This is why i take wins of celerity on Medivh

A guy called “Miselfo” asked me earlier today the brilliant question of why i don’t take portal mastery.
To make it short, it’s a form of activism. Portal mastery is the best level 1 talent and arguably the only one that does something, its like comparing a 100$ with a 5$ and a 10$. If Winds of celerity and the other bird talent had their effects removed due to a bug, and they did nothing because they are bugged, no Medivh player would notice because the bird talents never make any impact in any game.

So, am i stupid or am i onto something here? The answer is yes, ladies and gentlemen.

When you take portal mastery, you are encouraged to place portals in bird form, there is no counterplay and no risk involved in placing those bird portals. You never have any need of thinking about your positioning because portal mastery has a great range and gives no risk. This is the purest form of low quality game-design that i have found in this game ever.

But the derivative consequences of using Portal mastery are imo the biggest reason not to pick it: When you are playing a diver or some squishy hero, you have to have an escape plan, if you dont, you are going to die often. Even if you dive, you have to keep some dash or teleport so that you can escape if things go wrong. Medivh is no different.

When you take portal mastery, you are going to be using your portal more often to fix the positioning mistakes of your friends, this means it’s going to be on CD more often. When the portal is on CD, it’s just like when Limingus E is on CD or when Valla’s E is on CD or when Genjuro has no D or E, it’s wise to not take much risk because you have no scape and every play becomes more risky. This impacts your damage output negatively and makes you play like a support who takes no risks and acts like the child of a shield-bot and a taxi service.

I wish Portal mastery was removed from the game, it encourages passive, risk-free, uninteractive and boring playstyle. I never take it, but all who do suffer in the long term because they do.

P.S. Revert Whitemain’s butchering please, it’s 2021.


And cyclists shouldn’t wear helmets because it encourages passive, risk-free, and boring riding. I never wear one, but those who do would suffer the long term damage of being a wuss.

P. S. Here’s a completely unrelated piece of demand I want to cram in this thread because why not.

I mean I’m no GM, but I’m pretty sure there’s a reason why Portal Mastery is the second highest win rate and most popular in that tier in Plat above with Winds of Celerity having a 0 pick rate.

I don’t know I think this is just you nitpicking the almost non existent “detrimental effects” of picking PM while simultaneously showcasing how edgy of a player you are for taking WoC, which if you think about it, only gains value in Raven Form thus indirectly translating to you “having” to use your invulnerable, non attacking, passive form just for an extra 50% move speed… Out of combat.

But that’s just my take on this thread…


Which i clearly explained in my first paragraph.

Maybe i didnt get my point across correctly but i assure you, picking PM has more negatives than possitives and i know it’s not obvious. My intentions with this post are to make it more obvious.

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I thought you play with and against the “cream” of this game. Since you claim to have a high mmr (Plat based on HP) in QM -which according to you, is the more skilled environment-.
So why use PM for fixing mistakes instead of enabling some power-moves?

Nah, it’s just a team-oriented talent, because Medivh shines the brightest with team coordination, in which case, more utility is more power.
But I know you play Medivh (the Support Hero) as a pseudo-Assassin. Also heard you ignore the needs of your allies for some extra dmg numbers.


This is not true, I am 200 mmr above the master tier on Medivh. 200 mmr is as big as the difference between the lowest diamond 5 player and the highest master player in ranked.

And im also as of right now the 5th highest mmr Medivh in europe You can go ask Viktor if he thinks im bad at Medivh. I’ll wait.

This is actually an intelligent question. Because those power moves are better with you than without you. With PM you are not in them because you are placing portals far from you. Without PM, you are forced to always be well positioned which means you are always part of the power plays, dealing damage, increasing their speed at which they are realized.

Medivh gets more value from his portals when his team uses them. This has nothing to do with team coordination, it’s just game-knowledge and knowing what your friend Medivh is thinking, knowing his playstyle. When i play with the best players in the world they come in the portal with me every time to help with the dive-kills and i never use voice chat. Sure, you can compensate the lack of skill of your friends with “team coordination aka voicechat” but that’s like saying a wheelchair is a basic human necessity.

It’s very hard to explain; when PM enables power plays its only because Medivh or his team are worse than they should be at the game. PM only exists to dumb down the game.

For example, voicechat has great value as of today in any moba. You can clearly see that teams with voicechat have a higher winrate than teams without voicechat, but as time goes on, in the highest mmr games, voicechat decreases in value because players get to know one another and their general game knowledge increases, eventually voicechat’s purpose is reduced to reacting: laughing and telling jokes and screaming because calling plays and telling people what to do is no longer a necessity because everyone knows what to do, when, and what to expect.


What is your source sinds you never touched ranked?
You are using heroesprofile as a measure but if I need to believe that your MMR is diamond 5

Look at the image, there is a table there listing which mmr belongs to which rank (gold, plat etc).

I have played ranked at the highest level in fact, i was matched against mostly master and Gm players, ocassionally a D1 newbie which always made his team lose. The last time i did it seriously was when KTZ was released. I had an 80% winrate.

I could tell you so many stories of me humilliating gms in ranked, the one i remember the most i was in the top lane of the dragon map as Dehaka solo laner and i was up against the rank 16 Gm on Greymane, who was his main.

I solo killed him no less than 4 times and i harassed him everywhere he went, i took all his towers and then his keep. All ganks against me failed. It’s to be expected, most GMs are nothing but team players and arent good as individuals.


I look at the image but when I open your profile I see completely diffirent stats, explain this first
You can’t call yourself a master at all if you never touched ranked


Do you reply without reading what i wrote?

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You admitted in the past you never touched ranked. So why should I believe you?

You said a few days ago your canadian and your german. Is everything you tell lies?


I will give you my account and one thousand dollars if you can prove i said i was canadian.


i wish i could post images tbh, how can i do that?

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You need to receive either Elune’s blessing or Light’s or Khala’s.


How can i persuade the goddess to bless me?

Not every teammate is worth saving. But those that are worthy, can benefit more than medivh can on his own.

This is highly dependant on the team. If you can communicate with your team, then this extra capability provides a lot of power.

But even then, if i dont bother using it for my team, i can generaly place a portal ahead of me and avoid its deployment delay. This means i dont have to stand still either and become vulnerable that way.

I do agree that staying in bird form is usualy counter productive, unless you are actively searching for a certain enemy or action of the enemy. But even outside of raven mode, portal mastery has a massive benefit. Even if medivh is on his own.

But for this reason i disagree with this solution:

I think the better approach is to work it into his base kit, but seperate some features from this.

Baseline medivh then can place portals in free mode. And it works as if you are on foot with mastery now.

The talent then becomes the capability to place portals in raven mode without getting knocked out of raven mode. This effectively removes the restriction of the exit portal placement while over terrain (as now this gets disrupted in baseline aswel).

Then the level 1 talents should be equal in value, and no big rework is needed anymore. And if there is, they are generaly more like finetuning tweaks.


Haha, I don’t take portal mastery, simply because I think Medivh is challenging enough, and it takes more clicking because I don’t use auto cast. But I’m also not the best Medivh, so there’s that.

But I’m not sure I buy your argument completely. Portal Mastery’s best aspect is the fact that you can prep allies to know where to go. This empowers your team to be primed, ready to take the portal, and actually can allow them to make use of the portal more quickly when it pops. Combined with the increased range, you can also make much more aggressive plays. It’s not solely used to fix mistakes.


This is amazingly well thought. I will take a while to answer properly, thank you for this comment.

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And yet, the players who stand to benefit the most from it don’t use it.

If you have a link I’ll post it for you.

Someone saw you having maple syrup!

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Btw, I forgot to mention this from the bus, but:
Isn’t always having “your” escape a “more risk free” option?
I get it that placing Portals from Berb is safe, but I disagree that it’s encouraged.

Do you have any proof for you beating GMs or ever playing at high lvl ranked?

Because I only saw your 0 Ranked game acc, this one, which you use for posting.

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