Hi, Heroes of the Storm Forum
I would like to present an argument for the case of The Butcher being objectively a bad character. I disagree with this, and I would like to state why.
Personally, I believe that many Melee type DPS users, such as The Butcher, are underappreciated by people who prefer Ranged type DPS users. I suggest the entire reason for this is because the Ranged type DPS users may not entirely understand the concept of calculated risk-taking.
As a melee character, you often expect to trade blows, and you expect to win fights by doing this. Moreover, you’re in the line of fire. The frontline is a dangerous place to be (if you don’t know what you’re doing in it). People who prefer the backline may prefer not to get their hands dirty or to take risks, and in doing so, they may miss opportunities to capitalize on aggressive plays that require trading blows with opponents. Instead, opting for situations where they may not engage the opponent at all out of fear of dying.
This is precisely why you need people who are confident in doing exactly that, and that’s what melee types do.
Note: What does Counter-Intuitive mean? 1. contrary to intuition or to common-sense expectation (but often nevertheless true). In other words, many things that Melee type DPS users do simply seem counter-intuitive to people who prefer Ranged type DPS. The reason, however, may be that they dislike taking risks (and this could be a flaw in that mindset).
PROVERB you can’t expect to achieve anything if you never take any risks. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I believe it’s important to take risks in combat.
Extra Note: I would like to point out that it is likely that Ranged type DPS users are reporting Melee type DPS users and calling them “feeders”. However, the Ranged type DPS, as I pointed out earlier, may have a biased opinion toward not engaging opponents when there may be a risk of taking damage. So, they may call many people who are taking calculated-risks, “feeders” inappropriately. It WILL be the Melee type DPS users, and the tanks, who are in the danger zone. It’s contradicting to both (1) send the Melee type DPS users into the frontlines and (2) report them for dying in it. Yes, there is a happy middle-ground with this, but there must also be some lenience in regard to the melee types taking risks. They shouldn’t just get reported if they mess up a little or die sometimes. At least, they shouldn’t be called feeders just because they happen to be the ones dying most often. They’re the ones also taking ALL THE RISK.