I have 75 games this season at 59.8 winrate. Silver 2. Problem is, every team has a smurf on it.
Funny enough, I discovered that Smurfs who play Tanks are the ones who will carry their teams. All you need is a leader who knows how to win and be effective and teammates of any skill to simply followup and you win most games. The way this game is designed is so flawed. They need to bring back Hero and Team Leagues. I should never be subjected to organized teams as a solo player. I’d also love to queue with others, but the game is so flawed that it doesn’t even give me the option to find such a group (that plays when I play) other than spamming Chat channels (full of political trolls and ragers). Like how do I find like minded players? I need to play 100 games and add decent players to friends? Why can’t we have actual clans, options to find players for SL.
If WoW and HotS taught me anything it’s that randoms cannot work in a team because they have nothing to lose for being bad or little b words…
Queue systems are the worst idea ever. Yes it makes it easy to find games, but the quality of games (specially Free to play games) is very low unless you can manually comb through all the garbage. What happens in WoW if someone in my group is bad? I remove him and replace him instantly with someone better. He can cry all he wants, but I have all the power because it’s my group and I am never FORCED to play with a moron. In my raid team, if you don;t listen and play bad, you’re out. But in HotS, I am punished for wanting to play as a team, I am punished for trying to shot call, I am punished for simply not wanting to play anymore. You see what I mean.
They need a Ranked play system that is teams only. We need to be able to make our own teams like how Old WoW Arena teams were or even what they had for LoL at one point (haven’t plaeyd in years, dunno if they still have that) No previous ranks matter, you rank up/down as a team, teams have rosters and the entire team gets rewards and matched based on the team’s performance, not the individuals. That way an ELO system would work for MMR, because it is 1v1 Team vs Team. The reason it’s 1v1 is because the players control exactly who is on their team. Right now as a solo queue, you have 0 control and are being ranked based on the performance and teamwork abilities of random players with nothing to lose for being bad.
I like Freedom, I do not like to be forced to play with morons in more than 50% of my games. The minute even 1 person on EITHER team is bad, the game is ruined and it’s all about the worst player. Catch out the weak one… win the game. Nothing your higher skill can do because of the design of the game which I believe was specifically designed to not let actually skilled players climb based on their merits (also why you need a 5 stack). Problem is, if you only win in stacked teams, when you queue on your own in diamond (after being carried) you can only play 1-3 heroes and the skill level of a silver because you don’t have your tank smurf who shotcalls. Creating a VERY bad skill gap.
Anyways enough ranting and back to carrying noobs and losing unwinnable games in SL.