Time for a forfeit vote option

A lot has changed in HoTS. It’s time for the developers to recognize that their game is no longer one where “comebacks” happen in any significant portion of the time. Are comebacks possible? Surely yes, but the probability of such is minuscule.

It’s time for the option to alleviate all the toxicity and hate. Let a team vote on whether they want to forfeit. They are adults, and should be allowed to decide this for themselves.

I have heard the defense against this time and again. “It’s only 20 mins” or “the devs have said no alread”. These aren’t good arguments, at all. If it’s only 20 mins, then it’s no problem to allow forfeit. Devs can (and should) change their mind.

It’s time. Allow forfeit 2018.


To sum up basically every post: No.
To varying degrees of vehemence.

You have completely failed to make your case or actually rebut the arguments to not change. Plus you rely on the unsupported assertion that comebacks are not only nearly impossible but are becoming even more rare.


I always find it funny how people cry about this. The game is literally about you capitalizing on the enemies mistakes… If you make stupid choices and let the team consistently take advantage of you then yes, you’re gonna be down levels and unable to come back.

The match making is awful but its not entirely to blame.


Completely false, so no.


No items, No surrender, No individual leveling, if you want those things LoL is over that way =======>


the reply button ?

… actually rebut the arguments to not change.

Except they aren’t actual arguments. It’s simply Blizzard stating their preferences, which is exactly what I did.

You have completely failed to make your case

Alright, here. The reasons for a forfeit voting option is because of the dismal state of matchmaking. Matchmaking being problematic is undeniable, simply by the sheer volume of posts, both here (old forums) and reddit, that complain about the unfair matchups. Because this horrendous matchmaking exists, it increases the frustration and therefore the toxicity in the game. Allowing people to vote for a forfeit saves everyone time, frustration, and anxiety.

Plus you rely on the unsupported assertion that comebacks are not only nearly impossible but are becoming even more rare.

This is true. Sorry, but comebacks just aren’t nearly as prevalent in this game. Because of laning and tower changes, this game has become extremely snowbally. Mix with this the fact that team matchups are abysmal, and you end up with low probability of coming back. Again, is it possible? Sure. Is it likely? No. Blizzard changing the experience gained from towers supports this point.


See? This is what happened when you removed the downvote option. People like this would just spam their trolling ideas without restrain.

Blizz should have kept the downvote system. Once someone has reached a certain number of downvote for a single post, that post would be deleted and the poster’s account suspended.


But it hasn’t. Nothing in the laning changes make things more snowbally – if anything, it is less so now that the front row of towers give half the XP they used to and tower ammunition being infinite. With just a little proactive laning, you can buy time for quite a few team-fights in the late game to turn things around.


Oh? What percent of games would you say that a comeback is likely?

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The only change I would want is for the enemy core to be automatically destroyed in Towers of Doom if you have more than 20 core hp compared to their core (IE 40>16). Other than that, surrender is pretty silly when a single mistake can turn the entire game on its head.

Any of them. I get nervous when I’m on the verge of winning a match because all it takes is one sloppy team-fight to mess up the rhythm. I’ve seen so many teams play like dirt, only to suddenly come together after 20 once they smell blood and get a few kills while my team seems to lose their focus once things stop falling perfectly into place.


This is completely irrelevant. Who cares if there is some small minuscule chance of a comeback, if the opponent basically does a 180 and starts making every mistake in the book. Is this likely? No, not at all.


Eh might be a problem of people giving up too early as well. And one affects the other.


Ok since this is a new forum and I cant reference the literial 100 times I’ve said this.

Surrender buttons in this game become a self fulfilling prophecy. The quitter proposes “Hey lets Quit, push that surrender button” 3 of the teammates say no its too early to quit. Quitter spends the REST OF THE GAME lobbying and campaigning to quit and not actually playing well.

Surrender buttons in this game are also bad because the entire desgin of the game gives the team behind opportunities to get back in the game. Incase you didn’t know every kill by the team behind grants more xp to the team behind. Every building killed give more experience to the team behind. Kill times are longer for the team ahead than the team behind,


I’m sorry, what rank are you to say that? How much experience do you have in this game? I play with master ranks regularly in hero league right now, and it all depends on team comp for when that happens. What your team excels at and if either team decided to draft in a weird way or not (hint, they usually don’t).

Because our ideas are vastly different on this ‘minuscule’ chance. When does the minuscule chance start? And no, I would never go so far as to just make up a fairy tale of ‘suddenly the enemy decides to completely potato for no reason’


So having a stance on something YOU personally do not agree with, its a troll?

Sure mate.

I don’t want a surrender option either but saying someone has troll ideas just because they believe its what the game needs, is just stupid.


This doesn’t matter, whatsoever. This happens WITHOUT the forfeit option too. If a person sees their team as useless and dying left and right, then they will not put in effort because they see it as a loss. I’ve certainly been there. There is nothing you can do about someone dying constantly. So, your scenario is irrelevant.

Surrender buttons in this game are also bad because the entire desgin of the game gives the team behind opportunities to get back in the game.

This is also irrelevant. This game may have “opportunity” in some tiny amount for a comeback, but that has nothing to do with grown adults wanting to make a decision for themselves. If they don’t consider it worth their time to come back from a mountain of a match, then they should be aloud to decide that.


Yes, and you have that choice.

But adults also learn that choices have consequences. When you join a 5-man team for a game and abandon it before it’s over, you’re ruining their experience. So quitting early needs a penalty. An adult should realize the necessary and simple logic of it.

Surrender promotes surrender. They will never add it to the game.


This is another terrible argument. I can just as easily point to the fact that forcing consequences on a person for leaving (and therefore forcing people to play matches they don’t want to complete) means that person’s experience is ruined. That’s why it’s put up to a vote. If a majority agree, then the most amount of people are happy, regardless of what they decide.

An adult should realize the necessary and simple logic of it.

You invoke logic, but have no understanding of it. Read what I wrote above again, and realize how illogical you are.

Surrender promotes surrender. They will never add it to the game.

Both of these aren’t arguments. Simple assertions. Like I’ve already pointed out, forcing people to stay in a match promotes toxicity and breeds negative attitudes.