The reason this game is withering away

YouTubers are probably the WORST source to learn from… Imagine someone trying to learn from pally

Not to mention the deliberate clickbaiters who spread misinformation and the wrong mentalities like notparadox


First of all I see Orphea all over Gold + on streams I watch. Nova, Valeera, Kerrigan require higher levels of team coordination than most other heroes and a significant size of the the playerbase is unable to attain those heroes full potenetial. Most Raynors cant even stutter step well or even read a mini map… but those people are going to qwe on kerrigan correctly for a given situation

That’s what Recall does to you.

Its like, deja vu.

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Just Blink and maybe it will go away. Try it 3 times.

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K I’m back, what have I missed?

Immediately spots a Hailfail thread detailing how the game is “withering away” because heroes historically known for being unfun to play against aren’t getting buffs

Glad to see I’ve missed absolutely nothing.

Btw, you forgot Tracer and Fenix.


The typical player is actually pretty bad at games. One of the biggest ways to tell that stems from the difficulty curves seen in some action or rpg games; stuff that was ‘hard’ was based on players not knowing certain things about the game, so once they do know, the difficulty is completely gone and some can feel outright silly when they see how other players marginalize those ‘hard’ moments without needing to grind for x-amount of levels.

People tend to impose certain rules on how they thing stuff should work (such as hoarding healing items in Fire Emblem games, but then never use them) and then get very authoritative with wrong information.

Some players may know the ‘basics’ in other dota-like games because of two key things

  1. duration of time it took the playerbase to ‘learn’ to finally do some things
  2. reinforcement mechanisms that force players to realize they can do more.

A lot of people think that gold/items are essential to the ‘appeal’ of a dota-like game and part of that is the accruement of gold becomes an enabler for ‘better’ play. If people see that other players are getting more gold than they do (and thus more items) there becomes a very real metric for them to realize the gap between what they do, and what others do, and thus force a point of having to improve because they realize they can improve.

A lot of topical complaints for this game stem around people asserting their skill, superiority, mastery and so forth in regards to their perception of the game. HotS reward mechanisms don’t directly lead to easily conveyed metrics for people to be forced to realize they’re wrong about something, stand in need of improvement, or convey how bad they actually are at doing something.

World of Warcraft has been in a similar rut: Classic content demonstrates people can revel in being oddly proud of their terrible understanding of the game for 15 years, but get enough a reward that they don’t think they themselves need to improve at something.

The reward/stimulus mechanisms in some games can be just enough that people don’t learn to delay their gratification enough to learn there’s more going on than what they realize. Once the reward feedback stops enabling their terrible play, they don’t look outward to see how they improve, they just assume other players, or the game itself are flawed instead.

That’s why the basic response people have, esp in a topic like this, is just to run loops through blaming any and everything they can before they remotely consider self-reflection.

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casuals player’s don’t know any of this you just listed. and the game is being balanced around the casuals~ they don’t like something… > let’s nerf it so they don’t have problems with it! do they have to learn to deal with that hero tho? nope just nerf it man! who knows. maybe soon the minions exp globes will fly to you through the map cause it’s risky to walk to get in range of the exp globe and the other enemy player could kill you easily if you get near the globe!

in short. most of the player’s don’t understand the basics of the game and they have no intentions of learning so the game is being “balanced” around them. you’re bad? don’t worry about it just complain about the hero that you suck against and we’ll nerf him for you!


I feel like I wasted my time, reading whole thread.


same here. but i don’t see what he said was wrong about “making heroes fun to play against” because it’s true they’re doing all this cause the game is full casuals now. no one cares about learning so they just focus on the fun part from now on.


You will ruin a lot of heroes by trying to make them “funny to play against”. They may be annoying or just fine to play against, but there is no hero in HotS what is funny to play against at all.

Even my Tassadar soon or later makes enemy team’s life a living hell, because he gets 20 lvl Force Wall.


that’s true! but people here don’t realize that there’s no hero that is fun to play against. they just focus on the same excuse “stealth was good vs noobs” then why you complain about it? because you’re a noob yourself lol. but refusing to admit! which i find pretty pathetic when people try to argue with you about something and they just keep on bringing the same excuse about “noob stomper”

remember when abathur wasn’t safe before? when you hide behind the gates and have to worry about yourself cause stealth could come and kill you if you’re not paying attention? why stealth was reworked? to make it easier for player’s to play the game and not worry about it at all. i like it when people try to say “it was a noob stomper”

it only proves the point of why they’re making all these changes for the casuals to not bother learning whatsoever.


Welp, there is one reason I can agree with.


i did read that. she was one of many that actually explained a reason on why it was good for her it’s changed. and i myself have vision problems i use doctor glasses when i’m on PC else i’ll see everything blurry. however those who said stealth was a noob stomper didn’t bring any reasoning they just use the same excuse same thing as anyone else wrote “it was only good vs bad player’s” and when someone say that. it only means they’re calling themselves bad and they’re glad it’s gone else they’ll struggle hard. if they bothered explaining anything at least like Hoku said she said why it was a problem. her vision but other’s literally don’t bother explaining anything.

i played with Hoku before and i know she isn’t a bad player despite her vision problem she was good i like her on tank or artanis cool swaps cool peels i respected her reasoning against stealth and i see nothing wrong with it cause she explained very well why it was affecting her. not because she’s bad but because she couldn’t see well. and that’s pretty much a big reason and respectful too

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I was actually surprised when devs reworked stealth.

Like, “Stealth heroes must be invisible”. I didn’t expect people can complain because “You can’t see invis hero”. Lol


yeah i don’t know man… are you supposed to see invisible heroes? and then they come up with “enough that you can’t see them through the map” :joy: well no shi… of course you won’t see them through the map that’s the point of stealth lol people are so ridiculous with bringing reasoning… it’s literally laughable but they just continue on as if they’re experts while they’re the opposite xD


I will tell you a secret.

In Dota 2 you can’t see invisible heroes.



clearly magic but not because they’re not supposed to be seen :joy: stealth in hots is a meme now.


I always think the same in threads where people say the only reason a hero needs a nerf is “they are unfun to play against.” It often translates to me as “any hero that can beat my hero is unfun to play agaisnt.”

There are some exceptions, some of the old unbalanced infinite quests probably weren’t healthy. Chromie might be an example of this, only because of her extreme range. Still I don’t think she needed the radical rework she received. They could have instead capped her stacks and reduced her range somewhat. But I’m not a dev, so what do I know.


because that’s the translation lol they suck vs that hero? “waaaaaaa it’s unfun” > gets killed by stealth “waaaa stealth bad! only good vs noobs like me!” all you can hear is crying over anything they lose to in this forums.