Thanks for a GG - Deposit your joy here!

Heh, she is a good friend of mine, and hates playing tanks. So of course, every time we do ARAM together, she gets nothing but tanks! She is one of the best Mephistos I know personally, and she does play a meeeeeaaaan Tyrande.

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I haven’t noticed her name :dizzy_face:

Their Azma? Yeah. He looks better then me here, despite almost the same build. Indeed he gathered stacks faster then me [9min vs 11 min], tossed better dunks, scored higher numbers…

But he was damn greedy and his positioning was crap. It was so easy for our KTZ to chain him, despite all the range the dunk has. In fact I killed him 3-4 times and I didn’t die a single time from his dunks. He paid 5 more deaths then me for this greed…

In the end, my team won. And MVP belongs to me :]. Ladies and gentleman, another proof that good positioning wins games. Not raw numbers.

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Not one but two of us had
That quest

First time posting in this thread.

I’m so happy Karma is finally coming to Blizzard.

Oh TigerShark, you have the wrong thread, you should post that kind of stuff over here instead. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I know what I’m doing. This thread is for joy, correct?

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Last Spacegoat standing?

Eh and a Daemon

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This is fine.

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Always a like for a super Brightwing game! Good to see you back Dr. Logan, “The Lost Feeders?” :laughing:


Your draft is so weird it made sense
Did you win because I saw anabanana ragequit at the bot right



Where will we end up… dies

He was raging by flying into enemies.


That one Deckard player, that picked Perfect Gems on 20, but picked no gem talents at all…

Fortuantely he was one of 2 Deckards in my team, and I played Chromie. It was one of the most enjoyable ARAMs I ever played and ez win.


This should really be in the Salt Mines, but I must admit I laughed out loud reading that. I’ve seen some wacky builds in my games, but never that particular one. Perhaps the Cain misclicked his talent? I want to believe that. :innocent:


Played in party, got a friend randomly in SL in my team (and his friends). We won because they played around me (and because enemy solo laner was Thrall lmao).


Well you were in a 4 men :stuck_out_tongue: so its a 4v4
Still wp double exp

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I must admit I’d love to see AnaBanana play Tyrande and it’s good to see you back on TLV again.

His healing is insane for the amound of hero dmg he dealt.
Normally tyrandes have like 1/3 of the healing x dmg done

I mean 90k heal 1/3 of it is 30k dmg
Or even higher dmg for less healing

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Note to both of you: Anabanana is dead and thats harb wearing their skin. Its like a texas chainsaw massacre deal.

(They use that account for forum posting and harb steals it to play with lower ranked ppl)