The many types of Ana players

Inspired by a recent game I played with a not so good Ana player so here it goes!!

Tier 5 Beginner: This Ana player is completely clueless. Probably spends all her time attacking minion waves and trying to dps rather than healing. This Ana player plays her worst than Helen Keller would and probably has worst reflexes than Helen. Usually will be the sole reason your team loses and will have the most deaths and will be outhealed triple the amount by the enemies healer. Doesn’t know she has a sleep dart either and won’t use her ults well at all.

Tier 4 Novice: This Ana player has some knowledge of the game. She’ll attempt to throw heals here and there but due to lack of games played with her or just lack of skill will most 50% of her shots and sleeps. Usually has the aim of Stevie Wonder. Again, probably won’t know how to use her ults.

Tier 3 Apprentice: This Ana knows where to be and her positioning. Again won’t land all of her heals but will land enough and her sleep darts will be good enough. This Ana understands when to use her ults in certain situations when called for. Overall a good Ana and will give your team a fighting chance!!

Tier 2 Pro: This Ana is amazing. Seems to land 90% of her heals and sleep darts. Finishes her sleeping quest before the 10 minute mark. Has a great knowledge of when to use her ults and if there’s a mage on her team… well her nana boosts make that mage a God. This Ana is good enough to carry.

Tier 1 Ana God: This Ana never misses. You’d think Vasily Zaitsev was playing her or something. Complete and utter understanding of which talents to take and when to use her sleep darts. This Ana will easily out heal the opponent’s healer no matter how good that other healer is.

Yeah, that one goes for the AI, lul.


As an Ana player, here is a list of teammates.

The Wiggler – There is no rhyme or reason to this players movement patterns. They will continue to adjust their position by a half of inch every couple seconds regardless of what is happening in the match. Once they realize that they aren’t receiving healing they will suddenly hold dead still and wait instead of helping the team in a rational way. Annoyance factor 10/10

The Obnoxious Character Class – This is not a fault of the players themselves but characters with extreme movement abilities will always manage to dodge a few Ana heals. This group primarily consists of Tracer, Genji, and Artanis. Playing with these heroes is possible but requires an Ana player to learn the individual player’s style and timings. Annoyance factor 7/10

The Alarm Clock – This person is oblivious to the fact that Ana’s sleep dart is often best used as a disengage. They will go out of their way to wake a sleeping enemy even if that enemy has three times their current health. Annoyance factor 6/10

The Straight Liner – This player walks in straight lines and uses restraint when engaging sleeping enemies. They understand that sometimes taking a little damage from the enemy by not dodging is better to ensure a powerful heal lands. This is especially true once Ana picks up Sharpshooter at level 16. Annoyance factor 0/10


What ana do I fall in thinking shes nova???

I like to stack doses

Well if you’re not throwing heals as well… the annoying kind :rage:

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Ana players!?


Watch genji hit that dragon blade like a wet noodle with mind numding and it’s 75 percent

I mean like a stick with mind numbing and it’s 50% spell power reduction.

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seems a bit of a comp dependent analysis. Get a genji/tracer/illidan on your team and suddenly a tier 2 becomes a tier 4.

So far ive only seen two types, the good ones and the hilariously bad ones that basically make the game 4v6. I’ve not seen a middle ground one yet.

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You forgot one more type of Ana player:

The Ana who thinks Sleep Dart quest is the only viable talent on level 1 and chastises anyone who picks the other two.


I’m tier 3 :yum:. I’m not horrible but I’m not great just meh

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I know this is an older thread, but this recent clip made me wanna just say it.

Getting Nano Boosted be like

I have already see ana player miss me when i wasn’t move, i was like wtf :joy_cat:

Reminds me of when I was playing ana with my friends in squad.



The thing is that not moving is sometimes worse. As an Ana player you learn to anticipate what your team mates are doing and you need to lead their movement paths in order to hit them. If everyone else is moving forward and you stop in your tracks, more than likely Ana is going to miss you because she expected you to be two steps further forward.


You forgot the part where the nano boosted player misses all skillshots.


I always want to go that route, but every enemy Genji takes x strike whenever I am Ana. No exceptions. :anasad:

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Or simply runs away.

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I sure love when team mates walk in a straight line, I lead their way and suddenly they stop dead in their tracks because they think that makes healing them easier…


Or constantly sidestep erratically even though there is no enemy anywhere to be seen.