The many types of Ana players

I relate to this too much… :cry:
Just keep walking in a straight line, especially with no enemies in sight.
Also, stutterstepping might be a good strat, don’t overuse it if it is not necessary!

(Also, I hate healing Lunara, because of her movement mechanic)

I’m happy i brought back this thread.

Yup I have seen allies run out of their way to take a nuke to the face. But dance dub step and a Maive literally flip over my shot.

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Not just go out of their way, but use all and every piece of mobility to ensure they get hit by that shiny glowing red thing on the ground no matter how far away they currently are from it.

On further inspection i must assume most of the people i get teamed up wtih are actually cats.

I know this is kinda unrelated to the topic but in my last game I picked Eye of Horus after a decade of going Nano boost (we even had orphea), and I gotta say, it was very useful considering how much of a rare ult to pick…

Still cannot figure out when it’s perfectly fine to not pick nanoboost than EoH a side of “we don’t have mages on our team”.

Pretty much whenever there is a large maps/lots of ganks. EoH can safe lifes from across the map and turn a gank into a waste of time.


Aye of :bird::man::latin_cross:

I prefer Horus on larger maps or with split objectives.
Also love it when allies/enemies don’t really team up during the game so you got clear shots.
All in all, Horus gives greater control over your own game and makes you less reliant on team mates.

And to be fair, killing off a retreating low HP enemy in the Fog is very satisfying indeed.

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