The table of epic stories

I smurfed 1 month ago, was seeded silv 4
In 1 game I was matched with a premade of 4, they wanted to group after the game, and I saw potential in them so I said yes.

There was bronze 1, silvers 5 to 2
We did like 8 games or so, lost 2 won the rest.
At the end the bronze was silver and one silver got gold

It was an epic moment cause not only they got promoted I also cheered them all the way and we had a nice time :slight_smile:
These guys clearly deserved it cause they were playing good and must be stuck in low ladder for whatever reason since their accounts were all 3y old.

Not only I had a good time with them but also it was a pleasure learning to gain their trust to then lead them, cause I didn’t say anything about the smurf, eventhough they might have guessed it :grin:
And it was so nice cause our last game was hard and we were counter-picked, on dragon shire vs a fed butcher and we totally won because of team work and because of a call I made to steal their bruiser camp. A call that I would never had made, neither they would had followed it, if we wouldn’t have connected through all of our previous games before :grinning: It was soooooo nice :slight_smile:

And I was so happy for the bronze guy cause he was stuck there for a long time apparently and he got to feel the silver medal :flushed:


I once cooked minute rice in 27 seconds

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Did u split it in 3 and cooked them separately? Lol


4.36 is a really fast !

No worries. Im the king of going off topic.
I sometimes like that more then the thread itself!

Yay silver medals

If you said 58s like that navy meme i would have believed you

i can relate… like i saved you why the heck do you go back in after being saved from dying? :unamused:

mine is clearly about nanoboost! i got nanoboosted on jaina in towers of doom and both of the cores needed the boss to win. and i had ring of frost ult i got a 5man ring when both teams started fighting for the boss and that won us the game full team wipe and we got boss :heart_eyes:

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I already made a thread for this:

Is okay though, yours has a better title, you may get more responses than I managed. :slight_smile:


Wasnt yours not team based?
(Your the thank you mines I mentioned)
Thiught your more about apriciating other players and this one is more funny stories like I escaped a 5 man gank with 14 health

If this story table is your thread then I close this one!

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Oh no you don’t, keep it open! It doesn’t matter at all, I like it. :slight_smile:

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I will put your thanks for gg thread @ top when im on pc

Back in the day, when we had old stealth, I was a nova main and in one game (cursed hollow) my entire team was dead and I went to contest the tribute.

Got a bunch of retreat pings but ignored them while I poked them with snipe and decoy. It was post lvl 20 so I had triple tap resets and took out the squishies first which left myself and Diablo left. Kept poking him until he was in execute range and killed him too. Then took the tribute while receiving a standing ovation from my teammates lol.

TL;DR, I killed an entire enemy team as nova and capped the game winning tribute.


I killed Hammer, truly epic.


I had a game recently where on Cursed Hollow I picked Brightwing for her Global and because we were against a dive team. Three people said “GG, trashwing, no heals game is over”.

The whole team made great plays, but I got many unexpected thanks for Z saves and ganks from across the map. The best was when we almost could have lost while my team unwisely as trying to take the enemy boss. Fortunately I used emerald wind to displace the team and cap the boss and we ended with it.

I got MVP (means nothing) but I got 7 votes, which was really sweet.

You shouldn’t have, I got too precious and didn’t read the intent of your thread properly, my apologies. Must be because I could never mine the joy mines as successfully as the endless plains of salt. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


If you want this thread , copy and paste it and its yours, no worries :stuck_out_tongue:
Because its satisfying to write down your frustrations

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No, no, no…you make me blush for real now, I’m so embarrassed. I did apologize for being silly. :blush:

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I once Used a 4 man Mosh Pit to save a 10 health Greymane.

Either we both died or just me and i took the sacrifice for the greater good


Oeh awesome! Nova carry!

Spoken like a true elite tauren warchief


Im the king of being silly
^ Is this an epic story?

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My (non-ARAM) record is under 2 mins, but thanks :smiley:

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I was playing Blaze in QM Cursed Hollow when I noticed the enemy’s twin blades Varian was missing. It was after 7 so I decided to check their boss just in case. Sure enough he had the boss down to about half health so I sat in the bush and waited. I sat there for about twenty seconds with him never thinking to check the bush for enemies and then unloaded everything.

I stunned him and dropped a fire patch on him. And before my stun was even over the boss stunned him and finished him with a slap. 3 seconds and the boss was ours. He did not try to solo another boss that game.

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There was one ranked game a long time ago on BoE. It was a big flashy teamfight with lots of colours and abilities being thrown out, and it was very late at night, so I was on autopilot for the most part. I was basically half asleep.
I was Leoric, and was just kind of mindlessly swinging at the enemy crowd, getting those Q resets, and just doing my part in the team fight. I didn’t realize until the objective was won that I had wiped the entire enemy team with all of those Qs. And I saw all 5 of the enemy portraits next to mine, and that’s the kind of energy jolt that caffeine can’t give you

Edit: I ended that game with top hero and siege damage, and it’s one of my most favorite matches I’ve played ever

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