This is why i take wins of celerity on Medivh

The metal gear solid line isnt simple. Its a very complicated mess that contains a lot of conflicting information, and requires you to play at least 4 games to get an idea of. If you think its simple, you alread excluded a lot of information, or think that a lot of information is easy. And whatever you think is irrelevant there (because its about the average player on that).

The idea is that its all 1 story line. Sure, metal gear solid focusses on 1 aspect, but the total picture contains a lot of spin offs. It might not have been designed like that originaly, but as it is now, its just that mess.

First, its not about medivh dealing damage, its about your teammates.
Second, the cooldowns for portal mastery havent changed, so that an incorrect assumption.
Lasy, you want to get the optimal heroes to go in for a trade, which your portal provides.

Tbh, if you are a master and a medivh player, im seriously worried about your medivh expectations, as i do see a massive ammount of mistakes. You are expecting everyone to follow your playstyle, and consider that one to be the best, But thats a major mistake to make. A mistake that bronze peopel make aswel: it works for me, its therefor the best talent.

Realy. If you cant use a talent, it doesnt make the talent bad, it simpy makes you bad at using it. And you can compensate at many ways, and those might appear relaible. The result remains: you are bad at those talents.

Whatever you say about your skill, if you cant master such talents, you simply dont master such hero, ESPECIALY when such talent is considered mandatory. There is a good reason for that. And i have heard any reason why it isnt. Its always just about personal preference. Or in math: n=1. Its not even close to be worthy to be called evidence.


I can bet it’s just a matter of time people do, or–as it happened with stukov as a bruiser–the playstyle gets killed by the developers who dont understand the game.

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