puts hand under head palm facing downward
allow me to introduce you to my Gul-cide current high score 12 deaths
perhaps my feeghar
even my front line Maiev
repetitively raises eyebrows in a seductive manner
puts hand under head palm facing downward
allow me to introduce you to my Gul-cide current high score 12 deaths
perhaps my feeghar
even my front line Maiev
repetitively raises eyebrows in a seductive manner
Enemy team in ARAM came with 4 Healers, 1 Arthas.
An amateur mistake. Easy win for us.
I haven’t posted in this thread for a long time, not because I haven’t had good games with friendly players, but because I’ve had less time for Hots and the forums.
Some good games were had recently in SL, where I nudged myself up 2 divisions, which is a blessing/curse as I’ve risen too close to the sun and those Diamonds are thumping me back to where I belong.
By far the most fun games have been with an IRL friend who is new to Hots. Her account is still under level 100, and I’ve joined up with her to play a few QM games. As I’m often matched with new players, I’ve deliberately played heroes I’m not very good at, but not one’s I’m unspeakably terrible with, like Genji!.
Being matched with many new players has been refreshing, as it recalls the days when I was new. It’s also been very satisfying helping some new players, where my admittedly elementary knowledge is something of value to genuinely new players.
Those toxic smurfs, though, they really are detrimental to the new player experience. I wish they would just go and confine their nonsense to ARAM.
I don’t know exactly why, but that made me laugh out loud. Maybe it’s because I’ve been that Murky, even though I only thought such nonsense, without verbalizing it.
I’ve rocking and stoning this week, also job hunting.
Darn you Sami, first it was your enthusiasm Hogger rubbing off on me, so Minky see, Minky do and I play Hogger.
Hogger was one thing, I’m comfortable on Bruisers, but now I’ve moved on to playing Tracer, and liking it!. I’m going to have to hit your Tracer guide later for more tips, but I’ve been enjoying playing her and actually winning the majority of my games. (QM only.)
Tracer is surprisingly fun, but timing is so crucial, that after a few games on her my anxiety is triggered, so then off to play on Zeebs, or Li Li!
Bumped into two new two new genuine players that I kept grouping up with. Myself and others gave them some tips with me eventually asking for a party invite and friend request. I played a good dozen games with them and they did every well with us chatting while playing.
It was nice to see genuine interest from two people wanting to learn, being friendly, and just having fun. I hope to party up with them again as they were both pleasant.
Edit: Was in a game with some friends against bots, but one of us didn’t know that and kept asking why the enemy team was so horrible. Everyone was joking about it and I thought they were as well. Turned out in the end they truly thought we were fighting some really horrible people. We all were trash talking the bot team the entire way.
It is official: bots suck.
<user deleted this post, you should report this post for trolling>
I like your contributions Blast, but it’s fine that people enjoy the modes they enjoy. Some players think the only “real” mode in Hots is Ranked. Others would assert, if you aren’t playing in a competitive league, you aren’t playing Hots “correctly.”
People shouldn’t be hassled because they enjoy what they enjoy, so long as it harms none.
re-evaluate that statement now my presence is know
No…nononono. Get your own. I want all the hate! It makes me stronger in the Dark Side of the Force.
I smash bots better when I get responses like that on the internet.
monsieur did they consent.,…
on being a punching bag
Well you know how it goes. They said no but their virtual eyes said yes.
Also, being that I broke a thousand post count, does that mean I have been officially assimilated into the Blizzard Hive Mind? Am I part of The One now?
When the Pure one and “friends” return, yes, for sure, a four digit post count makes you a “Blizzard shill and forum hive mind”, especially so when you agree with them, as I assume they don’t actually read.
<user deleted this post, you should report this post for trolling>
IDK bro if you don’t like it, scroll over it.
Also from reading his recent posts, he keeps being transparent by saying that he plays Vs AI so I don’t see the issue, I’d rather have him and DrSuperGood (who has hinted the same being a vs AI, not confirmed) than an egocentric Landmine.
Watch the last 10 seconds,
Im a pro and this was all calculated to kill butch.
Don’t know why I laughed so hard.