The thing to do

This company has been going downhill. They no longer listen to their community or care to even give them straight answers. I, for one, will not buy another Blizzard game if this is the new face of the company. I’m not an expert nor am I telling anyone else what to do. I just think that with companies like this money talks and they’re getting dead air from me now.

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The funny thing is I’ve never paid a dime for HotS

…and yet I own every hero. I own every skin, mount, and announcer that I care about. And I don’t care to own all the other mtx stuff.


er, i think blizz is doing alright. I mean yeah, activisions involvement is a bad omen blizzard has very rarely put money first since wow really took off. Hearthstone just got another quality free expansion. HOTS and overwatch get events all the time and wow got a new raid tier recently. I dont think team starcraft has ever not listened to the community on anything, starcraft 1 is being handed out for free now basically because people asked for it after the remastered was launched. Starcraft also regularly promotes community content on the main menu and the launcher, if thats not listening to the community then idk what is. And dont even get me started on the hype explosion that warcraft 3 reforged made and how all the classic custom maps and how game modes like the original DoTA and hero line wars are going to be compatible with the new game so they wont need to be painstakingly re-created.

I guess diablo did go really south at blizz con but diablo immortal had a promising demo and there are still 2 other unannounced diablo projects in the works (one of which was leaked to be D4).

also thats a really odd hero and skin suggestion. cant say id be all that excited to get a vague complaint from a box. : p


I guess they also meant with the HGC and Heroes of the Dorm are being gone or something…

Though honestly i could care less about it if i wanted to (since i cant even watch or know anything about it, sorry :sweat_smile:) , but admittedly it does kinda bother me, as being a Moba or a hero brawler game, it should have at least a grand and dedicated esport competitions for pro players to compete, like Dota 2 or LoL, but they let it go for some reason…

Hopefully it comes back someday and they will finally fully listened to their communities, i know its hard and not easy, but i guess will just see…

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Well it wasn’t just the HGC. They’ve cut staff and funding for HOTS as well. Slower update schedule and more “quality of life” updates instead of content.

True… Oh why Blizzard you do this to us??.. :pensive:

Activation bought out blizzard a while and is now making them cut costs everywhere.