Thanks for a GG - Deposit your joy here! (Part 1)

It’s hard to play Qhira, because if there are five players on the enemy team, you’re countered.

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Had my Tyrande W build in AGES lol.

Trio vs 5 man


That’s not a very fun game to be in but also isn’t strange to see owl build perform well on a small map with the help of tumors providing vision. Had it lasted another 10min you would have easily overtaken Ming and Valla in damage. In a proper match with tanks and bruisers stat padding would be even more pronounced.

I’m sensing a strange disconnect between Zagara and Nazeebo and I believe that you could have easily overwhelmed the other team with a combination of Mutalisk+Nydus and Spider build. Uther healed a lot but he is criminally inefficient.

Another alternative to beating this significaly better team that counters your low burst, damage over time setup with two healers and better sustained dps could be achieved with Maw+Zombies, but never Frogs as they’re completely useless here. Either way you’d have to rely on getting lucky late in the game but it would at least show some general awareness of what your best available tools are.


The best I can do is to slow their DPS down because otherwise the other builds in this comp are extremely useless until we catch up, so I went poke since they will play the same exact game against us.

Their tracer was trolling hard with their build and Valla was being too reliant on Morales while chrome dealt less than me which is (?).

I got out stated by Morales in healing but that’s very normal.

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No one should be surprised by how bad your healing was considering you are dead the moment you stick your neck out and get caught in a temporal loop (and by the fact literally everyone on the team is always standing two steps behind you).

Seeing Medivac here is ULTRA WEIRD. It is very possible a full premade could have put it to good use but this is where Ming failed as well - a fast reaction knockback could have prevented the summoning of vehicle entirely.

Yes and no, laser is the right choice here because like anyone else she would be caught and separated for a quick kill, so ranged poke pierce is the right decision in this scenario.

Morales was using it to taxi the dead teammates back, so we have less time for map controls even though stim would butcher the comp rather very quickly.


Difference of opinion and maybe you know a little more than me but seeing the talent choices it looks as if everyone on your team actively played against you, providing you with absolutely no opportunity to auto attack anyone or anything.

I just noticed Nazeebo picked Spirit and Murky with Bribe. The one thing I admire about you the most is how you didn’t start screaming at everyone to go f themselves after five minutes.

  1. both were with me in a Discord VC after a Deep Rock Galactic game
  2. DoT was the crucial key here because spiders won’t do anything against Morales or Uther, they cannot counter poison damage especially if they are spread on multiple people.
  3. I don’t like to rage because it will be distraction not the instigator to win, and there wasn’t anything else to rage at other than the Tracer gameplay I had to witness in those 23 minutes.
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Medivac is never weird. It would still have value even if they removed the ally transportation simply because of the shield/reposition. But with no melee other than murky, I’d imagine it would be pretty easy to position safely without being in danger. Double Healer, you also can just tank damage as you reposition, so the need for a shield reposition isn’t as necessary.

.5 second summon time is also incredibly fast. When it gets interrupted, it’s almost always by happenstance/luck than intention. The time you register that a medivac is even happening, it’s usually already too late to do anything.

It just seems like the Valla was too chicken and the Tracer was too forward without being cognizant of where her healers were. But then again, it came down to a maw at the end, which is kind of annoying.


Actually it is a 1.0 channel and ETC Mosh Pit is a full quarter of a second quicker. I know for a fact from playing Varian with Taunt which is a mouseover cast that you can completely shut the cow down. Face Melt is only 0.25 in which case you can still make it in time if you get pushed into a wall nearby so you just need to worry about Powerslide. Interrupting during the wind-up period is very manageable with 100ms and most of EU is playing at 30 ms or less so what are we talking about.

WOF is a wide area spell which doesn’t require precision targeting and it is even easier to achieve same result. With very little practice you can do it every time just by anticipating it and casting the moment audio cue starts playing.

You might only experience a hard time catching Mosh pit in time because of the impact delay on the knockback effect from Wave of Force (not sure if it spreads outwards at a delay). I’m sure skipping one orb worth of damage is a good trade against having your entire team immobilized for several seconds. Sure you can always break it afterterwards but you could just as easily get caught as well.

I would understand picking Medivac for your own survival against high burst or stealth assassins, but not against this team when you have Valla and Tracer on yours.

I must have misremembered the patch notes when it came out. As it was stim drone that was reduced to .5 not medivac. Point still stands, it almost never gets interrupted, and when it does, it’s mostly because someone was going to cast their interrupting ability before they even knew I was gonna medivac, not because they wanted to interrupt it.

What you say about WOF is technically true, but I honestly can’t even remember the last time I got knocked out of it from WOF. The fail rate for Medivac cast is astonishingly low, and I played at some pretty high MMR. The biggest culprit when it does is usually from Muradin’s Skullcracker which is just dumb luck.

Yeah, like I said, against that team, I’d say it’s not as necessary for survival/positioning and there’s also an Uther that can heal you. But good stim targets is largely meaningless when it comes down to my decision making. Stimming a hero if you’re dying only means you’re at best making trades for a healer which is an awful choice.

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All in all, medivac is an excellent defensive not just against assassins without CC but also pyro, last rites, triple tap, consume souls or even orbital cannon (slight delay between firing charges). It also stops damage over time effects (malganis hp swap, leoric drain etc).

Likewise there is much value in stim as well because the speed boost makes it almost impossible for a friend to end up being body blocked. It could also help outrange spell casts or avoid CC entirely.

Both have tons of utility beyond what they were specifically designed for, you just have to be creative. I haven’t even mentioned the possibility of tricking your opponents into thinking that you’re going after something on the completely opposite end of the map. It can create so much panic and confusion if you manage to stay out of sight.

However this doesn’t work when other team has OWLS and TUMORS across the entire battleground which is already tighter and smaller than a matchbox, to help explain my frustration.

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I had way too much fun during this game with me, Falstad, and Muradin going MC Hammer on the bot team. There was an unspoken agreement to just screw off and play whack-a-mole with the A.I while gradually grinding down structures. Falstad and Muradin got a little too excited in chasing the bots down and wound up eating one too many cannon shots, but other than those two hiccups it was just smooth sailing. Rehgar and Alexstrasza did good as well keeping everyone topped off.

It was a nice break from the last handful of vs A.I matches which were…unpleasant to be in.




Matched with Hoku recently. Hope you enjoyed watching my bad Anduin :dizzy_face:


We won, and that is all that matters! I wasn’t exactly planning to go main tank Blaze, but it worked out.


Yeah, a win is a win! Until next time we meet in the Nexus…


do you ever look at a character and wonder
“why on earth is your bodacious boo-tay so bloody large?”
me neither more surface area to lash in a searish fashion
and especially when I was dining on diablo azmodan and deathwings health as maiev

Didn’t really notice how bad the game was until Murky mentioned that he is top hero dmg with minimal amount of deaths over 30min. Such amazing, imagine our opponents. Well I guess at least someone had fun, we all gave him mvp because he couldn’t shut up about it.

And another game on Kharazim with Aba on the team against an obvious premade with full roots and stun. Hard game before I even receive cleanse but no one the team knows how to play, so bad they even lose fights under our own forts while Abathur is double soaking the map. Orphea with 9 deaths and 1/3 of Iron Fists damage against a team I don’t even dare to melee. I WAS SO GOOD HERE.

Last game against a fotm Samuro who managed to get all 3 images trapped at once in a zombie wall no less than 10 times. Truly a once in a lifetime experience. I’m glad that one ended a lot sooner than expected because it felt as if they were at war among themselve rather than against us.

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Vs. A.I in a nut shell.

I didn’t even get so much as a buzz.