I did some spells today, having a hard time to find something for “Fear” I am this close to finish the voice pack >.<
Just some context for the spells if anyone confused what each spell does specifically:
Ordered via the video:
Scroll of Need: Gives an item specifically depending on the players situation, in the vid the player had no Gold therefore they got a coupon to buy one item for free.
Enchant Weapon Scroll: Gives the current weapon held a Titanium (2 damage), an Obsidian (1 - 3 damage) or a Glass (4 damage, fragile) enchantment, enchantment is randomly selected.
Riches Scroll: Current Coin Multiplier (from 1 to 3) x 50 = Gold
Shield, Fireball, Freeze Scrolls: Self explanatory.
Quake Scroll: Damage all non flying enemies by 1, destroy tiles up to 20 radius, which causes almost all enemies in the floor to become aggressive.
Fear Scroll: All current aggressive enemies move away from the player, including mini bosses and bosses.
Giantism Scroll: Doubles the damage dealt, halves the damage taken.
Transmute Scroll: Transforms all items on floor to a random weapon selected from the item pool, some certain item always transform to something very specific.