Kids playing ORGANIZED TEAM street hockey IS a competitive experience.
How casual the sport being played or at what level of skill and experience, or whether or not its at a professional level is IRRELEVANT to the competitive experience.
5 year old kids playing Midget Football or 60 year old men playing in a dart league at the local bar are both examples of a competitive experience that has more validity in that context than Storm League.
All amateur league means is a sports league that isn’t a professional league (ie one engage in with the expectation of being paid). The 60 year old men playing in the darts league while drunk at the local bar is an example of an “amateur” league.
Additionally Storm League isn’t a series leagues like Farm League, Minors, and Majors are to Baseball. it is one continuous rating and ranking system. A poorly designed one, not to mention one that’s been purposely designed to produce a gambling like engagement from it’s players rather than one designed to provide a competitive experience.
Storm League is the equivalent of NFT, Crypto, Microtransations monitization strategies. It’s sole purpose is to use behavioral psychology against you to keep you playing in the hopes that it will generate revenue.
Listing “practice’n’training” six times in a row with no inbetween points is creating fake steps to make it seem bigger/longer in a dishonest way that shouts a lack of confidence.
If you assume ppl will belittle practice and training (which ironically (more like a troll) you did yourself when you excluded it from the HotS list), to put emphasize, all is enough is to highlight the text or mention it being “important/crucial”.
True, I entertain myself while making breakfast and while waiting for progress bars at work.
But one of these days, if I can get just one person to realize that obsessing over “skill” metrics and watching progress bars isn’t what a video game competitive experience should idealize towards, it will make me a happy camper.
You won’t magically have a point if you repeat the same baseless stuff.
That is true only to those who repeat the same nonsense over and over again.
If the first step is practice and training, it won’t become another step for every day that was spent doing it. It’s still just one step, which takes longer time than some others. No one assumed how much time that step takes, it could be even a whole year with no other step (like with instruments) and it would still be just one step.
But since you actually have no idea about how that works either, you keep parroting your lines.
Also maybe you should start practicing and gather a coach for HotS if you want a competitive ladder experience. That would help actually reaching a satisfying height.
You’ve never specifically stated once though, of what you wanted in/from HotS. If you’re talking in regards of your definition of competitive sports, water suggested you join a team for tournaments. You said you don’t have time for it.
I mean, what is that you want really? Instead of comparing RL stuff with digital things, give us an example of other games that you consider to have that competitive experience.
So do explain. What is the difference that you’re seeing? What does your SL experience lack compare to your other RL stuff examples?
But no, kids’ league, junior high and up street games, I would agree with you. Not with street hockey among kids, I don’t.
And I still want to hear what exactly is that you’re looking for, or what SL - bronze league lacks in your opinion.
Same comment, same thing I want. I want you to give examples of how other digital games did it well. That should show us what you want.
It’s a pseudo competition ground. It’s a pvp game, most players like competiting with each other, to feel superior. Name one pvp game that doesn’t. It’s as if you don’t know what’s the purpose of pvp game is. If your mentality can’t handle it, had to compare pvp experience to crypto, NFT, MTX, any buzz words you can bring in regarding digital stuff, that is just on you.
You won’t magically understand what a true competitive experience is by claiming that you’ve “playing in an organized team sporting league” when it obvious through your stated opinions on the topic that this is just not true.
Yet spamming games dozens of times per day somehow does.
Sure buddy.
Storm League doesn’t provide a competitive ladder experience. Obtaining a coach and practicing wont change that fact.
All the things you say lack substance. Provide actual base for your opinions, tell us why you think what you think instead of trying to sell it as facts, because surprise, it’s just your misled opinions that make ppl rightfully cautious that you are just a sad attention seeking troll who got back its account for another short run before the next ban. Bye.
That’s not what he said. He’s saying you’re inflating steps for RL sports while ignoring that aspect in HotS.
He’s right. Practice one day, the next day, for the next week, month, year is still 1 step. HotS professional team had that as well. He didn’t inflate it as multiple step but consider it as 1 step, just like the step from RL sport case.
That’s only because you are so invested in “skill ratings = competitive experience” that you can’t imagine the scenario I’ve already posted several times as a “competitive experience”.
“Digital stuff” is just an abstraction of RL stuff. Video games aren’t special because they aren’t somehow in the real world. That’s an absurd position to take.
SL is specifically designed as a skinner box that drives further player engagement. It does this at the expense of losing the existing competitive experience provided by nearly all other RL competitive team sports experience.
If you’ve never played in an organized team sport its unlikely you understand or even know what I’m talking about.
If you have, you know exactly what I’m talking about without me even needing to explain it.
So my question to you is this: What is it that YOU seem to consider the “competitive experience” in SL (because nothing about SL is anything like RL team sports competition)?
That is one useless post explaining how you can’t explain what you want, what you (i.e. subjective) consider as competitive experience. Sure, ded game, but how would devs or anyone can help you when you can’t explain what you want?
Do I need to answer that? Because once I do, you’ll likely cling on to that instead of explaining what YOU want. Typical tactic to change topic, and I won’t bite, not before we go over what you want.
I don’t want what SL currently is. Ded game and all that jaz. None the less, expressing my opinions about it have some value to me as well, as I mentioned above. Remove the progress bars, make the game more personal so that you can see the names of the people you are supposedly competing against, reset the stats each season such that individiuals can compare meaningful performances rather than some amalgamation of 10 years of data in some meaningless abstract form (ie progress bars), and remove the necessity for playing 100s of games to observe a season’s progress against one’s peers.
What I do want is exactly what I’ve already outline multiple times already; the HotS equivalent to real world team sports leagues. In other words, a competitive experience that provides a mechanism which players can organize teams where those teams participate in a competition with other teams, resulting in a ranked outcome based on the performance of those teams, 1st place to Nth place over the course of a season.
Number 2 being too much to ask, I’d settle for a SL where players can expect a meaningful description of their performance over the course of a season where a few dozen games can produce results that mimics the experience described in number 2 above in some fashion.
Yes, if you want to insist that SL is in any way a competition (it is not).
Never said it doesn’t. My question to you was never about trying to corner you but to get a healthy discussion going.
Care less either way. That feature indeed is related to dopamine, sense of accomplishment, etc but removing it doesn’t equate to competitive environment. You just don’t want to see it it seems because it more annoys you, for one reason I won’t say it out loud and the other reason, you don’t want to be preoccupied, fixate on it but just enjoy the game for what it is.
You did not just advocate for that. What are you government or some authoritarian nation spy or something? I would guess not. But think why I said that. You won’t see me advocating for exposing players’ private information.
No. You have no idea what kind of chaos it causes, -ed (yes, past tense. it was done before). I even said reset after 1-year could be warranted, but each season? Heck no.
I already said that is not the case. You still didn’t read what I linked. B5 progress can be confusing because of B6-B10 rank baked into it. I laid out how it is in my link.
Mix between old Team League and custom tournaments it seems. Old Team League, we know why that can’t/won’t happen. Custom tournamemt or unofficial tournament, you still have some options. But you said no to that.
That is…way too comprehensive to mean much. Subjective stuff.
Get out of B5. You’re in B7. B5 bar is whacked because it includes B5-B10. If you’re unable to, that is really not HotS fault is it? Or maybe devs can really make Wood league bar or something. That might really help.