A guy called “Miselfo” asked me earlier today the brilliant question of why i don’t take portal mastery.
To make it short, it’s a form of activism. Portal mastery is the best level 1 talent and arguably the only one that does something, its like comparing a 100$ with a 5$ and a 10$. If Winds of celerity and the other bird talent had their effects removed due to a bug, and they did nothing because they are bugged, no Medivh player would notice because the bird talents never make any impact in any game.
So, am i stupid or am i onto something here? The answer is yes, ladies and gentlemen.
When you take portal mastery, you are encouraged to place portals in bird form, there is no counterplay and no risk involved in placing those bird portals. You never have any need of thinking about your positioning because portal mastery has a great range and gives no risk. This is the purest form of low quality game-design that i have found in this game ever.
But the derivative consequences of using Portal mastery are imo the biggest reason not to pick it: When you are playing a diver or some squishy hero, you have to have an escape plan, if you dont, you are going to die often. Even if you dive, you have to keep some dash or teleport so that you can escape if things go wrong. Medivh is no different.
When you take portal mastery, you are going to be using your portal more often to fix the positioning mistakes of your friends, this means it’s going to be on CD more often. When the portal is on CD, it’s just like when Limingus E is on CD or when Valla’s E is on CD or when Genjuro has no D or E, it’s wise to not take much risk because you have no scape and every play becomes more risky. This impacts your damage output negatively and makes you play like a support who takes no risks and acts like the child of a shield-bot and a taxi service.
I wish Portal mastery was removed from the game, it encourages passive, risk-free, uninteractive and boring playstyle. I never take it, but all who do suffer in the long term because they do.
P.S. Revert Whitemain’s butchering please, it’s 2021.