I love greedy attitude of typical Qhira players.
We siege on GoT with objective. I purpusely overextend behind enemy tower, where enemy Qhira tries to make desperate, lone stand to save this poor, mid tower against 4 of us and objective. Ofc. she failed to resist teh tempt and landed Revolving Sweep on my Lun.
The fun thing about Unstoppable part of Leaping Strike and Qhira’s Revolving Sweep is the fact, that she actually circles around Lun mid-air for a while, before Unstoppable kicks in. I’ve noticed, that Revolwing Sweep disconnects sometime in the middle of Leap. May be actually a bug, but if it is, I want it to stay.
Because I can abuse Leaping Strike Delivery System, and like this time - deliver enemy Qhira straight between my teammates, when she gets cclocked to death. Thing is simple: Overextend, get sweeped, wait for Qhira to get behind, leap onto enemy tower and enjoy the fireworks.
Warhead Junction. KT’s launching Pyro on my Lun, and enemy Nova [triggered on me to hell and beyond for last 4 deaths from poison] decided to add her three cents… Or rather three taps, to “secure” KT’s kill. I was on 20% HP.
I just hit 1, GSS kicks in, 75 spell armor absorbed both ults. My healer appeared to heal scratches on my deer’s butt, then I dived in for another Nova kill. In the meantime, overextended KT died from my teammates.
The last one for today.
Do not teleport your Fenix, where Tyrael of your friend’s gf landed her sword. Especially if the Tyrael bears KT’s sticky bomb.
And most importantly, don’t teleport your Li-Ming to the same spot as well.
All three died from the same bomb, and we lost another match :].