To People Who Still Play: Help Me Understand

I am sorry, but optimism in this game is the next thing to delusion. There are so many games that you can EASILY tell are a total mismatch. It is one thing to have a team wipe in the beginning when things are close. It is totally another when all you see is stupid. These are not worth my time, no matter what or how many penalties are dolled out.

As much as I would like to agree, I don’t. Sure there are games that look pretty lost, and you finally get one engage that is game (altering/ending). These are about 1 in 20.

At lower leagues, you will never convince the laning healer who refuses to even participate after tilting. You cannnot nicely ask for the primary/secondary tank to peel a bit more for back liners…no it is the backliners fault that they didnt dash under a keep to their demise, etcetcetc.

The game is VERY different in the trash bin than anywhere else. It is not solved by mindset. It is not solved by ‘getting better’. There is virutally no way to carry a team unless you are much much much better than everyone else on the map. Not just better, but an order of magnitude better…which means you won’t ever be in that spot in the first place.

There are massive issues with their matchmaker that they will never even bother to admit. The current team seemingly has no clue how the damn thing was made. They have done nothing to it except at the very high end of rankings.

Their is zero difference between bronze 5 and silver 1. Zero. Their is a huge difference at any other similar level difference. Some of this is explainable, by simple statistical differences in players at these ranks. But the fact is, you can go on a 20 game winning streak with relatively good players on both sides (for crapastic levels) and then have 50 in a row where you are just utterly astounded at where the hell blizz finds these dolts. It is most obvious the system is wholly borked at the low levels when you go from never banning to ALWAYS banning. It is predictable, repeatable, testable. Yet all blizz says is ‘we don’t punish you for winning.’ UTTER BS. You don’t get to play with better players at the junctures, you are handed worse and worse scenarios until there is no way in hell for you to win.

At higher levels you also rarely have to deal with their craptastic bots. I won’t go into how and why these are so aggregiously bad, but the fact stands. Playing out a game that is a 95% chance to lose simply because someone left near the start, or just stands in town until booted after 2.5 min (not counting the loading screen or the 30 seconds before the games starts) is just stupid to have to do. It is simply not worth my time to bother with these. And the happen a lot.

MOBAs are the only genre that you are punished for surrendering the game. This is senseless. They say a lot of things like ‘you can always still comeback!’, or ‘it promotes teamplay’ or ‘it helps the queue in xyz ways’ This is all nonsense. If it were true, you would never find a game in SC2 ever. The queue times are generally less than HotS (true, max you have 4, rather than 5 players).

There are games that are legitimately over in less than 3 minutes. People will surrender sometimes when the game is still winnable, and the others will play it out (but there you at least get the money being mined from the player that is gone). Some of these get nuts.

This is where almost all disparity at low levels stems from. You have zero consistency of quality down in the crapper. You are punished for getting out of bounds of how bad the mathmaker says you are. There is no recourse if someone leaves early. Their bots have just been made more useless every single gd time they update them. Leaving games that are obviously over is punished, so you are stuck with either playing an extremely frustrating experience out, or leaving in frustration.

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Self-fulfilling prophecy. GG.


the reply of one anon doesn’t say anything about the whole of the playerbase; there’s just too much you don’t care about, but want to revel in ignorance anyway. For those who look to bemone the content release rate by some of the same standards, the other top games would be dead too. They would get the ‘zomg dying’ posts on their community forums but… where are those forums now?

if they don’t have an active community to ‘defend’ that game how will they survive? Oh noes!

No wonder these boards get the LoL rejects over here :open_mouth:

i havent played lol in 6 years nor do i watch its streams my dude i do play smite tho
lol is garbage but has infinite better gameplay from my memory hots has better heroes so again enjoy the heroes and its concept ignore the gameplay and you can enjoy the game even if you lose

idk why everyone assumes you cant be critical of a game and still enjoy certain aspects of it but it is what it is

active community pays the bills and keeps a game healthy btw i’m sure the devs are making rent with your sentiment ‘’ i really like your game over lol’’ ( haha thanks ill tell my landlord)

It has one but i wont tell you were it is as you can find it yourself.

You cared enough to keep on responding to this thread for a whole day so you do care. Also i bet you backed of becasue you cant win the debate with Xenterex and then recort to call us all children.

Those games also got tons of bugs and game flaws even today. People only play those games because they can carry with op heroes that has never seen a nerf for 10 years and they can buy items that can make your hero 2 shot others to dead.

Only crazy man in this forum is you. But you and Montana have replyed to eachother for the whole threads so i guess you are his fanboi.

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I don’t know where you get this from. Of course the majority of people posting on the offical forum for HOTS are going to be doing so because they enjoy said game. Most people who do post here, even those who enjoy the game are critical of may aspects from hero design, balance and game play changes.

If you don’t think this is the case, just go and look at the offical patch release thread. Many prolific posters who enjoy HOTS are critical of changes made in the current patch. You can still express enjoyment for something without it meaning you’re an uncritical consumer of the product.


I’m sure you are right. That it’s only 1 in 20.
For you, anyway. Because you just might be part of the reason that you don’t have comebacks or part of the reason that you lose more than you should.

To begin with, do you even try to talk to your team in a positive way and convince them to keep trying? To stop flaming? That all you need is just to get level 16 or 20 or whatever where your heroes get some vitally important new talents that’ll change everything? Or that you just need one good teamfight? Do you tell your team “Awww, too bad Fenix, you almost had him, he was so lucky…” when Fenix dies after trying to get a kill? Or do you just say “Jeez, this Fenix is dead again. Noob”?

I reckon the latter. I reckon that you’re the type that tilts easily. It seems extremely obvious when you say things like

Because it’s just a huge bunch of nonsense. The excuses of a tilted loser.

I bet you that the problem is a fundamental issue with YOU. I bet you’re the type of player that can only enjoy this game if you’re winning who has absolutely 0 joy when you’re losing.
Which is an extremely dumb way of being when you’re playing a game where you should preferably be around 50% winrate.
It’s a game meant to be fun. Played for fun. Why does winning matter, truly…? Isn’t it about having fun, in the end?
You say that my optimism is delusion. I say your pessimism is responsible for your bad experiences.
Sure, there are matches that are harder to win than others. But according to you, there is no merit in even trying? We should all just lay down and die when things get tough? When allies do duncey moves? That’s just pathetic.

You can lie down and cry “gg we lost at 3 min” if you want like a loser. I’ll keep trying to win and try to cheer my team on so they play better and tell them that there’s still a chance when they start to feel despair.

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@OP one thing that’s important to understand is that QM can kinda screw you from the start. You can have team compositions that are just really lopsided or stupid, but that’s how QM is. It happens to all of us. We all get matches where we are like “well, this is dumb”. You’re not alone in that. We all get lose streaks too. Its normal honestly. I wouldn’t worry about that too much. It’ll just stress you out. Just focus on having fun. :slightly_smiling_face:

This might be because the heroes you’re playing as are low level, like you haven’t leveled them up. I’m not sure but I think if you choose a hero that’s level 5 or lower, your enemies are a tad easier. I’m not sure and someone can fact check that, but that’s just what I’ve heard. No matter. If you are completely dominating, then try to pick fights 1v1 against enemies, assuming they aren’t staying as 5. Doing nothing all game because your team is dominating will not help you get better. Try to improve yourself. You get better by challenging your limits.

Another thing, if you keep losing matches, it might be a good idea to play a hero you’re very comfortable with and stick with that hero for a bit. Learn more about how you can improve with the hero. Check what heroes you have high win rates as and play them! Try to analyze what you’re doing right with them and what makes you win.

If you’re a tad frustrated, brawls are a good place to dispose of that frustration since its a silly mode. Playing frustrated is not good for you. In my experience, its led to more losses. I’d turn off chat though if you just want to chill. For some reason, brawl players can be toxic even though its not really a mode to take too seriously.

Being ‘critical’ of something doesn’t excuse people to make bad conclusions from incomplete data. Part of the issue of you being ‘critical’ is that you don’t read things through, assume the content, and act empowered from it.

Not knowing something is not empowering; if a person claims they have ‘proof’ of something on why they’re right, and someone else can point out that the ‘proof’ doesn’t hold up, then it offsets their claim to being ‘right’ based on what is being presented. (which is different than them being ‘wrong’, but I’ll try to not present more than three possibilities when people don’t have the attention span to follow more than two)

Frankly, whether or not you play LoL doesn’t matter to what I wrote.

As of July 14, 2020, the SMITE Forums hosted on the SMITEGame website will no longer be available. The popularity and participation on this platform has decreased significantly over the years

What I wrote was particular to more than you read, more than you understood, and more than you realized.

That is part of the distinction in having an informed perspective for how I am critical about things: I strive to a consistency in my claim and conduct that uninformed perspectives lack. The capacity to make predictions is based on the ability to recognize patterns; when people conflait causation with correlation, they do not find complete patterns, drawn incomplete conclusions and their conduct will not be congruent with similar complaints because it’s backed by too much assumption; they do it, and want to be excused for it, but they’ll fault others for doing the same thing, therefore they just want something hide their opinion behind to protect their willful neglect.

I don’t have to assume people can’t be critical of a game and still enjoy stuff about it; I’m critical of this game, and still enjoy stuff about it. But it’s also not the only game I play.

The impulse reaction when people don’t like something is they want some sort of ‘protection’ of their opinion; find, people have opinions, I’m not going to challenge that. However, when people just complain about something, that doesn’t necessarily mean that what they’re complaining about is the actual problem.

Since people tend to be unfocused, surround themselves with tons of distractions, and don’t take the time to check things through (ie read it all) they’re more likely to ‘assume’ details that cause them to be upset based on their assumptions, rather than on the particulars at hand. So if they manage to actually ever broaden some of their perception (and shift a few expectations) they may magically find that their particular ‘problems’ are suddenly gone.

A “I’m just being critical” type attitude tends to reflect that the person has as much disregard for their own opinion as they do anyone else; regardless of what feedback they post, they just assume they’re “right” (the customer is ‘always right’) and then get mired up in arguments of their own making because they lack the self-awareness to realize that they aren’t right, and are trying to debate a lost cause.

People want to be ‘critical’? Fine, then back it with some qualities that indicate it’s more than superficial and impulsive fluff. Otherwise, I can say I’m just being ‘critical’ too, and doing the same thing, only better :stuck_out_tongue:

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No it isn’t.
Have you ever seen a college team play a highschool one, or a pro play vs a collegiate team? Can you seriously tell me that you cannot tell any difference between these and teams that are on equal level? What about a big university vs a tiny one? Sure the tiny school will will about 1 in 100…

Nice one line pos response.

I don’t trash talk unless I have already received it. So your reckoning can go where the sun doesn’t shine. I already said that people at this level take offense to even ASKING for xyz.

Have you even played SC2?

Making assumptions like this is intellectual midgetry.

So basically you never played LOL, DOTA2, STARCRAFT2, or Smite.

What are these other games you are speaking of ? Fortnite ? PubG ? what game do you play that never loose 6 games in a row ?

So where exactly did I trash talk to you so you’re only “responding in kind” to me?

Fyi, saying that my opinion, playstyle and personality is a “delusion” is pretty trashy talky/insulting.

So I already knew that you talk :poop: at people before you received it. And now I know you’re a liar, too.

Bye. Don’t bother responding to me, trash talking troll. I wont bother responding to you, atleast.

i frankly dont care honestly vocal minority is leading forums on a dead game when in real world this game is an afterthought so you wont change my mind i wont change your mind

reality stays the same life moves on leave it at that imo

you can enjoy bad quality i can enjoy heroes but bad quality yada yada

I made a general statement about my opinion on the effects of optimism in this game.

It should have been (made more) clear that I specifically meant in game, I do not say things to teammates that impune them unless they have gone off the rail. Then, I will tend to respond in kind. You instead took offense to one person’s opinion vs yours.

A truly unmistakenly objective statement that you have ample evidence of. Nope pure conjecture because you didn’t like that I did not agree with you.

This is not derogatory in the slightest is it. You take you gross misconceptions and then project them. Truly dignified.

Furthermore. I did not leave things at the statement that offended you. I went on to explain why I see it that way. We may not agree at all. That is fine. Instead you hurl slights and think it justification.

“real world”

That’s the term people throw around when they want to keep claiming they have something better to do. The problem is, stuff like basic communication, community engagement, and a number of other quirks are all aspects that reveal some of the ‘real world’ shinanigans we have going on.

What you can ‘enjoy’ would a lot better if you stop undercutting your own efforts with self-delusion and rampant distraction. “Reality” only stays the same to people that don’t bother to learn more, do better and try to improve themselves and the things around them. And if the quality of water is anything to go by, stagnation is pretty much death.

“Life goes on” because ‘life’ is doing something. But even that only follows the path of least resistance; as a sentient you should be aspiring to be doing more than ‘the least resistance’.

Of course it is. Assuming you lost before the game even gets started is nothing but a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you call GG before the core is dead, you have given up, so yes, you will lose.

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I just completely stopped reading his posts, honestly.

I don’t know why but this thread seems to be summoning trolls and doomsayers and the like.

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Because giving up is always easier than trying. Sure, I don’t win 100% of my matches, no one does. But like you, I refuse to give the enemy team a free win with a defeatist attitude.

Must be an Artanis thing. :wink:

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