To People Who Still Play: Help Me Understand

In essence, winning or losing is a coinflip.

Matches are supposedly fair - unfair elements such as smurfs, tilts & co also have a 50-50 to show up on each side. Which means there is a stochastic 50% chance to win. 6 losses should happen once in every 64 streaks of 6.

Doesn’t always seem random, but it mostly is.

Upon losing your rating drops a bit, so the next match is a tiny bit easier, unless your own skill drops as well due to mood. But only stochastically, again.

Solo and 1v1 games can either react more on your skill (temporary adjustment to your MMR) or you yourself will improve, so trying a few times you get better and better.

I tend to lose my happiness about the game, but then after a break I come back and open with a win streak. I scored 11 consecutive wins on Jaina, or I started this season in SL with 40:20. I guess we all do and we all forget about it. Then we lose some and come cry :slight_smile:

While I don’t really have a loss streak beyond 10 or 12, I did have a net loss of around 25 almost regularly (e.g. 5:30), and many forum dwellers mentioned stuff like “I fell from Diamond to Gold 4, then got back up”.

The most important thing - don’t take the winning part seriously, but have your own, winning goals - not feeding, good damage, good map plays, leadership… it’ll come around. Beyond that, just have fun.

And I mean it. I played a semi-smurf in the US. Wood league people were funny. Bronze people were nice and casual. As soon as I got to silver, the competitive toxin has started to surround me and people started standing still, leaving, complaining. Fell back down (I like to blame it on latency), it’s nice again. Like literally, “care guys, we have some newbies and unluckies”, instead of the silver version “wtf are you doing in ranked, noob, go the expletive back to AI, you not worthy, expletive”. In a funny way, it’s almost a good thing to be low.

stacks and smurfs my friend mean MM is worse than before. It happens… sucks but it happens.

that’s more relevant than it seems, playing in bad mood or such will usually blur your focus (you’ll look less at the map and be less in sync with your potatoes), reducing your overall performance and putting you in an even worst mood. I know that most of the times it isn’t your fault, but if you plan on enduring this game to a point of having fun you’ll need to deal with it.
In my case I usually seek personal achievements over the victory itself, trying to die as little as possible while getting them big numbers, my thrill is in the team fights, where I have the chance to outplay people. Even when I lose I’ll usually be satisfied when I got to do something cool. These goals help you get better at the micro and soften mood loss, which will potentially help ya win more matches.
Also, people react differently to the same things, so if you don’t think you’re having enough fun to compensate for the losses then it may be better to cool off, there are lots of games around.
As I said once: we people are awful and will not miss you, so don’t feel bad if you want to leave s2

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Cause the player base is so little they have run out of variety to match people. You get casual players against smurfs cause that is a huge problem in this game. Mix that with the little attention blizzard puts into for bring new players to the game and the lack of dealing with trolls and smurfs causing the current players to give up.

Even in ranked in upper diamond its the same experience, its a 1 sided stomp fest every time where you are either dominated or dominating.

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Whenever you find a communicator or good player, send them a message after and become friends. Play with these friends and use voice. 80% of your games will now be fun.

That would be the case.

Series of forum alts don’t have the sense to realize they’re being a stereotype of something describe about them before they even replied. But since they’re too busy being in offenced by letters, they refuse to read enough to notice that they’re doing that, and instead run off hoping that insulting others will magically make their dismal lives better.

You’d think after a few years of that not catching on, they’d try something different, but well, when they’re too busy being insulted by anything that doesn’t automatically agree with them, they day has to be pretty busy with mindless whining and arm-crossing attitude.

People would actually need to know something about evidence, proof, counter-claims, rebuttals and a myriad of other things that amount to the reality that ‘logic’ isn’t just one that, but hey, that gets to elude them because they can’t get past the concept that contradiction ≠ argumentation.

If you had something worthwhile to contribute, you could be less offended by the idea of someone ‘looking intelligent’ and actually appraise the content to see if it’s accurate, useful, entertaining or a myriad of other things than vernacular unfamiliar to you.

“waaa, he uses words I don’t know, he has to be cheating”

or some people are just educated and don’t take offense that a literal bank of information (the internet) is the means were people can perpetually strive to learn more, do better, and complain less.

Till then, yea, I probably am some dreadful boogie man that’s going to haunt your dreams over not even spelling my moniker correctly.
It’s the not the rhythm that’s gonna get you, I am.

At night when you turn off all the lights
There’s no place that you can hide
Oh no, [Xenterex] is gonna get’cha

In bed, throw the covers on your head
You pretend like you are dead
But I know it
[Xenterex] is gonna get’cha

[Xenterex] is gonna get 'cha
[Xenterex] is gonna get 'cha
[Xenterex] is gonna get you
The [Xenterex] is gonna get you tonight

O eh, o eh, o eh, oo aah


If you have no impact in the game then you might want to ask yourself if you really should be playing. I say quit this is not a good game and it doesn’t sound like you’re having fun.

lol backed off? more like not engage with forum flaming and opinions you think i got all day to sit here and debate on with you all day? i know the pandemic has alot of you staying home but i still have things to do it quite easy to skim over a post

i dont care about this game enough to sit here and waste hours going back and forth with children the gaming community spoke and the game is pretty much dead with the devs pretty much abandoning it

you defending the game wont change the opinion of everyone else as a whole so :woman_shrugging: go off bro forum needs a ignore button tbh then i wont have to remember names to mental block

but the game is bad with good hero design if it was a good game it would be thriving its not and the devs themselves abandon it

a small minority community of gamers liking something doesnt make it a good game

honestly i barely read your post because i figure you would just go into flaming because i said the games easy

it is. its extremely easy there nothing complex about mobas no matter how hard people try to make it out to be. league has more complex system then this game hell even dota hots is MOBA LIGHT

but youll just tell me go play league then i dont enjoy leagues heros or dota’s i enjoy hots heroes i want mixture of good points from league and dota with hots heroes pool which make a great game but people rather defend the game like its fine so its pretty much dead and never coming back :man_shrugging:

anyway i got better crap to do then sit here and argue why people think game is complex /hard/fun/easy what ever

if any of you were right the game wouldnt be on life support so no matter what you say dying game is dying game good luck tho ill use the spare time i have actually playing mei :smiley:

Good games don’t always thrive. Same goes for tv shows, music, etc etc etc. Never did and never will be.

smites player base/ dota and leagues is holding up while you are correct hots never took off even at its peak and most likely operated at a loss and is just costing blizzard money to maintain now

alot of movies/musics/shows atleast break even or get back more than cost hots didnt even manage that so i think its safe to say it failed i honestly yet to hear about a good game that didn’t atleast earn back its cost

Part of the issue of your perspective is that your “I barely read” is pretty much all of your replies to everything.

If you say the game isn’t ‘complex’, that’s an unfinished comparative statement: “complex” compared to what? Typical games are fundamentally easy because the players aren’t good at games; a game with “run right, jump and shoot” isn’t ‘complex’ but people can still get caught on up a bird guarding a death-pit and halt their progress in that game for years on end.

Even if you think Hots is ‘moba light’ it has a large playable roster that dwarves most genre of games; each character has different abilities, ranges, movements, etc etc. By comparison to a lot of other genres, for a casual player, Dota-like games are way to esoteric and they can just put their time elsewhere.

Cool, you happen to be someone that had prior experience from others games, which probably mean someone else walked you through that game. Dota-like games have generally required outside assistance for people to actually learn the game. As much as you want to say “it’s easy”, comparatively, it really isn’t.

That’s part of why the player base of all the leading ‘moba’ games have taken a hit to their core playerbase in recent years: other people don’t want to invest the time figuring out these games when they can hit up other, faster, easier games.

You personally don’t want to put in the time to complete a handful of sentences of your own construction, let alone put in the time to read what other people write in reply. Functionally, you’re in the same rut and your dissatisfaction with this genre stems from your contradiction in understanding the game being ‘easy’ or not.

Similarly, you don’t have the time to be consistent with your rationalize, and you summarize it with a tl;dr of ‘the ends justify the means’. A lot of amazing games (and movies) financially bomb. Misappropriating labels generally just indicates another gap in what you don’t want to understand, and take the reaction of being able to dismiss it as the same thing as being ‘right’.

And since you don’t have an interest in seeing otherwise, you wouldn’t deviate from the notion that you could be ‘wrong’, because you already thought you were right from the onset and thus don’t need ‘proof’ for your own claim.

A ‘small minority’ of a community is how a myriad of products persist in years, and then end up getting a resurgence that then ends up bumping said niche item into the limelight. The internet is full of examples of stuff like that, but you don’t have the time to notice any of them, let alone apply a similar analogy from one game to another medium :stuck_out_tongue:

And you’re not alone in that; ain’t nobody got time for dat.

Everyone stop feeding the trolls.

To the OP: you got a lot of good advice from good players. They are far more charitable than I (a bad player).

Here is my read of your original post:

  • You have an inflated sense of your own skills (i.e., “adept at certain heroes” yet “not Storm league level” – which is nonsensical in several ways)
  • You are not willing to dig in and do the work (i.e., leaving and coming back to the game over and over)
  • You give up easily (i.e., losing all motivation within 5 minutes of match starting, if things don’t look good)

Don’t feel too bad: this describes almost all players, more or less, including myself. HotS is deceptively complex, yet paradoxically boils down to a coin-flip. So it is a superb activity for developing patience.

Just decide what you want out of it, and keep at it. (Or don’t. Doesn’t really matter.)

I am sorry, but optimism in this game is the next thing to delusion. There are so many games that you can EASILY tell are a total mismatch. It is one thing to have a team wipe in the beginning when things are close. It is totally another when all you see is stupid. These are not worth my time, no matter what or how many penalties are dolled out.

As much as I would like to agree, I don’t. Sure there are games that look pretty lost, and you finally get one engage that is game (altering/ending). These are about 1 in 20.

At lower leagues, you will never convince the laning healer who refuses to even participate after tilting. You cannnot nicely ask for the primary/secondary tank to peel a bit more for back liners…no it is the backliners fault that they didnt dash under a keep to their demise, etcetcetc.

The game is VERY different in the trash bin than anywhere else. It is not solved by mindset. It is not solved by ‘getting better’. There is virutally no way to carry a team unless you are much much much better than everyone else on the map. Not just better, but an order of magnitude better…which means you won’t ever be in that spot in the first place.

There are massive issues with their matchmaker that they will never even bother to admit. The current team seemingly has no clue how the damn thing was made. They have done nothing to it except at the very high end of rankings.

Their is zero difference between bronze 5 and silver 1. Zero. Their is a huge difference at any other similar level difference. Some of this is explainable, by simple statistical differences in players at these ranks. But the fact is, you can go on a 20 game winning streak with relatively good players on both sides (for crapastic levels) and then have 50 in a row where you are just utterly astounded at where the hell blizz finds these dolts. It is most obvious the system is wholly borked at the low levels when you go from never banning to ALWAYS banning. It is predictable, repeatable, testable. Yet all blizz says is ‘we don’t punish you for winning.’ UTTER BS. You don’t get to play with better players at the junctures, you are handed worse and worse scenarios until there is no way in hell for you to win.

At higher levels you also rarely have to deal with their craptastic bots. I won’t go into how and why these are so aggregiously bad, but the fact stands. Playing out a game that is a 95% chance to lose simply because someone left near the start, or just stands in town until booted after 2.5 min (not counting the loading screen or the 30 seconds before the games starts) is just stupid to have to do. It is simply not worth my time to bother with these. And the happen a lot.

MOBAs are the only genre that you are punished for surrendering the game. This is senseless. They say a lot of things like ‘you can always still comeback!’, or ‘it promotes teamplay’ or ‘it helps the queue in xyz ways’ This is all nonsense. If it were true, you would never find a game in SC2 ever. The queue times are generally less than HotS (true, max you have 4, rather than 5 players).

There are games that are legitimately over in less than 3 minutes. People will surrender sometimes when the game is still winnable, and the others will play it out (but there you at least get the money being mined from the player that is gone). Some of these get nuts.

This is where almost all disparity at low levels stems from. You have zero consistency of quality down in the crapper. You are punished for getting out of bounds of how bad the mathmaker says you are. There is no recourse if someone leaves early. Their bots have just been made more useless every single gd time they update them. Leaving games that are obviously over is punished, so you are stuck with either playing an extremely frustrating experience out, or leaving in frustration.

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Self-fulfilling prophecy. GG.


the reply of one anon doesn’t say anything about the whole of the playerbase; there’s just too much you don’t care about, but want to revel in ignorance anyway. For those who look to bemone the content release rate by some of the same standards, the other top games would be dead too. They would get the ‘zomg dying’ posts on their community forums but… where are those forums now?

if they don’t have an active community to ‘defend’ that game how will they survive? Oh noes!

No wonder these boards get the LoL rejects over here :open_mouth:

i havent played lol in 6 years nor do i watch its streams my dude i do play smite tho
lol is garbage but has infinite better gameplay from my memory hots has better heroes so again enjoy the heroes and its concept ignore the gameplay and you can enjoy the game even if you lose

idk why everyone assumes you cant be critical of a game and still enjoy certain aspects of it but it is what it is

active community pays the bills and keeps a game healthy btw i’m sure the devs are making rent with your sentiment ‘’ i really like your game over lol’’ ( haha thanks ill tell my landlord)

It has one but i wont tell you were it is as you can find it yourself.

You cared enough to keep on responding to this thread for a whole day so you do care. Also i bet you backed of becasue you cant win the debate with Xenterex and then recort to call us all children.

Those games also got tons of bugs and game flaws even today. People only play those games because they can carry with op heroes that has never seen a nerf for 10 years and they can buy items that can make your hero 2 shot others to dead.

Only crazy man in this forum is you. But you and Montana have replyed to eachother for the whole threads so i guess you are his fanboi.

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I don’t know where you get this from. Of course the majority of people posting on the offical forum for HOTS are going to be doing so because they enjoy said game. Most people who do post here, even those who enjoy the game are critical of may aspects from hero design, balance and game play changes.

If you don’t think this is the case, just go and look at the offical patch release thread. Many prolific posters who enjoy HOTS are critical of changes made in the current patch. You can still express enjoyment for something without it meaning you’re an uncritical consumer of the product.