The Official Unofficial Off Topic Thread

If there are people like me in tf2, they always try to win.
At that time (hightower was relatively new) there were plenty of those, so it was surprising it took that long (it was on a 24/7 server so no one complained), but i can imagine that these days they are as rare as winning a lottery.

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To this day, special delivery will be my favourite map. It’s so small and so chaotic.
Custom servers with 16v16 are just an absolute bliss.

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For me my favorite gamemode is obviously MvM (why would i otherwise have mapped for it). But outside of that, payload is the mode i normaly go for.


Im now doing a age of empires 4v4


Alright heroes, who is your favorite youtuber? This is an important question to see which youtubers you guys waste your time on by watching them.

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I don’t have any. I watch on youtube mostly music video-s.

Only youtuber who makes content for me is a guy, who almost every month invite a programmer teacher to talk about the today and past game industries and video games consols and about similar stuffs. Unfortunatly this dosen’t came out very often not even in every month.

twitch is not my thing, before you ask.
ps.:After i realised you are this samisha, i want to be a friend with you. I send you now an invite, pls accept it.

Will be accepted on Tuesday because I am now stuck in Silver I mean College Hell.

Also favorite Youtuber is Pyrocynical.

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okay, cool.
Can we talking about game making stuffs too later? It’s pretty good feeling finding someone with the same interest as me.


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Cool cool cool.
I think we should know eachother betterly. So we should ask from eachother some question too :slight_smile:
What is your Starsign? of course this is very important (this was a joke).

Nevermind. It’s will all came together in the end. At tuesday at what time will you be avaiable? I will planning my day around you.

I can’t really answer that question for when I am available on Tuesday but expect it being on that day.

I found out how borring I am, I have askreddit, but I dont even know who, i just press random videos from diffirent youtubers

I regret asking this question.

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Grandpoobear (Mario Maker)
ryukahr (Mario Maker)
Held der Steine (Lego)
Lockpickinglawyer (Lock picking for hobby)
Bashfire (Indie music, 16 bit gaming style)
Carbot Animations (duh)
Code Bullet (Coding)
Introspective (Super Smash Bros)
STAR_ (Team Fortress 2)(Yes, I still get melancholic about the good old times)

No particular order.


You have good taste.

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Also I noticed that I follow ~30 youtubers, but only one of them is my native language, everyone else speaks English.

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Not game related, but I’m looking forward to watching Silicon Valley at the end of the month.

Unfortnately, it’s the last season, but Mike Judge is awesome and that show is just hilarious.

Oh I loved that series of games, somehow I forgot about it. I’m going to go look for it again now you reminded me of it.

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I play it now with friends.
My dad wins 1v7 on hardest
We win a 4v4 on moderate

But we struggle on hard because we get overrun. Never won it yet.
So now we are trying 2 will harash and 2 will build up defences

Its really fun to play with friends. Especially when you desperate for backup. But then they send 2 pikemen to fight off 10 knights😂
Thanks pablo

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My favourite youtuber is the game and the film theorist.I would like that he does some kind of hots related theories too.

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