT on Braxit map and had a toxic Malf that complained I had lower dmg then him. Funny enough he only did 40k healing whole game while enemy Lucio had done over 120k. I just told him maybe you should have spend more time healing us insteed of bragging about your fake dmg then we could have won. Then ofc the Malf tells me he would report me and he did since chat said he was ignoring me when I /w him. Some people are truly butthurt when it comes to dmg.


I had a similar experience with an orb li ming recently as well lol.

We were playing on Hanamura and I was Raynor, I can’t remember the comps too well but I know it was fairly close and the team fights were quite nervy and they were quite divey.

The ming was flanking and doing the usual run in orb run away, run in missiles run away and I had no problem with how the game was going and how they were playing and I had no idea they had any beef with me lol.

Then they randomly came out with Raynors not doing enough damage or something like that and iirc they were top damage and I was 3rd or 4th but I had a decent amount of kills.

Some games I can run away with top damage with Raynor if I can right click the opponents all day but I remember I was generally positioned a bit further back in the team fight because I’d get blown up if I stepped too far forward and I was peeling for team mates with Q so I needed to be a bit further back. If a kill was on id go for it if I could only safely hit their tank thats what I’d do.

We were winning the game but it was fairly close and not a stomp by any means and I was working hard and doing my bit for the team.

I don’t know if part of it is putting others down to point to the fact that they are top damage or something but I didn’t get why they were so negative especially when we were winning.

Every game is different in certain scenarios some heroes can do a ton of damage but in others they can’t do as much.

Also how useful your damage is more important than raw numbers. You may be top dps but you may be stat padding, feeding, not focusing your damage and getting kills etc.

Just like people everywhere in life though, some people are nice and some people are douchers and like to put people down, it’s not a hots specific thing.

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  1. Tons of actual trolls, how to get out of Bronze League?

  2. so is there ANY way to get to a higher league at all or has that ship sailed long ago?

Yes, he did. You’re a bully dude, get help.

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I’m amazed at your inability to read.

You aren’t worth wasting time on.

A bronze player who says trolls are constantly ruining his games is delusional, a “constructive” poster who jumps to call those who disagree “trolls” or insults their reading comprehension, well that guy just has the bad luck of constantly running into nasty trolls. The irony is almost palpable.

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what heroes do you play?

I’ve had dispropotionally many trolls in that week, yeah. Since then nearly every crownie I got was afk and missed the first ban and took the other two at random, then often him or someone else getting replaced by A.I. early in the game. The other team usually has Diablo + Li Ming/Kaelthas or Brightwing + either of those, sometimes three of the bunch, I never had those in my own team other than the few times I chose Diablo or the more often times I chose Brightwing myself. We also never have a healer if I don’t play one and I don’t always want to. Is there a special strategy against such team compositions or is the strategy leaving, winning a QuickMatch to get unlocked und trying again?

Really? I thought you were trolling the whole time lol

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you might not belive it, but i 've actually managed to get into gold 1 playing only butcher, but when its banned i also can play other characters, i just enjoy winning with butcher in ranked rather with other characters

Bro… Zuljin is popular in Bronze? That’s crazy bro

If your goal is purely to climb out of bronze, the players there will generally make plenty of misplays you can take advantage of. You can cheese your way to victory a lot easier than in higher ranks.

For example in general I think it’s harder to carry in lower ranks with a healer except I had a lot of success with uther divine storm.

In team fights if you e “stun” wait a sec and then divine storm you can stun someone for like 3 secs and if you pair it with his 16 you can chain 2 of his e’s. If you time it right and on right targets. This can win a lot of games in lower ranks.

Diablos the hero I play the most but in general I find him quite easy to carry with. I generally go AA build and you have to understand his power spikes.

Early game you want to play quite cautious and try to catch enemy heroes who overstep and e then q them into your team. When you get 10 you can get more aggressive with Apoc engages e.g. if you have a target to engage on you cast apoc then q and e your target onto the apoc, ots a pretty powerful engage in lower ranks and obvs if you see a wallstun you can apoc q somebody into a wall stun them with apoc get a couple autos off then e them to keep them ccd for a while.

13 is a decent power spike because that’s when you get your attack speed buff so you have more sustain and cd reduction but 16 is when you can get very aggressive with q resets from e. Inbetween apoc, q into a wall stun e someone q into another wall - weaving auto attacks in, lower ranks will find this very difficult to deal with and if you can keep auto attacking if will be very difficult to kill you.

Vs Diablo garrosh is a decent tank and percent damage is good vs him cos of his high hp (think tychus, Leo, malthael). Also unstoppable is good vs him because his main power is his disruption and cc.