my beginner idea is very simple. It’s based on N64 game (i mean those yellow casette) games. I remember i saw a mario kind of game, but the main character was pikachu…
So what do i want.
- Making a dog what can running withouth tuching the screen or keyboard or the mouse.
- 3 different map (2d of course) one hill up, one hill down, and a straight lane map.
- Reaching this 3 different map ramdomly dropped out, and the dog can running on it withouth tuching anything.
If i done this thank i will try to make jump too and + content and later cames the enemy, and hp mana system through basic water food or something.
any recommended channel?
I can’t really help in that case, sorry.
Haven’t used Unity, yet.
If its just a 2d game which more simple unless your doing a 2.5 graphic game then all you need to worry about is where the sprite is located.
As for youtube people i have no idea. I have been using unity fir a long time and things feel natural to me at this point. Im sure if you type “how to do x” into youtube you should find a video on it. Keep in mind sometimes there is only one video on the subject or none. The trick here is to look for simultor videos. Example might be “how to program a jump” now lets say no videos are on it but if you look up “how to program fall damage” might give some code if you play around with will get you your jump code. Stuff like that.
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It’s okay, i can’t make any tassadar meme either.
I have 2 question
first question:
2.5D game when i can hide behing 2d elements, or i simply look at the game as a 2d game, but the camera is a little upper as it should be?
second question:
what does it mean Sprite? It’s an unseen lane what makes the terrain as a terrain?
it’s okay, first i will try on my own the things and if i can’t find it then i try to collect inform from somewhere else.
Actually i have another question. Doyou guys have a discord with this topic? I mean where you share your daily stuffs and help eachother? Joining to a community like that it’s sounds pretty cool .
A 2.5d game is basicly a 3d game. The reason its called this is because most games are using 3d modles in most cases but you can only move left or right. If you look at a lot of fighting games where you can only go left or right and using 3d modles would be considered 2.5. Most people will call it 3d for short. Now this can be done as well with sprites (ill get on that subject after this) where you have 2d modles but also have 3d backgrounds. Personally this to me is one of the best art styles for games but having that mix is extreamly hard to pull off to make it look right.
Sprites is refered to 2d games. Lets use pokemon red and blue for example. all of Red’s movement is a loop of images. So lets say going left you will see three different images. 1. Hands right by the side and standing still. 2. Hand past the body and a foot as well and a foot behind. Then we go back to the first image. Then we add 3. 3 Hands behind the body and same with the legs. Then we go back to 1 where the looping animation happens as long as you are holding left. But at any point you stop holding left and lets say you are at 1 or 3 it will revert to hands by the side no matter what. I highly suggest looking at a sprite sheet to get a better understanding.
I do not sadly. For me its always been between me and my friend who does the art work for me. Sadly she just had a kid and needs to focus on her family which i fully respect.
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You answered to my un asked questions perfectly xD
We should create a community then. I deffinetly (100%) can’t help you that’s true (edit.: not because i don’t want to, i can’t help you, because my knowledge is not on that level), but perhaps you can find a new teammate/workmate.
You said you are making a final fantasy type of game. I would happily try it out and telling my thoughts about it, but then you must to try out my dog-game too (what i will try to make in the next 2 week somehow), and telling your opinion about it too.
If samisha joining us, then you alredy have a good teammate too xD
We could but i wont be around much in the following month or so but ill be glad to help. In the middle of buying a house currently and my job has me going to diffrent locations to check on equipment that needs to be upgraded. Honestly only had time to talk to you for this long because im waiting for a delivery lol.
This actually sounds pretty cool. I have to learn using the program and some random tips always help. At least i don’t feel like it’s forced my program-use learning.
Can you make some kind of discord or something? I think if we have a free to visit site, then somebody else can joining us too.
I said discord, because facebook and twitter and similar stuffs nowadays are not overused. I have facebook, because i must to make presentation with other people from my university, and I use it for picture share on my job too.
Anyone think Overwatch is worth playing? I’ve been wanting to buy it for the xbox but I don’t know if it would be a worthwhile investment.
Overwatch is in a very odd place ever since its launch back in 2016, if you look forward to a bunch of skins and nothing new for the next year and watered down archive event then go for it, otherwise I don’t think so.
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- My very personal opinion, shooters just don’t work well on consoles.
- OW can be a great time spender, or a huge source of frustration. That mostly depends on you as a person what you make out of it.
- Matches are rarely over 10 minutes, the shortest can be over in 2. There is little commitment in starting, because there is little time investment.
- Huge playerbase, you find matches in seconds all around the clock.
- Certain heroes can 1v6 you if piloted by a pro (Tracer, Widow). It depends on you if you let that go under your skin or just brush it off and focus on the next match that’s to come.
- Hanzo is by far the worst designed character.
- Prepare to get insta deleted and because you are new to the game, you won’t even know what hit you. Keep learning.
- The different heroes with their personalities are a blast to play and feel unique.
- Team play is crazy important, and like in HotS, prepare for disappointment in that area.
- For me personally, some counters are too hard, leaving one hero completely hanging when on their own or depending on who shot first (think Doomfist vs Sombra). Fortunately, you can switch mid game.
Core: It’s a great time waster if you have 20 - 30 minutes to spare.
Apart from that, tell me what you are looking for in a game and I can tell you if OW offers that.
I never understood why the hate. I love the archive events and the corresponding cinematics.
Last year events were very lacking and recycled nonsense, this Archives event which is considered to be the best this game offered because it expands the game on itself and the story even more than your typical seasonal event on top of reliving the moment and being part of it.
This Archive that is so forgettable that I forgot its name is most shallow, short and boring one I played out of memorable Retribution and Uprising.
Edit: Was it called Storm Rising? I am not sure.
I personally prefer playing shooter games on console. At the begining i was really awfull, but after 2-3 month a became used to be…
This game would be amazing on ps 4 too. I don’t even understand why not is on console.
What do you think gameplay wise?
I’m just used to it because every shooter I’ve played was on xbox and I don’t really want to go through the learning curve of playing mouse and keyboard. I tried that with the Modern Warfare beta but it didn’t work out. Tried the beta on xbox, and I did much better.
I kinda want a game where I could not do too much thinking. I like single player story based games like The Elder Scrolls and for multiplayer games I like ones like Halo or Call of Duty where I just kinda go in and shoot stuff. I like playing RTS games too but those require a lot of thinking, strategy and planning. HotS too, it requires thinking. I think PUBG requires strategy too because you have to think about where to drop, who to attack, who to leave alone, when to move, and you have to be super observant. On top of that you have to work on playing mind games with people and learning the weapon mechanics can be tough.
Its definitely a fun game, not gonna lie I wasted a whole year on it until about a month from the Mercy rework which was overtaken by HotS itself until now, playing Mercy and achieving 5 Resurrections, doing quad kills with Tracer, or reduce over 5000 damage from Roadhog’s ultimate into dust with D.Va, or doing dumb things in the Custom Made Games where I max everything to 500% and let the chaos play by itself, its definitely fun, absolutely but it will feel like it will become repetitive at a certain point for how limited it is.
Overwatch Workshop is cool and all but I honestly expected something on the level of modding support instead of this… its nice but I feel its kind limited.
The decisions of devs went for where also not my cup of tea and thus it declined for me.
FYI I didn’t quit because of the Mercy rework, infact I kinda like it because Mercy felt more flexible post change compared to just being “Heal bot” and “Hide then Res everyone” and “To much team reliant to use most of her abilities.”
I love playing Genji with Swiftstrike Build and Perfect Defense.
This is the type of vibes I am getting from this build.
Man I love Rapier + Courage of Ring, pretty OP stuff but flying around the level is satisfying.
I read your words, but I understood nothing. What is the subject?
The footage above reminds me so hard of Genji.
Rapier = Lunge Attack if the enemy is 1 tiles away, if it was done like that damage is doubled.
Ring of Courage = Move on the tile the enemy was slain on, grants invincibility for all attacks for that tile only.
I just keep flying everywhere completely untouched, like Genji when the Swift Strike snowball effect happens.
I thought this was the no hots talk