The top HOTS streamers are playing other games now

Grubby, Mewnfare, and Bambam all playing different games, and now the top hots streamer is getting something like 500 views. Holy moly, I’m getting de ja vu from when starcraft just suddenly died, Blizzcon better save the game this year because it isn’t looking good.


Well they did just get a new Lead Game Director or whatever, right? So who knows, maybe the new guy’s got some good ideas.


I hate this generation that thinks in order to play a game you have to have streamers playing it.

Good God, people.


Probably because twitch is a good measure of how many people are interested in the game they are watching. Some people only play to test out some new interesting strategy they saw somewhere else. So yes streamers are important to a game’s health.


Grubby definitely focusing on WC3 and other things these days over it, looks like he’s only popping in to try new stuff every now and again.

He gets more viewers playing WC3 than HoTS which should tell you something.


I disagree, if a game is good it doesnt need “outside help” of steamers to play it to get people to play it.

Mount and Blade still has TONS of people playing it and that game was out even before Twitch was more noticeable than a fart in the wind.


I think this metric might work for the younger group. But older gamers (35-40+) dont really care to much about watching other people play. We have family, jobs, other things to do. If I have free time I want to play, not watch someone else play.


LOL, this guy leave HotS every week. So I dont mind.
Grubby will return for sure. I think
And the other is playing COD because its a new game and he is having fun


It is an almost exclusively multiplayer game which requires a playerbase to remain playable.

As far as I know Blizz doesn’t release official numbers. So I don’t blame people for looking to unofficial sources to either assuage their fears that the game they like isn’t going anywhere. Or to confirm the game they hate is gonna fail.

You can’t even go by hero releases on that. Gigantic had released a hero shortly before shutting down.


I’m not familiar with that game and had to look up what it even was. I also managed to find average numbers of people playing it

steamcharts . com / app / 48700

If we go by the metric of ton equaling 2000 units, then yes it has about 3 -4 tons of people playing it on average. However, that number isn’t quite impressive. It also correlates with almost zero presence on twitch.

You miss the point entirely of a twitch stream then, I watch for the person not the game, they could be playing literally whatever and it wouldn’t matter to me I’d still watch because I like them.

It’s nice to watch in between things or when I can’t really get into a game. It’s pretty much like popping a show on to watch. Streams have helped me determine whether or not I’d actually like to buy and play a game for myself as well if I’m on the fence.


You will be real familiar with it soon. Bannerlord is coming out which is sequel.

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Mount and Blade also wasnt only released on Steam. So your sample is incorrect.


Worst thing about the internet and modern gaming is everyone is an armchair statistician, a doomsayer, or out of touch. Play the game? Nah, most rather use their time telling others what they should be enjoying or speculating over irrelevant details because they crave watching failure. The nobodies you listed off sound like streamers who stream for a living, they’re going to jumpship to anything if it means more viewers. Correlation doesn’t equal causation, viewer count means little.


Funny, I just watched bambam streaming hots this morning. I also see mewn and grub quite often in hots. Sure, there are times when they played something else. But is it that strange and difficult to understand that one person can enjoy a variety of games?


Grubby is hardly a nobody…dude is a WC3 god and pretty well known. He used to play a lot of HoTS with WC3 on the weekends but he stopped HoTS due to the poor HL experience/simply not having as much fun as he would like from HoTS due to its current state.


Idk when you’ve been seeing Grubby in HoTS lately because he’s been playing WC3 with a bit of side games thrown in here and there.


Personally i dont watch HotS streams because of the gameplay mostly but just to talk about the game and stuff with the community.

Gameplay sometimes.

Never actually seen any of them but grubby on twitch because im not entertained by mewns salt or bambams thing whatever it is.


Bigger reasons stated though were the following:

  • He doesn’t stream hots opposite any HGC games in order to limit the viewership split. He was also casting the Open division which took up a couple weekdays of his streaming.

  • He has also been doing twitch bounties (the new sponsorship system) which Heroes hasn’t offered yet.

  • He reached a subgoal (250 subs in one night) to stream 1 whole week wc3 (instead of only weekends).

It’s many things honestly.


I know, I do follow him you know lol. He’s one of my favorite people to watch, his humor is right up my alley. That’s why my next post had a snippet of one of his messages he sent to his discord