Almost every game i win is against a GM, you have to be more specific. Tell me the name of whoever you want to see me defeat.
Show me 5 pics dominating 5 different GMs (GM SL Rank linked in some form). If every game of yours contain one, this’ll be easy for you.
Ya know, I just like the extra speed on big maps.
Moral of the story: Wear a Helmet.
Its a funny detail that even if he shows them its kinda meaningless aswel. Medivh just like pre-rework tassadar generaly becomes more reliable overal the higher the ranks go, because more players know how to play with one on their team.
But yes, if someone is bragging about GM, he must prove that at least. And if he cant and actualy is lower rank, it also devalues him a lot there, as that then also shows a basic lack of understanding medivh.
I won both games and i wan’t playing Medivh on either, there are at least 2 gms on both enemy teams. In one of them i was facing the Rank 1 gm from europe, Revan and his premade. And in the other i was facing Janissary, who has like 92% winrate, is also a gm and his premade.
Both Revan and Janissary were on their mains btw.
Game 2, no one is a GM on the enemy team. Maybe Tribal at the start of a season, but not for long.
Congrats on the win nonetheless. They lost a team fight then proceed to chain feed.
Did you watch the replay somehow? tell me how do it. I want to watch it too.
I’ll show you if you duel Karabars.
I dont use helm when I bike but I also had zero fall accidents the past 20 years cause I always drive with both eyes open on the road and always look both right and left before driving out where cars are.
Helms are fine to have but it also make some people drive more reckless cause they think nothing will happen to them since they got a helm on.
So every game you lose is to a Master and under… got it!
well that was actually me , so no problem saying my name here lol
to put it all in proper context, here it is .
quick point.
to me , setting up portals in bird for is almost irrelevant for me, its all about the manual portals.
the whole set up portals in bird form could be completely removed and i wouldnt care less lol
i HEAVILY oppose this point !
in fact portal mastery allows you to be a fighting on the front line and still assist allies with portal.
picking portal mastery increases my damage and my team’s damage since at a moment’s notice i can get them to safety while continuing to fight .
ok, thats it, you’re out of your mind
if you think portal mastery used optimally reduces your damage, makes you play uninteractively and a boring play style … i dont care what rank you are , win rate or what eve else you may want to bring to the equation,
Please do notice you just used the word “still.”
Come to european servers, i can lecture you on Medivh for as many hours as you wish. Gameplay or omeglewise.
ravenform boosts movespeed by 20% baseline which is less compared to the normal mount at 30%
the 50% talent fixes that, which makes u travel through map faster
correct me if i m wrong
You are absolutely on point, my dear Zerg.
In ravenform you do not face obstacles. And those obstacles usualy add a lot more time. So this 20% in plenty of cases ends up significantly faster than the 30% mount speed. Only in open paths the movement speed helps you at being faster. But if you arent crossing those obstacles regularly, you probably arent using his portal optimaly in the first place. As even basic lane changes in most maps already have enough obstacles in their way. And the portal can save several seconds on that. And these seconds can be vital.
This is why even without ravenform portal mastery acts as a timesaver. Because you arent waiting for the portal to finish casting, you were casting it ahead and so its ready when you reach it. And teammates will also see your starting point and anticipate on that, so they can also face the timesaver there.
Portal mastery brings utility to the entire team, while ravenform movement speed only brings a timesaver to medivh, while medivh is in ravenform.
A good medivh doesnt have to be in raven form a lot. In most cases map awareness is already the key aspect to be able to estimate enemy actions, and plan accordingly. Medivh only has to scout when the enemy has several options that both can be disruptive, and you want to check which one they were taking so you can again anticipate.
And last, to get an idea of when the ravenform speed gives a boost, you have to consider the time standing still to go into raven mode. Those 3 seconds of standing still means 300% worth of distance per second at start. So to compensate, you already would need about 10 seconds of flying to counteract this part with the boost. Without this 30% and only being at 20% movement speed bonus, this becomes 15 seconds.
But do note that the portal adds a significant distance aswel before you even mount up. And with mastery, you only stand still for 0.5s (the casting time to take the portal). Without mastery, the cast itself adds another 0.5s here. This would translate in another 5 seconds.
So to get benefits, you have to fly for 15-20 seconds! Thats how low this 50% ends up being in most cases.
But lets ignore the portal to give the speed a better advantage (lets say the portal was down and therefor not usable). Even then, each 10 seconds you save 1 second of flying. Which on a large map in its ideal case can save about 8 seconds (we do not consider a straight path on that as teamfights can move in location).
And this is only an advantage when portal is on CD. Which could be after a teamfight, but its unlikely that you are going to need your portal again quickly, unless a teammate was already failing hard and is about to get ganked. This is sub diamond levels of map awareness then on that player (these are the players that are usualy not worth it to waste cooldowns on).
Only 2 maps could get some advantage here, and those are CH and WJ due to their size. But even then, WJ has a teleport in them to quickly go to the other side, which is faster than mounting up. In most maps, the speed is not going to give enough to consider it worth it.
And if you are chasing a mounted team going towards a certain region, and you cant follow it because of that 10%. You shouldnt worry, you got the info you needed anyway, unless they change directions afterward (but realy, that would waste a lot of time on them aswel. And probably give you a lot of free damage to deal on their defenses).
Is your entire counter argument to this based on the word “still” ?
Still have more than one meaning .
Still as in static or in place.
Still as a time refference or continuation.
In this case its deffinitely a continuation meaning.
Please do explain how fighting in front line and assisting allies is going to decrease your damage or affect it negatively ?
At this point im really starting to doubt you can back up your “expertise” on medivh…
Not saying you arent good but , portal mastery is going to lower your damage ? Are you insane ? In increases yours , your team who uses it , forces the enemy to do more risky plays , commit more , i could go on and on and somehow you didnt even named one of those points !
I now know you dont know tha value of the mount, let alone the value of the raven form, i expected more from you.
wrong, the word “only” can only make you lose value.
xD, the cast time is not 3 seconds, am i in a circus again?
I’m not exactly sure but i would bet it’s between 0,25 and 0,33 and not 0,5 as you presume.
Ummm. No. xD.
I didnt even read the rest of your post because it’s obvious to me that you think that i said that wins of celerity is better than portal mastery but i have actually written 2 posts in the past week detailing why portal mastery is so good that picking anything else is trolling. Me picking wins of celerity is an act of activism and not me actually intending to optimize like the nerds, as i have clarified in my previous posts.
It’s actually as simple as explaining the Metal gear storyline (you are so far from the truth you are not even wrong).
The thing is PM encourages you to stay away from the frontline and encourages you to assist you allies with your W and portal from afar instead. This is because when you dont have the portal CD, any play you do is more risky than when you have your portal CD because it’s an scape.
Also compare these two plays:
1: you are badly positioned, so you use PM and rescue your friend, probably you also use your shield on him to save his life, that’s all the value you get because you are far from both portals, that’s why you are using PM.
2: You are well positioned because you are actually able to read the game and so, you use your E on your friend from a distance, he can get out, then you come in and surprise the enemy noobies, start trading positively, using your shield offensively instead of using it to fix your team’s bad mistakes.
I can’t see and will never see any logical comparison between PM and a good E tbh. It’s just like comparing a 1v1 vs a 1v2.
When you have no cds on whatever hero–not just medivh–do you think its a good idea to go aggro? Oviously not, that would put you in an average disadvantage. If you want to win a trade, what you want is to go in with as many CDs as possible, no matter the hero.
I agree that PM makes you assist your allies, but i have absolutely no idea how you think having your portal less often at your disposal helps you deal more damage xD.
Polokus: I pick the Mount speed because anything which isn’t Portal Mastery is useless and I want to win the hardway.
Also Polokus: PM is bad and for noobs, WoC is 200 iq super talent.
well the metal gear story line is quite simple actually, the metal gear solid one however is a little bit more complex, either way , im a big fan of the serie .
if you are using it like this then you are deffintely using PM wrong .
its about you being on the front line along your allies. not behind them .
yeah , i know . thats why you need to have good awareness to your positioning ,Cooldowns , allies and enemy cooldowns and spacing…
solution ; dont be out of position.
stay at the proper distance where you can hit the enemy with the last 10% or so of your Q . while keeping an eye on your allies and mitigate damage that gets thrown their way. if someone gets in danger, portal them. that way you have 2 ways to help, force of will and portal ,so you dont always have to use both.
for me , THAT is uneffective positioning.
why ? if you are at the back , you arent at the front dealing damage and pressuring enemies, mitigating damage for your allies . and if needed your portals are no longer tied to your position and can be placed in triangles which is far more difficult for allies to deal with.
one is a line with predefined start location.
the other can be a triangle of different sizes or shape , but also just a simple line if ever needed. both of which does not require a predefined location based on your characters location.
if you are ranged attacker , just keep a good spacing and if possible put in a few AA .
dont dive in mindlessly.
exactly ,which is why as a medivh, i much prefer to fight at the front line WITH my allies then stay at the back . to me staying at the back is passive and highly ineffective.
less often ? how are they less often ? they are one the SAME CD as E . whether you use E or 1 ( manual placements ) they both go on the same CD.
you seem to be heavily misunderstanding how to use it , but let me put it simple.
you fighting more at the front = you dealing more damage
you fighting from the back = you NOT dealing more damage.
at this point you have truly shown how much of an arrogant person you truly are.
show us your character screen with all stats .