The top HOTS streamers are playing other games now

watching hots is extreme boring, idk, its more a game to play than to watch


his twitter feed had a game on october 3rd or 4th, and his oct 15th post said he’s streaming HoTS mal’ganis in wednesday.

Honestly not a fan of that myself. I don’t watch live twitch streams and what games I do watch getting played will be archived replays that need to fit a sizable critea to keep me engage for the whole duration, as, if I hae the time & connection to watch a game, I’d rather just play it myself. Generally takes a monumental event to catch my attention (like a world-record run for a game I admire of the mechs demonstrated) but otherwise, I’d be there to be entertained by the commentary and usually stick to games that are played solo (so the player can demonstrate their own personal knack) or a limited competition (like 1v1, maybe 2v2) so the direct player can stand out in the gameplay.

If I want to watch other’s playing hots, is going to be unique stats, with select casters, and that’s not something want to limit myself to catching ‘live’ to care enough to bump twitch stats or the like.

Otherwise, if its replays I’m watching, then they’ll probably be my own as I’d rather look at my own play.


Fortnite and PUBG would not be nearly as popular if no one streamed it on twitch.


Yeah. It is a big sign that this game is literally on its way out. So many Master and GM players have complained about the MMR in this game but blizzard ignores it. They kind of have to because there just aren’t enough players playing right now. They could reset the percentage in each rank, maybe knock a rank out and do an MMR reset or something but they aren’t going to do it. Queues take way too long even in lower level play. And then you wait that long and have to play with players who aren’t on your level anyway… it is really frustrating.


I liked the game 2 years ago or so. But I think everything the designers have decided to do with the game, as been to promote esports and a harder meta and bans drafting, and for some reason everyone from bronze to diamond thinks they are in a HGC team and know the best draft in a solo queue. Which is pretty laughable considering the skill differences of players can be wildly different even in the same rank.

Here’s what I think the Blizzard design team was thinking:

“No one wants to watch siegers or splitpushers, teamfights will bring in the esports viewers and hype! Make unlimited tower ammo, rework Azmodan to be a mage, get rid of all those characters with bribe and repairbot, from now on I want you guys to make epic teamfight characters, I’d just delete the entire PVE side of the game if I could get away with it”

The hardcore PVP team deathmatch HGC fans basically killed the game.

I came to the game because it was Blizzard characters, and I wanted to try a MOBA that was faster and with less pointlessly pedantic mechanics, like last hitting, buy orders and gold farming.

But now it resembles more of an Overwatch mod for Starcraft.


Yep. All great points. The game is fun the way it is. Just not competitive because it comes down to the team with the worst player loses and it is a roll of the dice as to if you are playing in gold and you are the team that gets the silver 4 kid because match making can’t find enough people. Or you are GM and have to play with a diamond or even a platinum player. Just stay in QM and keep chat muted or better yet just play AI.

He’s not gone for good but he is definitely wishing the game had some changes. He still likes the game but like everyone there are issues he wished were fixed/features added.


Who cares? Do you have fun or not? If not, then leave, if so, then play.


are you confused as to what the OP is saying?
Because they aren’t suggesting that people need to stream in order for other people to play. Just that, with a lot of popular streamers not playing much anymore and others barely getting more views, it’s a big sign that the game really is dying (triggering their flashbacks to when starcraft suddenly died).

When a game is surrounded by a stench of rot for months (complete with ever worsening matchmaking that could at least be partially explained by a hemorrhaging playerbase) and big streamers play less and less (and eventually just start doing mostly other things), there’s a good chance that overall interest has waned.


I would add that he 4 weeks wait to get a rework of 2 heroes you don’t play to then wait for 4 more to get a new hero does take a toll on the motivation to play.
I do think people would be less bored if we had a 3 weeks new hero trend again.
Then again i find it good that people find other games to play, playing the same thing isn’t healthy for the mind.

you cant save a dead game

and I quote " you still play that dead game"

what people say when you talk to them about heroes of the storm me and several friends who are now done with it have quit. we didn’t quit because of this we quit because the game is just horrible between the report function abuse and mm.

uncleganon just don’t forget the type of person you are talking to they are intentionally ignorant. they could unban all the perma bans and the game still would have population issues because of how done so many people are with this game.

Do you expect every streamer sticks to one game until the end of times?


or maybe he just starts playing the game and streams it.

So maybe it’s time for Warcraft IV? :thinking:


How does what other people stream effect my like or dislike for a game?

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Think Bambam streams HotS and CoD now. I pop in from time to time.
I’ve also started CoD after HotS. It’s my new de-tilt game. Going back and forth game to game.

It only effects you if you are a sheep and not a free-thinker.


I’m going to speak from a personal experience.

I very rarely watch streams, I don’t even have a Twitch account. I check out Grubby videos on Youtube from time to time, but never occurred to me to actually check out his streams. So yeah, it’s true, streamers might not represent all players.

But here’s the thing, lately I also started playing less and less. I don’t find myself having the same fun I used to have before. Don’t get me wrong I still love this game, I check up the forums regularly, I even love creating new ideas/hero concepts for this game and will continue to do so. The only difference I’m not spending much time on it like before. I still enjoy couple of games but that’s it. Back then I could play endlessly without being slightly bored or bothered.

Now it might be just a coincidence that other streamers I don’t follow are experiencing something similar at the same time, just wanted to share my experience on the subject with you guys.


If you like hots, play it. Don’t stop playing because Grubby dialed back on how often he does.

FYI: Grubby has been streaming WC3 for a very long time as well even when Hots was his primary. He’s got exceptional cross platform appeal. People don’t watch him because he’s the best - people watch him because they genuinely like him. Most of the players who watch him play WC3 don’t actively play WC3… they just like watching him do it while engaging in some harmless nostalgia.