Matchmaking is the biggest disgrace in gaming history

I’m pretty fed up with getting matched against mobile anti-melee assassins like OPEHIA or whatever her damn name is and Tracer. This game is full of hard counters, some nights we get continuous hard counters, some we don’t. My personal experience with the MMker is frustrating enough that i’ve taken multiple several month breaks from the game. We do get good matches, but we get a lot of bad ones too, more than other MOBA’s i’ve played. HOTS has a lot of good stuff which is why I come back, but a lot of negatives too.


So uh…if hard counters are your beef, why don’t you just, you know…draft? :thinking:

Damn dude he was just making a little complaint, you didn’t have to bust out the orbital laser to deal with him.
Cuz damn boi he got smoked from orbit.

My biggest complaint is that if you can’t make a matchmaking system that is fair then don’t base rank upon that flawed system. People like me like to progress and after playing this game since beta I haven’t progressed at all.

I thought hots was very sad. Nope. You are the saddest thing I’ve seen. Go on, make another condescending post about this now

Why would they? You just vindicated every word put to you.

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I love how you immediately cop out and refuse to actually answer any of his questions and then proceed to post 6 paragraphs saying absolutely nothing. You are the most unintelligent, narcissistic, style over substance person I think I have ever encountered in my entire life. The real kicker is that you never even have an actual opinion on anything, your default is virtually always “Blizzard can do no wrong, here’s an 8000 word post that says nothing”. There’s no nuance, there’s no individual thought or critical thinking, just straight up bootlicking disguised as intellectual debate. Pathetic lol.

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So, you enjoy lying to yourself by ignoring what people right in favor of putting things into polarized stereotypes?

Yea, that’s already a given, please do try to keep up here.

What you call ‘immediately cop out’ has particulars that actually do address what the OP asks, before asking it, and anything else that doesn’t catch your eye you call ‘nothing’ as a way to just suit the status quo; you’re not processing stuff that doesn’t agree with you because it is mindless complaints.

I’ve already written part of the behaviors exhibited by, and the problems from, this sort of reactional mindset so when people demonstrate that sort of stuff verbatim, it suggests they are being examples of the problem and refusing to believe it.

A big part of mindless complaints, due to not putting their mind to it, is they they generally lack context, essentially lie about details, and act like stuff doesn’t matter (that does) because so long as something else can be blamed, they’ll do that instead.

OP here has at least 4 smurf accounts, and of those, those accounts keep pairing up with at least one other person with a settled account. Since these are QM games in a system that tries to average MMR (for “fair” matches,) taking a newer account alongside an older one is going to skew the matching. Good job on not ever realizing that Team Oblivious.

Now I don’t know how many actual games they play in a group, but they do it enough that it is obviously going to mess with the games estimation of where the ‘skill’ of OP sits, probably overestimate it, and then put him into games he can’t ‘carry’ without at least one friend alongside them (which may suggest said players do more work to realize the wins than OP notices)

Since some of their alts have a playhistory from 2018, maybe OP feels that the matching is so bad they ‘have’ to play with groups to have a “chance” of winning, but the largest issue still stems from a lot of matching complaints come from smurf accounts that jump the matching metrics so players don’t “prove” they sit where the game ends up expecting (cuz they claim they’re better than that and reroll over and over again,) and since said player keeps doing it, it may suggest that they aren’t so keen on the contributions they make to the game; their role (when partied) goes through the motions of what wins, but may not discern when/where to do that stuff without the group and thus plays more like a ‘robot’ than they realize, or would admit.

Now, that’s just a possible interpretation from scants of filtered information pulled from site parcers, and there could be exceptions to what I summarized, but that’s the usual stereotype of experience conveyed by default-avatar-accounts that come around to complain time and again; they leave out particulars of their match experience to complain about something despite leaving out details that do influence why they get matched in a particular way – such as rolling a smurf account that parties with someone else – and why these sort of ‘experiences’ aren’t shared by players that don’t do that sort of stuff.
And in case you still haven’t figured it out, you guys are being deadlocked stereotypes that seem convinced that assuming everyone else is suddenly makes you not. Unfortunately, that isn’t ever the case.

The ability for people to ‘learn’ (as the OP wants to claim to do) stems from being more honest about the particulars when the essential conclusion filters out a lot of relevant details in favor of a foregone conclusions – much like your smarmy reply tries to do.

But the issue is that that comes down as being a form of self-deceit, lying to yourself, denying relevant information, and blaming others for it.
The replies given don’t offset what I wrote, and they just embody the problem more:
“oh look that guy copped out”
“oh it’s the saddest thing I’ve ever seen”
“he never has an opinion cuz he has to praise blizzard”

These are reactions that demand the extremes of the spectrum to act like they have substance, and then assume others don’t. I already wrote about that stuff before any of you replied to any of it. Thanks for missing out on that bullet point.

You’re lying to yourself to pull out assumptions on content that you ignore, lambast others for the very thing you’re doing, and provide nothing that deters the accusations presented.

“Oh he doesn’t have an opinion”

Nothing I’ve written praises or defends blizzard, as you try to claim, it’s a roundabout way of demonstrating that the slew of alt-account complainers are ignoramooses that will complain about anything else they can because they process stuff as reactions, rather than thinking it through. All the while, they ignore the thesis (or ‘opinion’) that I presented that people that do this sort of stuff are why regions are experiencing the pandemic getting worse instead of better. Woo hoo, look at that clue train you missed :open_mouth:

Your inability to read through and honestly process information is part of why players, like yourself, have these sort of problems, haunt forums for years on end, make the same complaints, refuse to learn or improve, and sell yourself ignorant lies that blame anything else you can in favor of pretending it obsolves your pathetic behavior.

If said people weren’t having the same problems with other games too, they’d probably stop floating around parroting these types of replies and actually engage themselves in something worthwhile.

But that doesn’t happen, so cue the magical quotes on people that repeat the same thing, and expect something different. But oh boy, wait till they roll another smurf to act like they’re a new face to complain about the same thing, but as something different!

One of the prevailing issues of all these “oh that’s the worse [whatever] I’ve ever seen” is that it suggest that none of you folks have bothered to look in a mirror. You embody the complaints you lambast at others (more so than they do) and you have obviously lacking senses of self-awareness and reflection, so one would conclude you haven’t bothered to see yourself, and realize any of that.

But hey, so long as someone else is “the most” of something else that isn’t you, you can ignore any self-made problems you exude. So clearly High-five material there as you flip a coin and figure out which one of your two replies you can manage to muster as you spew out more status-quo.

I predict name-calling

Literally had to scroll 2 full screens to finish that post and you still managed to say absolutely nothing. Must be nice being narcissistic and deluded enough to think word count and an extreme hard on for semantics equals intelligence or god forbid having an actual point. Can you imagine being dumb enough to think being pedantic is a replacement for insight? That’s a rhetorical question btw. I know you’re not particularly bright or capable of self-awareness or a sense of irony, but you don’t need to actually respond with an 80,000 word essay on the exact specifics of “semantics” and “pedantic”. I’m sure you’ll waste hours typing one out though. c:

I agreed that other games have bad matchmaking, but this one is honestly beyond explanation

It reminds me of those idiots that are like “technically a team of solo bronze 6’s could beat a premade of GM’s and win.”

I mean, yeah, there is a minutely near impossible chance that the GM’s could all lose internet at once, but unlikely. Moreso that GM comp is going to stomp a mud hole and keep trucking.

Minus there are literal explanations for it.

“Literally” had to scroll 4 full screens to finish that post and I read nothing.

It’s longer than two, but it’s not like you’d actually care how ‘literally’ works :stuck_out_tongue:

While you bemoan the length, you’re not offering anything of substance to offset it. It’s long because of the pull of information to connect the demonstrated issue at hand and it also has effort put into it that you won’t do yourself. You’re scared of trying, you hate information, and you elate yourself over nothing.

Your reply just tries to ignore the material (such as the problems smurfs encounter) and just insult me instead. It doesn’t offer the ‘intelligence’ you would assert of yourself, or realize the irony evident in how you keep replying to this with the same ol same ol. Spouting another person can’t comprehend irony – despite evidence to the contrary – while reveling in the fault of it is the joke being on you :stuck_out_tongue:

Being proud of lazy ignorance is far more arrogant that someone writing a few pages that actually conveys how something is a problem that extends beyond a basic blame-game.

When you get tired of being insulted by people not-agreeing with you because they’re more informed about particulars, you’ll probably find a host of issues commonly complained about in ‘any’ game magically disappear.

Also, kinda silly to call stuff ‘true’ as being ‘nothing’ but it’s not as if there aren’t a host of examples of the sort of information-denies around the world that revel in being a problem, and acting like it’s someone else’s’ fault.

Shouldn’t it read “a pre-made of bronzes could beat a team of GM solos”? Not disagreeing with your statement, just pointing out, for mere logic, that’s how it should be in order to remotely have a point to be made in the first place, isn’t?

I mean, the point is that a premade is by definition stronger than soloing, so what’s the point if not phrased like that?

As much as you want to rant against what I wrote, you’re the one who hasn’t provided anything, and then says otherwise of others.

OP said this is the “worst” ever, and provided nothing to confirm that; I listed specifics, and a method for finding worse (and why) and that was blown over by them just repeating the same thing.

I’ve pointed out they smurf and play with a higher level player – that’s not nothing – and I’ve spelled out the particulars of the behaviors one would exhibit – and they have – and continue to do so.

You’re lambasting something only on the basis of disagreeing with it; you provide no specifics, no refutation, and try to pretend some magic other group has your back or 'doesn’t fall for it"

Other people are literate, other people read this stuff; that’s why they don’t agree with you. Could this stuff be said in shorter terms? Yea, my first post was far shorter and line-itemed particulars that I’ve seen gone on to try to explain why they matter, how I drew conclusions and that the stuff spouted by the latest slew of grey-name alts doesn’t hold up.

Your response is a non-sequitur backed with ad hominems for a sweep under the rug. When something spells out your particular response, why it’s problematic, and predicts you’re going to do more of the same, you, among others, have “vindicated every word put to you”

Pretending otherwise is just an example that you’re all the stuff you’re trying to accuse of me, and a refusal of deviating the response just continues to convey that you have been weighed, measured and found wanting.

Your childish tirade is just red herrings that only fool you and the smurfs that want to agree with you out of a dismal self-defence mechanism because they’re too proud and embarrassed to actually read otherwise.

Contrary to what you want to lie to yourself about this, I don’t “need” this but I find it entertaining enough to see how far people lie to themselves and claim otherwise. “Oh man, that guy clearly spends hours doing this stuff”

Yea, that’s pretty much what you’d think, and it’s why you don’t do more; it would take you hours for what only takes me minutes.

You’re the sort who doesn’t know, wants to act like it, and so long as you can tote the bravado, you’ll never think otherwise. And yet, you’ll keep on coming back for more, and try to blame someone else for it.

That’s not the sort of actions that are just limited to this game, you take this everywhere else with you, and persist on the blame game there too. That’s all stuff that’s on you, and if you’d get over your own pathetic and lazy hypocrisy, you’d notice and learn to get over yourself.

I enjoy arguing more than the next person. As such, I too enjoy the responses in the thread quite a bit.

Here is the result of my prediction:

Having read and comprehended the arguments presented by Xenterex, I can see how these accusations could seems justified—if reading or comprehension were not completed. The next post though, I’m having a harder time justifying their use of name-calling.

It was my hope that putting my prediction up (before they finished typing), it would cause them to rethink the use of name-calling.
Additionally, I wanted to use it to farther measure how well they have studied the art of arguing. Form a not-so-random blog I found on arguing called something like “The Hierarchy of Disagreement”, it looks like there is room for improvement by all parties.

We do sometimes, the problem is how long it takes, with leavers making the problem worse. The MMKer just makes some weird decisions, we’ve had our team (Me and 2 friends, roughly around mid plat) matched up with two bronze players, against a 5 stack of diamonds and masters. Happens way more often than it should. Its the newer players whom I feel sorry for, they get caught up in these games and stomped.

That being said, the Mmker does get some good games sometimes. I just wish QP was more reliable, stomps should not make up 50% of the games.

Part of the pragmatic issue of any “argument” is that the formal devices associated with argumentation (or debate) doesn’t actually have any consequence on the opposition agreeing to the other side, regardless of what methodology, proof, or consequence, one can simply deny agreeing with the other as much as the want.

The biggest flaw of arguing is that the terms of what one considers a ‘win’ isn’t the same for both sides; without an explicit agreement on absolute victory (usually via a moderating side) people can toss out whatever at the other, and have no impact because their side has the perspective that they’re already ‘right’, and don’t need to pay attention to anything presented accordingly.

The ‘coin paradox’ is trending again which focuses on an old SAT question regarding the revolutions needed for one coin to go around another coin. Depending on how the question is phrased, it has an ambiguous process that actually allows for 2 separate answers. So depending on which perspective is assumed, either answer is “right” without more relevant information.

The concern with this topic, the matching being the “worst” is an opinion of perspective, but one asserted as if it were a ‘fact’. Since the complaint already thinks itself “right” (how can an opinion be wrong?) they don’t need to have ‘proof’ or considerations that anything else could deviate from what they already said, so anyone that then disagrees with the complaint has to have obvious flaws about them.

So the response then just fixates on demeaning others as the capacity to tote Dunning-Krueger tends to be toted by those who don’t realize how much they don’t know, because they don’t know that they don’t know.

And it’s so much easier to assume everyone else is wrong than to consider otherwise.

Any given famous debate/argument pretty much only reaffirms what each side already thought, and in many cases, the two sides arguing tend to argue around their opponent because from their perspective, they’re right, and the means to show they are right already convinced themself accordingly.