Stop showing names I deem offensive

Is this soap opera of a thread still going? It is on Blizz to stop offensive names, they are bad at doing so. You have brought up the issue OP, I know myself that Blizz is lax with this issue, but if they can’t even stop unmasked offensive names automatically, then don’t expect them to give you special treatment to block names.

All you can do is report the name and move on, really this is ridiculous now. With cutbacks to the dev team, it’s very unlikely to expect changes to be made to problems that have existed since launch.


I don’t know man, sounds pretty egotistical to me.

I’m not sure exactly is expected of them. They got their filter and whoever set up isn’t as creative as the userbase. Which is pretty much what I’d expect, it seems like there an unnecessarily high standard for that department considering the creativity of a player base can stump devs in other aspects. The Falstad and Kerrigan thing comes to mind.

They got a reporting system to fill in whatever gap for whoever actually cares about it for whatever reason.

I’ve seen unmasked swear words as battletags, it’s not difficult to catch that, they have been doing so for 20 years. I don’t expect a high standard, just something that isn’t antiquated. At any rate, as you say, just report the names and get over it.


Too lazy to create new accounts so I tried to make a few warcraft characters and it’s pretty strict. At the risk of getting suspended again you cannot even use the word “butt”, I don’t see why they wouldn’t reuse their filtered word list.

Only one name I could think of which was a slur with multiple meanings got through.

You are stepping on your foot there. A name that insult other people. That’s a personal attack. There is no other way to look at it.

If you don’t care about it, then there is no need for you to respond.

tbh regardless of the opinion on this so far i am kind of surprised there isnt an option for this in game yet. i decided to snoop around and it has been asked for before as up to around 3 years ago even. not in the same manner as here obviously, but the same relative idea.

which is to say, why doesnt HotS have an option in game to hide nameplates? i saw this in the search take a few forms of different suggestions for it.

  • completely hide the names for all users. they didnt want to see any names. which is fine in my opinion. you would still have the red/blue life bars.

  • hide only enemy names or only allied names. i think this one was one sided. it didnt seem all that useful. if you are going to hide names i think you should hide them all. thats my opinion on that. maybe someone else as other opinions.

  • change the displayed name from the user name to the hero name. (i.e from BattleTag#1234 to Abathur). i liked this a lot because honestly the reason the person suggested it was very valid. there are a lot of skins. maybe it is hard to recognize a hero immediately with all the different skins. where the hero name being displayed isnt confusing at all. its kind of the same reason in Draft they have normal portraits now instead of the old animated skin portraits. obviously this would be an ‘option’ you tick off in your settings and not something on all the time if it got implemented. its not something i personally have problems with, but i understand it.

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kek, I keep getting matched with a Li Li main player who keeps spamming “You’re a meanie”, THAT should be a felony! :cry:


We’ve got a special snow flake people. Sensitive and easily offended.

why are we still feeding the troll here?

Dude if you’re offended by seeing “bad words” in text on the internet, then you should get off the internet. Sorry to say, but this is how it’s always been, and it will never change. It is what it is. Get used to it. Or go away.

Im going to take a guess and say the J word is Jew…

Jew is just a word thats used when talking about some from a specific religion , in some cases people use it to call someone cheap but thats a different matter .

Words are just that words.

If simple words like that even just regular swear can cause you this much distress you are not ready for the real word … Or internet world i guess ? Still , unless someone is litterally thretening to harm you or kill you , why care so much ?

Ive been insulted in the pass , so what lol ? Its life . some people are just bad and they can be found in any country, religions, town or city , familly and gender.

Most insults are never original to begin with lol :joy: except that one guy who called me an “authistic f@#$ nugget” , THAT was a nice one lolll.

Stop being offended by such things.

The J word?

Anyway, no word should be censored; it just gives them power and encourages wimps like you to be loud.

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Whines about being “offended” by words on the internet. Proceeds to make trivial attempts to insult those who disagree

If seeing words on a screen bothers you then it is a personal problem. “Offended” can be ANYTHING. One could say your name is offensive. It has “Rax” in it which sounds like Racks which can be used to objectify women. Or I could say your name is just not pleasing for me to read so I find it offensive so I demand you be reported for it. If it bothers you then don’t read it/look at it/pay attention to it/let it bother you. Report it and move on with your life or just report it everytime you see it. Heck SS it and email it to Blizzard if it has you in your feelings this bad.

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That’s what weaklings would choose, run away. If the human race did that every time they face hardship, they would never evolve.

I’ve said it before, if anyone find that name offensive, they are welcome to report it. I don’t care if it was censored for some people. If it enhance the personal experience of the game, so be it. Also:

Starting the comment with an insult and personal attack. That’s some manner of you there.

People like OP are the reason today’s society is going down the drain. Offended by everything, crying about every little thing there is.

Apparently, once your living standards become so good that you stop having real problems, you start inventing new ones like “offensive names”.

It baffles me how someone can get offended by a nickname or even just reading this notoriously bad “f-word”. If it ain’t a personal attack, why are you getting offended by it? If someone is called “a colored man that engages in sexual intercourse” (winkwink nudgenudge), then good for him? Why make other’s business your personal business? I just don’t get it.

Literally the only thing you have been doing in this entire game is falling for bait. Everyone is running you around in circles. You are convincing no one of your side. This is pretty evident by the fact that your post has 1 like. I attempted to respond to your questions of [quote=“Ataraxia-6421, post:1, topic:15341, full:true”]
With that said, why am I still forced to see the names I have reported “inappropriate”? Shouldn’t the game automatically censor that name for me? Either by replacing the name with Player 1,2,3 or simply show the name of the hero they are playing (like instead?
However, you instead decide to ignore this and get baited by the things you said you would not fall for. Either you are a troll, which is what it looks like, or you are mentally unstable and must constantly be defending yourself and attacking others in order to have some sense of purpose.
I do not understand why you would post a controversial question on an internet forum and expect people to not disagree with you.

I used to be named Kevin Spacey, but my name was changed by blizz :frowning: good thing there are free name changes. It’s fun being ai murky in qm.

This is an offense recognized by Blizz. Which means it affects anyone playing this game. Therefore, it’s a matter that concerns me. And I have the right to state my opinion about it.

Let’s see your definition and what kind of standards do you use to define one person with such characteristic.

There is nothing controversial about the issue I posted in the opening. Blizz recognized it. I only asked them to do something practical. At the instant of the report (censor the name) and on the long run (banning the player, like with all other type of reports).

I say blizz should’ve just banned people with highest number of reports created (top 1% whiners) that would solve a lot of problems :smiley:

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