The State of Heroes of the Storm A.I

Does it really make a difference? AI is in a bad state. You could even win one handed. And this is really sad for all the AI players out there. Extreme is not a challenge at all.

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So, when a player is attempting to take an objective (say a tribute) and is fighting enemy AI on the objective, and your friendly Uther is just pathing back and forth in the the jungle whilst you get zerged by the enemy AI…

What system is that? Because it sorely needs some attention. Friendly AI seems like its queued for Quick Match and really doesnt have a clue and enemy AI seems like its queued for Rank 1

The enemy AI is far super to the ally AI. Sometimes I just want to try a hero and man it is painful right now. They basically run from every fight and if they start an objective and I join they run like I am an enemy or something. Meanwhile the enemy is really pretty good.

I hope this AI change is soon because watching the AI perform in the current build actually hurts. I just had a game where a Samuro player rage quit a match within a few min of starting. The AI wanders around doing nothing and if pinged to follow does nothing at all to help the person they’re following if in combat. It also makes mind boggling decisions like ‘cast Bladestorm out of range of enemies and move away from them in some pointless fashion’.

You’d think the AI would have Samuro move toward those enemy players, but no, instead it moved away from them, never hitting anything.

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The AI is dreadful and has been for over a year. You can put an AOE down on a gate and the AI (Elite) will just pace back and forth while you annihilate them with ranged damage. The AI is a joke and has gotten worse.


An easier idea would be to revert the AI to before you made catastrophic changes to it. You could then tinker with it and I think it would be less work. The changes were apocalyptic.


Yes lets focus on AI instead remove it from the game with QM. That is the reason ppl get stucked on unranked queue

Yeah, just finished a game on spiders where the AI refused to turn in any gems all game. I haven’t played in a long time but I don’t remember AI being this awful before.

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Perhaps you could look into some basic aspects of Alpha Star ( SC2 advanced AI). Even the reinforced learning aspect. Also if just going with the basic system of tactics and obj as u described, perhaps the tactics needs a adjustment to probability to kill. Many times I have observed the AI retreat right before a kill is made.

I had a game yesterday where the AI ran back and forth in front of its keep like it was running towards the well but never used it, it just kept running back and forth.

So since this A.I. stuff announcement, we’ve had two patches.

Patch 49.4 just came out as of typing this.

Still no A.I. changes in the patch notes.

Can we please receive some news on what’s happening with updating the A.I.? Is there an estimation as to when to expect those changes to go live?



You seem like a nice fellow. Maybe have you on In To the Nexus next? :smiley:

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Is this going to extend to player side AI? Or are my AI teammates still gonna not react to anything?

Guess what? I would play AI with like Humans ALL day no matter how broken Over anything PvP anymore… PvP in any mode, in any game is; Rancid, Horrid, Non Family Friendly, Non Socially Healthy, Not fun, Not encouraging, Not the definition of a video game in any way. Videos Games were meant as Entertainment, a way to enjoy ones self while relaxing, a challenge to overcome, a way to spend time together… Its turned into a selfish desire to rise to the top while making everyone else feel horrible… GG feeding the individuals while ignoring… AI is where it is at TY!!

The AI is maybe the worst part in this game. Just give up already, make them AFK in the base, and give the team some XP bonus for the time they are not in the game. PLEASE STOP TRYING

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Nah that’s what I think LOL has and it’s worse IMO

Please remove AI from Ranked matches and bring in the option to safely exit the game if an AI Hero takes over.

There is no need for AI in Ranked games. I don’t care how much you fix the AI System, I did not queue Ranked to play with or against a computer. I queued to play with and against a team that matches my skill level. Real players. Players that can communicate via voice and text, can synergize with my abilities and callouts, and also make human mistakes.

Please remove AI from Ranked.

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Back in those SC2 days of old we had this technological marvel that made the AI question a non-issue in a given PvP setting. I believe we knew it as “Shared unit control.” Gosh, if only Heroes had been built using a similar engine where this incredible technology could be replicated somehow.

Suffering the AI has to be part of the intended experience by now.

  1. Your AI wants to do nothing but lane. It has been this way for over a year.
  2. Your AI, particularly melee, can’t even do that.
  3. When pinged, and you are taking a camp, you have to be in the middle of the camp for them to do anything but stand there admiring…until a turret is dropped…then they instantly pick it up, and proceed to never use it.
  4. They still cannot be bothered to pay, collect a tribute, etc. Examples include, but are not limited to (Muradin nuthugging a chest on Blackheart’s, but never using an ability or auto attack. Artanis going to the objective on Cursed Hollow, and then hearthing back at 100% health and mana, Valla starting to pay on tomb…because she is pinged and you are paying…just to stop paying when you are done…aka she doesn’t pay. Note I am just using the heroes I remember, but this is true with all of them).
  5. even when pinged, their behavior is erratic.(likely competing logic trees)
  6. Butcher’s abilities…charge in, and then immediately run, even if you outnumber them 5 to 1, and if he just Q’s the opposing hero dies. Or…thinks it’s a good idea to E into the middle of 5 full health targets, and pick the one with the highest hitpoint pool…and then see above.

Some of this you have FINALLY seemed to address in the current PTR.
Please spend more than 5 minutes on your AI, seeing as how we are punished for leaving games where 1 person sits in town for 2.5 minutes (3+ if you count they have 30seconds to even start, + load screen + draft(if applicable). Another just leaves…yet the people that are left have to play out a total farking waste of everyone’s time. It isn’t fun for either side, yet you simply have done nothing but let your AI sit on the shelf for years, and then tweaking it to make it even bloody worse.

I (don’t) apologize if this is harsh, but is it seriously too much to expect a company of your (now passed) prestige to make an AI that even matches what was done in the 90s?

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You A.I. has been deployed our custom games but these heroes cannot be stop!