The banners we need them


  1. Craftwar banner
  2. Nexomania banner


  1. Raven Lord banner
  2. Grave Keeper banner
  3. Orphea banner


  • Burning Legion banner
  • Illidari council banner
  • Ashen Verdict banner
  • Pandaria banner
  • The Argus banner


  1. Orc banner
  2. Undead banner
  3. Blood Elf banner
  4. Troll banner
  5. Goblin banner


  1. Gnome banner
  2. Draenei banner
  3. Worgen banner


  • Angelic Council banner
  • The Burning Hell banner
  • Demonic banner
  1. Barbarian banner
  2. Necromancer banner
  3. Crusade banner


Ana, Hanzo, Mei, Lucio, Junkrat banner.

If you have a suggestion, add them in the thread too.


Amon worshipper banner

Twilight cult banner

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Jumpylion banner, Xylord banner.

Why not customizable banners.

Thanks for the thought.

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So, let me to make Daylan77 banner. :sunglasses:

Nice ideas.

What would it look like?

Attach this picture on the banner, A man with long hair and with a long dress of black cloth with violet effects.

I fully agree with the idea of getting more banners. We’ve gotten so many new sprays and avatars, but no new banners over the years. I understand that 3D modeling is more time-consuming than a simple spray or avatar, but it’d be nice to at least have a couple new banners.

As for other ideas, I’d love to get a murloc themed banner with bubbles coming off of it, or even a Kirin Tor banner. I’d also love to see animated banners, since they are the most unique sets of cosmetics in Heroes of the Storm. The “upgraded” banners, such as the warbanners, should be animated and have something special to them, at least in my opinion.

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