The toxicity and general state of this game


You’ve created a moba that relies on it’s team so much as a solo queue player it’s dam near impossible to win if you team doesn’t have acquitted knowledge or skill. This is what creates such a toxic mood for players, it’s having no control over what others are capable of, yet they can still weight you down and weight you down alot harder then pull you up. This game needs to take into account what a player does throughout that match and determine mmr through objectives and numbers along with wins. It’s ridiculous how many times I get Mvp of a match and lose that same game. If i’m pumping out numbers relative to a diamond or master player on a hero, but it doesn’t matter because I cannot carry the weight of my team, doesn’t that strike you odd? I’m flabbergasted to think or hear from someone that i’m playing a character or putting out numbers and properly working on balancing camps, objectives, lanes… etc as a high skill player, but yet stuck in such an elo hell of nonsense. There’s no ascending to greatness, it’s being put in purgatory with absolute idiots and expecting you to climb out of a well 100 ft down. I think you should consider and re-vamp the mmr system. Base it on something more important like micro and macro. I look at heros like Abathur and you’ve created a little rts (starcraft) feel to him where there’s so much managment and it’s so very rewarding to do well and bounce all over the place, but even if you take home the mvp putting out max everything like hero, siege and exp in the tens to hundreds of thousands you essentially get told you didn’t do good enough, when you with enough practice and knowledge, know you’ve done everything you can possibly put out for victory. I think it’s disguising how people treat each other and the constant feel to rank. People just cheese there way through others actually put forth great skill and mastery and sometimes one is rewarded more then the other. I will be quitting your game until there’s a great change in how your rank is determined on a more individual level. I also think this is the same problem with OW personally, but w.e. you got your work cut out for you blizz and you’re losing fans fast.


Play TL as 5…done

Kinda late to the game there chief. A VAST amount of players quit because of Blizzards pandering to foreign markets because of a certain countries censorship laws on games. People left when 2.0 happend, Lane Changes, Stealth Nerfs, Hero Reworks, MM forced win/loss mechanics, OW heroes being forced in peoples faces, removal of self voting, unwarranted silences, tired of HL losses, Esports focus and ignored players in favor of the minority of pros, Blizz ignoring negative (constructive) feedback in favor of fanboy blind loyalty, inclusion of Lootboxes and the voting system, Blizzard being woke, Blizzard being a $&#-$ to it’s employees and gutting this game to focus on mobile games for that sweet lucrative chinese money and players throwing the game over “Non Meta Picks”. Im pretty sure there are more reasons but these are alot of what ive seen people react to and some of my personal experiences.

P.S i forgot to add one of the biggest offenders…

Peoples favorite heroes being nerfed into the ground because of Pro Player feedback or those heroes (Specialist class in general) were boring to watch in HGC and Twitch streams in favor of Pro Stream favorites like Genji and other flashy killers.


True, but this game is still better than lol and dota…

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@Shaden, Yea i’m aware. It’s fun to play solo sometimes though.

The main point I was trying to push though (even though there’s been a neglect i’m aware of) every moba and most competitive games have the same mmr system that’s just dumb. It’s like if you can “win” you’re “good” which is not true. Obviously winning or completing the main objective is a clear indication or your puzzle solving skill, how you approach it and complete it. In my opinion you should have almost like a second factor where it’s based on micro, macro, efficiency…ect. What that would include is how much siege, hero, exp, structures, camps and so on, but also take considers the hero, what it’s specialty (whether gaining xp or putting out hero/siege) and how long it took for you to do it in. Obviously the more efficient and the better you do against your opponent you will have higher stat (to a degree) and take more camps, structures and eventually beat them within a quicker pace. It’s truly a very complex system that I don’t even know how to balance personally, but I thought it would be a cool idea, just for the sake of you gaining back a little control for your time. Even if someone decides to troll if you can get some kills and kinda put up a fight or soak, get some camps and kill some towers and a fort, you might soften or revert your mmr. Plus it would exalt a good player while condemning a bad player on proper terms. There needs to be more reward for good then there is risk to reward for bad. If I get Mvp in a match and lose I should either remain in the same mmr or go up a couple points (very very minor upscale) based on how much better i did compared to the enemies. This kind of ladder would start putting you with ACTUAL players of your skill level, people who are putting out and being as efficient (in different ways) as each other. Obviously when it comes to professional or 5v5 (full team) play this wouldn’t be considered, it would be the team who wins, but for a ladder system with millions of players where you’re solely judged based on W/L it’s very discrediting if you’re actually a well rounded player in decision and physical skill.

@ByTheOcean 100% agree the specialist class and heroes like lost vikings or aba, plus the exp system, no farm and talent system is what makes this game unique in a good way. It’s a moba, but it’s not just a moba and they shouldn’t treat it like just another moba.

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Those numbers don’t mean much. MVP means nothing.

Let’s say you draft Vala. But the rest of your team drafts silly things and you end up with no solo laner on your team.

You can…

  1. Go soak a lane as Vala. Do next to no hero damage for the first half of the game. Still win the XP war and get to 10 first so your team has heroics and crushes the objectives for an easy win. Your final numbers stink. You won’t get MVP. But you carried your team with your decisions.

  2. Never solo lane. Team fight the whole time and crush the meters. Watch your team get behind 2 levels and then get destroyed. Get MVP and then wonder why you lost.

Those MVP screens are the worst thing Blizz could have added to the game. They don’t tell you anything useful about the game and promote horrible decision making.

Instead watch the replays of your games and ask, “What could I have done that would have improved my team’s chance of winning?” Usually that answer is NOT doing something that makes you the MVP. Do those things instead and watch your rank rise.


Anyone who’s played the game more the one hundred times knows that all the numbers and mvps don’t mean you exactly did the best, but there is something to be said for numbers a little more. Either way, I agree with you, but still my point is to make a system more revolved around your play as an individual along with your team, so if you get an A++ and 3 guys on your team get F-(s) shouldn’t there be something said? I mean Blizzard acts like “You cussed your team out and rage over coms, while your team where being actual double handed amputees behind a keyboard and mouse? Yeah, that’s uncalled for Mr. HOTSPlayer, we’re gunna have to hit you with a ban.” So you reply “Thanks Blizzard, now I can invest my time in your game and have people who don’t give a duck in your competitive mode. They don’t practice or attempt any type of diligence, but they sure have no problem wasting other peoples time, yet when you get serious and dedicate your time to the game and tell them like it is, you get banned.” You really don’t have to change the system, but don’t protect bad players. I don’t blame people for being toxic, I can see the frustration in certain games and in certain peoples eyes.

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