To People Who Still Play: Help Me Understand

Guys did we find another multiaccount user? The obvious troll has one person liking all of his posts

i have a 60percent win rate idk why people assume i give up on the game lol when i clearly stated bad gameplay fun heroes

its like a looter shooter but moba style the gameplay can be crap but if your having a blast blowing stuff up you could give f all about the story/gameplay or w/e

and it not doomday when the game is basically in survival mode until blizz decide its not worth the upkeep cost

what? lol :joy: if the devs dont care about your opinion why would i a stranger with zero power to affect gameplay give a damn please stop

i said i would stop lookin here but honestly the circle jerk is funny to watch but for real tho seeya inmonth or so play hots alot for a week get tired of it come back 2months later to even deader game a great cycle ENJOY YOUR GAME BOIS

And I wasn’t responding to you? I don’t know why you seem to feel every response is about you.

??? That has nothing to do with what I said.

Using multiple accounts to like, make posts, etc, is against the CoC of the fourms.

And hopefully would get you banned.

Oh Hoku, Don’t you remember? You, me, Sally and the gang?

We’re all just different heads on the same celebrity body. A barbershop orquette if you will. Or a mentok. I think that’s the acceptable terms for a singing ogre magi or… mind takers.

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:joy: cute gl with that love

So you cannot tell the quality of the players by looking at the occurences that play out?

I understand your view of giving up is paramount to failure, period. This is simply not a pragmatic view that I share.

I have played sports competitevely. I have been on the the good and bad end of close losses, total blowouts, games that took weird turns somewhere in the middle to change the flow of the game. I have played teams older that beat us like a drum for years until finally we came close in one game (had the game of my life that game…7goals of the 9 we scored…and we still lost). And then finally beat them after like 9 or 10 games. (That game got really dirty once the time was running thin).

I have also been involved in in highschool vs a college team. I know what it is to compete, to lose in good sportsmanship, to take an utter beating at the hands of those better, etc. It is generally very easy to tell the outcome of games by watching the quality of play at the beginning. Not always, but often. American football is maybe the best case for your side of the argument. It can have very wild swings that look wholly different from the early stages of the game.

I have also spent over 10 years trying to reach one goal to not get it when it also was completely and utterly out of my control to see or change. I had to live with what I had been able to achieve even though it was a very very long term failure. If you have to go through something like this, it may, or may not change your views.

Hell, I have gone up against full Div S/GM teams in QM three times recently. The thing is, unlike the people who constantly complain and give up, I see that as a thrilling challenge, even though it is almost guaranteed my team will lose, as I am definitely not a Div S/GM caliber player. However, I learn far more from adversity than I do from a fully equal match up.

I don’t see this sort of thing as a waste of time, as you seem to, but as a way to test my skills to the utmost, win or lose. I look for the small goals, such as resetting the enemy Medivh’s stacks, rather than looking at what my team does wrong. I find ways to improve myself and my own play, rather than finding excuses to quit. I never accept defeat willingly, but force the enemy to earn that win to the best of my ability.

Of course I have had the daylights beaten out of me, I play Artanis in QM, ffs. But I don’t let a loss turn me into a loser.


It is one thing to play better people, and everybody is really giving it what they have, win or lose.

I agree that you only really get better by playing better people. It is when you have to deal with constant trolls in that same game that just drives me up a gd wall.

I figured that I would give an explicit example of agame you can tell you are not going to win very early on rather than speaking in hypotheticals.

Started with an odd split with KT going bot…ok no biggie. Nobody dies super early on either side. Good. And then it begins. Their Mura moves top, I go there to contest. Their Hanzo moves up as well thinking to gank. I bait him into the towers and he dies. I do the same to Mura, and kill him on his way out. Great 1v2 and I get both. Then 3 of my team chases out of lane. I ping them to retreat. They all die for no reason whatsoever. (This is when I know it is probably over). Now they have given the Butcher a very good early game. This latter part essentially happens 3 more times in quick succession. So now Butcher has his quest at 7min.

The only 2 kills we have before the 3rd objective are the ones above. We have 12 deaths in that time. We can’t even contest the first 3 objectives because they are always dead. Lanes get decimated, but if we can stay even a bit longer, then maybe. Then they all start dying in ones twos and threes. I pinged in 3 of these the paths that were being rotated on. Nobody budges. They die in all 3 cases. Still we are even in XP due to me rotating between top and mid. The team is scattered, and on that someone is always dead roll. There is no reason to engage in team fights, yet that is all the team does is run headlong into them.

I move to bottom lane preparing for objective there, and to contest Blaze. (I see three of their team top) I get ganked when I lost track of the other one on their team, and just moved back too late. My bad. 2 people spawn and move to bot to contest objective. I say don’t go bot you will just die outnumbered. Guess what happens next? 4 of their team is actually on our boss by then. They try to contest it. I just shake my head and watch them die yet again as they move UNDER the boss when it is half life, both get stunned and wiped. Case in point. The rest isn’t worth telling, but suffice it to say it is my fault because my hero damage is low.

Did I do everything right here? No. Was the rest just an exercise in futility. Yes. And this was not nearly the worst of it I see…not by a mile.

This kind of thing is not rare. It is commonplace. Those that are in higher end leagues do not experience this, and I am not really sure they can understand how bad it can really be. Sure at the top end, there is a whole different kind of wth?!? Not focusing the right person, timings are not lined up, rotations are too slow, etc. But it is a totally different experience than what players go through at the lower leagues.

Turn off team chat and invites, queue only for QM, and play it like it’s a single-player game with really wonky AI. It’s working for me surprisingly well.

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You know the enemy team is not as good as you. You know it because you fight each one of them individually and it’s apparent they don’t know how to play their character. They don’t even do the objectives, they just repeatedly do lane fights. This gives you the false sense of hope that you will win.

For my part, I ping camps, I hold my lane, and I try my best. It usually does not matter how hard or how good I play, because I’m convinced now that the game decides for the player how a match is going to play out (in Quick Match, anyway).

In many games, my team dominates for the first half of the match before it all falls apart. Granted, some teammates need coaching to get to the objectives, but when they do it everything seems like it goes as planned. And then, all of a sudden, the game takes a turn and the enemy team gets the upper hand. Mind you, the enemy team wasn’t capturing camps or doing objectives, but for whatever reason, they start to pound my team, and we can’t lay a finger on them in team fights. Is this because they hit level 20 and something causes the scales to tip in their favor? And the CC! – it feels like there’s more in this game than there is in WoW.

What aggravates me and what makes me want to quit to Desktop is when I know the game’s a win and I feel it, but then it’s snatched away. If this happened 50% of the time I’d be OK with it, but it happens 3, 4, 5 sometimes 6 times in a row. It’s all compounded by the fact that I feel punished even further for leaving a losing game—even if I feel that urge, for my sanity, when the core is being demolished, I can’t do that because I can’t risk the Leaver status. This is the only game I’ve played where I feel like the game itself attacks and antagonizes the player. I can’t win with this game. And I just don’t feel like I can play a losing game. Even when I win, I feel bad for the enemy because something about how the game was won never feels deserved.

What are these other games you are speaking of ? Fortnite ? PubG ? what game do you play that never loose 6 games in a row ?

Games where you still have fun even if you lose, I suppose. The entire object of HotS is to win the match and to wear it on your sleeve like a badge.

Sounds like a personal choice to me, So you’re saying in any other games you or your teammates never throw or baby rage ?

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You are right, my win rate increased like 15% after I stopped asking people to lane and started laning myself, even doing 2 lanes at once.

And would you know it, games I thought completely lost, we turned around with a 2 level lead because I soaked so much exp they couldn’t feed even if they tried to.

You gotta do everything yourself in this game apparently, at least in low ranks. But it does work.

Only in higher ranks you can trust teammates to do essentials and basics like soaking.

In lower ranks, you have to be the butler of the team. Doing all that boring, invisible, thankless background work nobody wants to do, but is necessary or the mansion crumbles down.


I didn’t specifically name other games, but I wanted to separate HotS from my other gaming experiences for a reason. It is different. Do you want to compare HotS to PUBG? Two very different games. In PUBG, CoD: Warzone, Fortnite, etc., you can leave and join as many games as you want without it having any serious impact or having any consequence on anything, really. Why is HotS doing so terribly next to other MOBA games? On Twitch, there are nearly more people streaming Diablo II than HotS, and that game is 20 years old!

I’ve tried other MOBA games, like Smite, DotA, and LoL. And while I don’t care for the MOBA genre that much, or those games’ characters, it’s pretty clear they are games that are thriving, while HotS is crumbling (Blizzard pulled a bunch of developers from HotS). There’s a reason for this. Even if I don’t know precisely what it is, I know that it’s not a good sign for Blizzard’s game.

Why, oh why do I come back to HotS? Because I love Blizzard franchises and character designs. But to answer your question; do I throw fits playing other games? Sure, but I think my problem has been that if I’m so terrible at a game I would normally just quit where with HotS I come back because of my attachment to Blizzard. I admit that is a weakness of mine. I’m working on severing the tie.

Perhaps move on to the many other Blizzard titles? You’re right about one thing, you either win or lose a game in HOTS. If you can’t derive any pleasure in a game you fought hard to win, but still lost, then HOTS really isn’t the game for you.

You can still get that nostalgia you want from other Blizzard games, without the problems you mentioned in HOTS that are causing you grief.

Best of luck.


This is a problem with a lot of players I would imagine. A lot of people sure act as if the ONLY thing that matters in a match, is the outcome.


Why have a competition if you don’t try to win?
It doesn’t mean that winning is the only thing that matters, but if you are there ‘just to have a swell time’, then you are in the wrong mode. I don’t know if you have played sports, and especially those in which you have to try out or go through a selection process. If you don’t put out your all, then guess what, you don’t get to compete at that level. Simple as that. If you are not skilled enough to make the cut, you don’t get a cookie for failing to make it.

This guy is ultra toxic, this is insane.

When I started playing Battlerite, I had lost 40-something matches in a row. Get on my level, scrub.

you really spent hours tagging HUNDREDS of my old post because i trolled u in bnet LOL

thats beyond creepy stalker levels atleast i know my tilting you worked