The Butcher's Playstyle is Counter-Intuitive for Ranged Ppl

Hi, Heroes of the Storm Forum

I would like to present an argument for the case of The Butcher being objectively a bad character. I disagree with this, and I would like to state why.

Personally, I believe that many Melee type DPS users, such as The Butcher, are underappreciated by people who prefer Ranged type DPS users. I suggest the entire reason for this is because the Ranged type DPS users may not entirely understand the concept of calculated risk-taking.

As a melee character, you often expect to trade blows, and you expect to win fights by doing this. Moreover, you’re in the line of fire. The frontline is a dangerous place to be (if you don’t know what you’re doing in it). People who prefer the backline may prefer not to get their hands dirty or to take risks, and in doing so, they may miss opportunities to capitalize on aggressive plays that require trading blows with opponents. Instead, opting for situations where they may not engage the opponent at all out of fear of dying.

This is precisely why you need people who are confident in doing exactly that, and that’s what melee types do.

Note: What does Counter-Intuitive mean? 1. contrary to intuition or to common-sense expectation (but often nevertheless true). In other words, many things that Melee type DPS users do simply seem counter-intuitive to people who prefer Ranged type DPS. The reason, however, may be that they dislike taking risks (and this could be a flaw in that mindset).

PROVERB you can’t expect to achieve anything if you never take any risks. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I believe it’s important to take risks in combat.

Extra Note: I would like to point out that it is likely that Ranged type DPS users are reporting Melee type DPS users and calling them “feeders”. However, the Ranged type DPS, as I pointed out earlier, may have a biased opinion toward not engaging opponents when there may be a risk of taking damage. So, they may call many people who are taking calculated-risks, “feeders” inappropriately. It WILL be the Melee type DPS users, and the tanks, who are in the danger zone. It’s contradicting to both (1) send the Melee type DPS users into the frontlines and (2) report them for dying in it. Yes, there is a happy middle-ground with this, but there must also be some lenience in regard to the melee types taking risks. They shouldn’t just get reported if they mess up a little or die sometimes. At least, they shouldn’t be called feeders just because they happen to be the ones dying most often. They’re the ones also taking ALL THE RISK.

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Good read for you - Butcher is beyond broken - General Discussion - Heroes of the Storm Forums (

I agree with this, especially when it comes to melee heroes in general. I wish that the tutorial had you play a melee assassin if you chose damage, instead of Valla iirc.

Edit: Actually it’s Jaina in the tutorial.

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One part of the “tutorial” (which is basically just “hit things”) Has you play as Zeratul.

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It does? I only remember being offered Jaina, Muradin, and Tyrande, getting told what to do for 10-15 minutes, then getting set loose on the actual game.

Edit: I’m not saying your wrong, I just mean that I don’t remember. I wonder if it was just in the experienced tutorial, as I did the beginner, because I’d never played an MOBA.

These are the characters you can pick from as your first free hero.

I don’t think the tutorial was mandatory though. I found it way after I started playing.

it used to be manditory, but has since been moved to an extra thing in the menu players can do for a one-time completion reward.

Yea, to my recollection, the introductory question does actually change which intro the player plays, but other options can be enabled via the bottom-right gear clickable when outside a game queue.

What phrase is referencing is a 3-part mission: step 1 is kill a boss (as valla) whioe uther tanks; step 2 is interupt w moshpit before allies die (also valla) and then ensure your team gets lvl 10 first as zeratul. It’s basically get two enemy ganks, but if you jebait the ai allies into turret range, they’ll die and the enemy team gets 10 first.

Yeah, these were the tutorials I had. I never had a Jaina, Muradin, and Tyrande tutorial.

If you play badly as a ranged assassin in a team fight, your frontline typically dies, provided you don’t position poorly.

If you play badly as a melee assassin, you either die or you contribute absolutely nothing to the fight.

Guess which one is easier to blame?

All the game needs is a simple tutorial for melee assassins as well (a good hero for this is Butcher, who is mechanically easier to play than most ranged assassins).
The tutorial will simply tell the new player to be patient for an engage opportunity, with a very simple tooltip where Uther tells you to stay back and let the tank engage first, then shortly afterwards says “The enemy tank has used their cc! It is now safe for you to go in!” in which case the beginner Butcher can press E and Butcher someone with impunity.

After this tutorial the beginner can apply this in a training or vs AI game for a nice gold reward or maybe even a free Butcher unlock if the devs are feeling generous. There you have it, QM will have significantly fewer clueless melee assassin players.


There’s a significant difference between misjudging the risk in a situation and straight up feeding. I don’t care if you attempt a couple trades and end up losing them, we might get something out of it, at least we soak the XP loss back up while the now low enemy backs out, or we somehow finish them.

Feeding is repeatedly engaging in hopeless fights and running into telegraphed CC and death. Melee DPS might require more experience and support but if you dig an unrecoverable XP gap and keep running to your death, that’s most likely on you no matter the role you play. Melees feed, ranged feed, healers and tanks feed, it’s not role restricted, it’s a matter of player skill (or tilt-proofness).

In the end it’s “easier” to die as a melee but you should never be close to actually feeding if you actually try, bad trades happen and you might be more prone to dying to them, some people will tilt earlier than others and call feeding exaggeratedly. If it happens after reasonable deaths while learning your hero then grow a thicker skin and keep trying (while learning from your mistakes of course, you know the misattributed quote about repeating the same thing expecting a different outcome blah blah), I’ve been called names myself while learning my now favourite heroes, messups are inevitable.

But on the other hand melee DPS are in the same boat as everyone else and if one is actually feeding and single-handedly ruining the chances of a comeback they should be called and advised to play more safely (in a non toxic way, obv) so as to ensure the possibility of a win.

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Fan got a question from one of his streamers some months ago. He asked if he could give him some tips about playing melee and he told him to wait for enemy tanks to use thier cc before you jump in to make it more easy to manage.

Problem is people cant wait in this game. They see someone they want to attack they dive in and die. Way too many players with yolo mentality. It also dont help much that this game even provide those yolo players with quests that reward them if they yolo long enough. I’m looking at you Artanis players.

They could make all the tutorials they want but if the bad players refuse to use them then its a waste. Why you think so many snowflakes report people these days for telling them to what to do ? Cause none of them are interrsting in learning the game.
Just yolo and hope his team carries him. And if not then they get reported.


Yep, melee assassins – and especially those like Kerrigan who really are “all in” with no way out – force you to learn to track cooldowns.

I think my favorite roles are bruiser and healer, but I find certain melee assassins to be the most rewarding heroes to play. :slight_smile:

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To think there was a time when i hated Butcher with a passion. He was seemingly the character i had no answer for…

…then i finally wised up to his game. Now i DESTROY Butchers on a regular basis with minimal to no effort. Get this scrub crap outta here :crazy_face: