The new allied AI is completely unplayable

I realize that allied AI is probably one of the lower priorities, relatively speaking, but whatever you guys did to it destroyed it completely. Allied AI is constantly hearthing to base at high health and mana, won’t stay on an objective even when you ping it, won’t help with merc camps when you ping them, won’t assist you when you ping it to follow, constantly runs back and forth at the edge of view range, gets hit once by enemy AI and turns and runs. I’ve watched allied AI sit in the base and simulate being AFK. I’ve watched an AI walk from one end of the map clear to the other at fairly high health to hit up a fountain when there were closer ones. I’m pretty sure that pinging the map is like ringing a doorbell connected to nothing, for all the good that it does. And I’m not playing expert mode, here, I’m just trying to get my quests done and get better at my heroes on Recruit level.

None of this was a problem before the latest update. Something is badly broken.


I think I may be the only one that completely IGNORES allied AI (adept).

AI mode is meant for you to practice learning how to use heroes AGAINST opponent AI, not to rely on allied AI. In reality, what did you really expect AI to do for you?

Instead queue up to pair with humans on your team to fight AI. If you’re doing it to complete quests wouldn’t you want players on your team, even they are completely useless you should be able to carry ALL of them and defeat the AI. 2% of AI games I lose, cause MM is terrible grouping me with 2 other support when I pick support.

I feel sorry for the Vs AI players because the AI replacements in PVP modes are just terrible. Just finished a QM with where a bot replaced an AFK Auriel player.

When pinged the bot would ignore all commands or pings wait until it gained full health and energy and hearth. If you leave it un-pinged it will just roam and die solo. It’s quite frustrating.


Once again this is why we need afk forgiveness which was mentioned by the hots dev team over 2 years ago and never implemented


I remember pointing the same out on the old forums and getting downvoted for it and had the apologists say Blizzard never promised such a thing, even after I linked the page where they did.

At any rate I hope it gets fixed soon, you could still win with the old AI in QM or even HL, but no longer, it’s completely useless.


What do you mean? We obviously expect it to work how it did… one patch ago.

OP is describing all of the terrible changes that were made to the AI, ways they didn’t behave in the past (at least not consistently).


Yes, problem is that he seems to imply that he uses the mode to complete quests and practice. Controlling AI is not part of your job, hoping to face down human players in a fair fight.

Regardless, you must pull your own weight and the AI’s.

Ignoring them before and after the changes is the same thing. Fact that you would rely on them at all, is the problem.

I agree AI should be intuitive and smart, but a reliance on them to win the game for you, is a mistake.

Instead of replacing a player with an AI, why not replace the player with an other player? OW does it. Set a time limit within matches: Players can’t back-fill a game that has gone on for 7-10 minutes.

i’m not sure how it’s a problem to want ai to work with you. in pvp modes you rely on support and coordination from teammates; it’s perfectly reasonable to expect some amount of coordination from ai as well

just seems a little backwards to want vs ai players to treat their games as a 1v5


i mostly play vs elite ai but have been playing lots of qm in the past. Playing vs AI has been FUN for YEARS until recently. now the computer is barely able to get a kill. it’s a very sad situation that will not get fixed since it would require a rollback. To be honest, I am angry at this. I am more of a casual gamers and it used to be very good.


Just to be clear, I’m being earnest with my opinion concerning AI.

What you say is true, but I don’t really care if ally AI is improved or is on the decline because of how I view it.

Honestly, I feel AI now, is emulating how the player base really plays. Players go AFK, don’t do what you ask, feed. You had no choice but to deal with it, or leave the game and enjoy a leaver punishment.

Why play a game of HOTS where you’re the only human, when playing a game with 5 humans against 5 AI is worlds better?

Again, I agree.

I don’t want silly ally AI, but it’s been there since it’s inception and it essentially feels like playing a game of 1v5. Improving them will make games feel better for sure.

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The old AI that would replace a human player who had disconnected was not exactly something you could rely on to win, they were always a liability. The problem with the new AI is they now can’t even do the basics. You can’t ping them because if you do, they will not assist and there is a bug that makes them continually hearth or run circles. If you leave them unpinged they wander and feed. There are many more problems the changes have brought, these are just a few.

Who is going to find it acceptable to replace a player at the ten minute mark? With the current AI replacement many games will be lost by that stage. The comparison with Overwatch is not a good one, both games are too different.

They need to implement the AFK loss forgiveness they promised for ranked years ago and simply roll back the changes made to the AI.

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why bother with a dead game move on to lol or dota toxic game yes but at least they dont have the dur hur devs

Can’t say the same on the people who write these comments.


The AI has become worse almost every single time they have touched it. Their improvements seemed to be aimed at making it as bad as possible.


hots playing vs elite AI used to be my favorite games. now im looking for another similar game :!

Exactly. Perhaps my phrasing wasn’t clear. Players with player replacements should happen before 7-10 minutes. Of course there will be balancing of how long we should wait an all that. After that time is reached AI would replace humans instead.

How so? Just for arguments sake. In OW I back-filled plenty of games only to see “defeat” flashing my screen and added to my record. There should also be a timer within that game too. Need to be in the game for at least 2-3 minutes to be given a loss or victory. (Balancing required, or course)

Yes, I agree.

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Why so mad? It reflects the majority of the player base pretty accurately.

While it is also anecdotal, and I’ve had far more frustrations with the AI than not… Recently had an AI, I think Mephisto, place MVP.

In part due to the palyer being good before they left/quit/disconnected… But the AI kept up the play for the most part.

Same for a Deckard probably 4-6 months ago, which as an AI ended up carrying us to victory.

BUT, those two examples are against many more examples of AI derping.

“Some times you gotta break things to rebuild them bigger and stronger :D”
That’s a quote from someone in the know.

But yeah, ai issues are known and if you see any unusual behaviour that is not listed under known issues in Bug Report please post it to that forum.

AI is fine. If anything the AI plays better now.

However if you CLICK on your AI teammate and let’s say you run back or you hearth guess what? The AI will do the same.

AI took a huge dump this patch and literally does the following:

  • Cannot channel anything anymore or channel at least in the last 3 seconds of a vehicle life span.

The current state of the AI is far worse than it was before these “new improvements” were released and there’s a lot of people that already reported so many bug issues with AI in Bug Report forums even on the PTR Bug Report forums too when these were on the PTR.