Can we go back to missing AJ jackson?
Nah, this is more interesting.
If someone needs to write tldr about another players massive text he can write in 5 sentences. I prefer reading a book
They both like to white walls of text so better just ignore them. Just two people who are repectless and turn a farewell thread into a flame thread insteed of making thier own thread and flame there for themself.
I see things got a bit heated. I think that both positive and negative feedback can coexist together. OJ’s initial posts were justified and I think the first throw of insults started from people misinterpreting the tone to be overly harsh. That said, I don’t deny there was plenty of horribly rude comments here but I hope this hasn’t created any ill will in the air.
Anyway, all the best for this game and those who poured their heart into it (both devs and players)
No need for that. If you ignore the carries (art/sound), the developers disappoint way too much. They can’t even bring themselves up to release the absolute simple guild system for the players (and everyone who knows bit of coding is certainly aware that this isn’t that hard to accomplish).
Does overwatch the flagship moneymaker game has a guild system?
Do you think the dev’s can do whatever they want or do you think activision is pulling the ropes?
There are restrictions in life , if you want to join a guild go to a discord its basicly the same thing
I’m waiting for that to become a new battle arena in HOTS.
Two enter, two type, only one can stay awake all night.
No - but they did promised to release it according the HotS Deep Dive panel. Same as a few other features. In the end these were just lies.
And this is another bad conclusion that you’re drawn.
I made a post that showed I know what you ‘meant’, added variations to it (ie, the difference between having a specific frame of time, or not) and then I posted I still drew exception to your use. Despite what I wrote, you see “disagreement”, and little else. Of the length I write, I have to account for all the magical presumptions you make because you won’t read the short stuff. Granted, that also means you won’t read the long stuff, but I’m at least making the effort to constantly bridge the difference.
I said the issue (use of ‘never’) has been “symptomatic”. That is to say, the use is an indication of a different problem, and my particular concern would be to address the actual ‘problem’ and not just treat the symptom. However, since that would actually involve you not bloating your replies with massive amounts of presumption and filters (which is why you are an “effectual liar” in how badly you misread things) that extent of what I ‘want’ or what I ‘expect’ are well beyond what will actually happen.
For someone who gets “offended” that someone posted a mapped out proportional chart to visual particulars, I do skoff at this crap that you’re trying to pull regarding “honor” or “honestly” or “effort”. You are so far lacking in that regard I’d take that to reinforce how much you don’t pay attention. There is sooooo much I’ve tried to write out that you won’t, cant’, consider or read that I’d just as soon as wait for you to actually catch up before I post most stuff you can ignore.
And frankly, what you call “cherry picking” is my choice of trying to heavily condense all the stuff I would want to address due to the errant problems perpetually plagues these persistently prattling posts.
In the bias of my mind, I do consider you rather indolent in that you won’t put in the effort to actually read something through before you’re stuffing it so full of your presumptions that it basically becomes a different language. I’ve made particular notes of that in our back-and-forths because you have, on several occasions, drawn the reverse conclusion of what I wrote due to how poorly you skimp on the particulars before you’re already making a presumptions reply.
That then become more stuff I have to try to offset, and I simply am not going to keep doing it over and over again. There’s already enough of a backlog for you, feel free to catch up at some point.
So, yes, while you may ‘accuse’ me of “deflecting” the replies you make at me, part of the biggest distinction in that is that you DO NOT have much a clue of what I’m actually writing because you’re too busy assuming you have to disagree with it before you actually know what it is.
There is a difference between seeing one word after another, and knowing what the context of a paragraph does for one sentence of it’s context, compared to what a whole length of writing does for each paragraph involved.
What I generally do – aside from make specific qualified statements that you ignore – is post regarding pragmatic defects. I often don’t express my own actual opinion – of a topic, – sometimes don’t care if something was “right” or not, and tend to point out problematic conduct, bad assumptions, faulty logic, and other stuff that don’t serve ‘ends justify the means’ tl;dr conclusions.
Or rather, the extent of what I wrote is best understood by people actually reading it through because the meaning is from the entirety and not a sham of a skim.
However, you tend to piecemeal stuff, see the next line as more important than the previous and pretty much show a textbook case for availability heuristics. That can be seen in your doubting word choices, inability to consider links you didn’t find, or assess body shapes that you haven’t ‘seen before’ – to name a few examples.
So the bottom line is that I try different things, such as posting one “short reply” because I frankly do not have the interest to mule over hours of spelling out crap for the same posters to miss, time and again, when they could get their magic qualms fixed by reading something through before they go off on a rant about it.
You’d certainly have less ‘doubt’ of validity regarding what I ‘know’ if you’d bother to actually read what is written.
One of the points of concern I had with the topic is that you, personally, don’t have much experience with AZ’s contributes to the forums. Of the times you have looked to a link, or what you tried to find (and “summarize”) further cements your lack of experience in that regard, and similarly, why you can’t value other people caring about that stuff.
Sure, you may have scrolled through a link, compared the dates and used that to cement what you already ‘knew’ regarding the activity. But you weren’t involved in AZ being active, and you didn’t read the interactions other people have had with him. So of course he can’t “earn” the favor you claim you want.
You probably haven’t read some of the off-forum interviews, checked their social media, seen the pictures of their rank climbs (for posters concerned with devs actually playing their own game) or cared that despite a length bit of forum news, that the dev is still well regarded. It’s not some ploy of “positivity”. but it’s not like you ever really cared what blues did anyway since they’ll all not MattV.
Your take is you assume I have to “discredit” a “fact” of inactivity.
You apparently haven’t considered the implications of my pointing out what you don’t know regarding blues, or the people behind the avatars on these screens, or well, a host of other things because you have a false dilemma that assumes things can only be two things. Great job on listing those options btw
If people don’t know of something, they can’t have been engaged with it. Now you would obviously much want to have “blues” post game projections, release content, etc etc there’s two things to note here:
- This post is an update regarding the game, or the team behind it. While it doesn’t say “btw, here’s a new hero and stuff” the irony is that you’d dismiss this sort of topic despite it being an update.
- What I linked it only particular to Gen Chat. “Blues” haven’t been inactive on the forums for 6 months. You might not say tech support counts, but for as dismissive as people are of blizzard activity on the forums, people are more likely to gripe about what they don’t know, and just spread their bitterness at the distaste of people who want some “positivity”.
It’s so much easier (lazier) to assume devs don’t read, don’t care on the forums, “don’t want to post here” then it would be to actually have an informed opinion.
So there’s what you ‘want’, and what you ‘mean’, and some people have to fish out the difference from you. Is that the sort of post you ‘want’, or to suit the ‘demands’ of your latest clamour at me?
But I already mention you have a hell of a backlog in my book, and I’m at least trying to keep this in regards to the topic and not the “Hold OJ’s hand magic hour” that you seem to need
Cuz I don’t think you’d ever grasp the exponential demands of what you claim to need compared to what I’ve already done, that I would then need to put all together for that special package that you still won’t read.
No way
I rather fan the flames.
All these spinning of logic and reasons are akin to manufacturing evidence, and the walls of text are for hypnotizing effect…again bogus.
First faulty logic .
If someone doesn’t like something, should they leave? No.
We all have something that we dislike about a game, such as balance, although now it is not a problem, there are still useless heroes and that translates into = That isn’t liked.
This forum is bad? Yes. Could you see better? Yes. But at least we can write. The developer right now is getting compliments that he doesN’T deserve. However, it is not 100% useless, so there is a point to continue using it and continue to express the lack of actions of the developers.
Simple .
Just because someone doesn’t like something about a thing doesn’t mean they should give it up. In this case, you put words in Orange’s mouth as if he really disliked the whole game when he has a voice.
That he doesn’t like AzJackson doesn’t mean he doesn’t like the game.
Work on your reading comprehension…
First, this is a public forum to share opinions and facts, and in this case it is a solid fact. Also, you deflect the topic as if your assumption that the developer who left had to see that, that’s not the only “useful” way it could help, but also the simple fact that other developers can see it and be of use.
Your view of the problem is very indimensional in that you suppose that in this case, the comment depends on the developer seeing it when in reality there are many more alternatives that give it utility.
Oh my god
How helpful do you think it is to kindly tell lies to a developer who didn’t do much on forum interacting? This will cause to the developers to believe that they are doing their job well. Serious question there
Positive criticism is necessary because based on it, the humans improve. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be seen by a particular person, in this case the developer who left, what you do is turn the tables. But if you want to be a liar, nothing stops you. That’s worse than being toxic.
1- You are not based on the facts, but on your own closed concept of “kindness” and “helpfulness” without having a clue of the subject.
2-You are misleading in saying that the other user’s behavior is toxic or reluctantly.
3-Also, since your comment is not honest at all and certainly has incomplete information disguised as kindness, your comment is useless, although if you want to be nice, that is wonderful. Good for you .
What is the result? A lie.
When was he rude? He didn’t insult anyone. Sorry, but the simple fact that you don’t like a comment does not give you the right to completely misrepresent what the other is saying.
Except he didn’t
Which is not to say that he interacted in a useful way with the community . He has to keep a hand on the community, not just go on the way to see how the day was and that’s it.
Just useless comments with nothing substantial for the community.
I mean, you don’t even know what you’re talking about and you don’t realize how ridiculous it is to share an empty “proof” and at the end of everything, is that you speak only knowing half the story, but having no idea.
He didn’t interact in a way that could be thanked.
I say it again. For the first time, SPEAK something you have an idea about.
Ok, another bad argument from you.
Let me say it differently: But he had to take responsibility for his work as a developer and provide information to the community.And you still defend him, blatantly.
The fact that someone doesn’t have absolute power over the other DOESN’T mean that the developer is exempt from their shortcomings. And certainly in what way could he pay? Not receiving the credit he wants for something he DIDN’T DO, that would be an injustice. All he can receive is based on how little he did, but what are we talking about? Of which he wasn’t even close to doing enough.
If someone does something wrong, they must pay for their mistakes both online and in real life, but not necessarily for a “supreme deity” as you want to misrepresent.
The voice of the people must be heard when they are right, not like you in your many nonsensical statements. And it is not according to what the user Orange said, but in the facts, which blame the developer. Even though it’s the truth, so where’s your point? I look for it everywhere and I can’t find it…
We are the users of the forum, and we have the right to demand accountability from superiors because at the end of everything they must serve us first. Not serving yourself as your faulty logic declares.
?? What’s that about? To his supposed “toxicity”?
He can’t ban him for telling the truth in a non-rude way. But this time you made a good attempt to make an argument and not like in the previous times. Nice done .
This is what should happen with AzJackson. I am not asking necessarily that he somehow repair the damage (Even if he must do that) but it is good if he receives a good punishment for his irresponsibility.
Did he have the ability to do his job well? Yes, he did it? No. He caused damage to the forum? Yes, therefore it must be either punished, or repair the damage or perhaps both.
Also, one way to pay for his mistake would be to have his salary deducted for his bad work, which I hope has happened and that money can be used in other better things for the Blizzard’s Universe. So he can, you just have a very closed concept of “paying a mistake”.
Hey, thanks for saving me another sentence.
Keep up the good work .
Even if he used facts to back up his claim? And that’s where you launch another baseless accusation because you don’t like what he says. Developers generally don’t pay attention to it, so what feelings are there?
You deny the facts that are at hand and do all kinds of evasions and then try to disqualify it with with the maximum expression of a straw man branded as “opinion” or “feeling”. In case you cannot adhere to reality and get out of the bubble that blinds you, it is necessary to make corrections and not expect that anyone who sees your nonsense will ignore you.
Please dude, just stop.
He is still guilty anyway .
In summary:
At the moment, you’re using a community forum that could have been better if he had paid direct attention here. but what happened? The forum is sunk, because of people like you what are soft with your superiors and because of that, they NEVER improve.
Being nice as you pretend to be only works when the other person is right.
Respect is good? Undoubtedly. What will you get by being too nice and talking like everything is fine (Even though it really isn’t)?
You will make him believe that his work is good and that can be detrimental to the next game he does. You can lie, but keep in mind that your lies also affect others.
So being too friendly and open like you did is a good thing? Not at all.
What did Orange do wrong? Your little feelings took his aforementioned words wrong and you lied about his behavior. It’s your perspective of how you have taken his words, but not really the reality.
If this comment is not seen by the developer, how useful is it? The other developers can see it and this informs players about the sad state of the forum and to avoid uninformed and conformist people like you.
You don’t contribute in conclusion. If there was a button to report dishonesty, we would have willingly flagged you by now. Unfortunately, in this forum there are none, as none, its developers don’t even pay attention to it.
So it would be better if you saved comments like that, where you repeat almost the same thing you said in the previous comment with the false ideas. Since I repeat (forgive the redundancy) your excessive “Positivity” is the reason why humanity never sees its mistakes and causes an echo chamber in society.
What else did you do wrong? Several people have liked you simply because they aren’t informed and others are faboys.
Advice? Be honest and you can also be nice. But don’t fool others to try and prove your point.
Can he repair it? Yes, discount money to use for other things.
This is the result of the positive reviews in summary: It gives human beings the ability to improve when they make mistakes. And certainly, Blizzard shouldn’t give AzJackson so much credit since that in itself is a way to repair the damage by making less recognition to someone so… Meh to have more resources.
That is why your excesive kindness is useless. You can be nice, but at least be honest.
Arguing against you doesn’t make any sense at all because you believe that you are always right and that those who oppose you are wrong and because you immediately brand others as rude who don’t agree with you. All you know how to do is have no arguments on a topic. Since you want certainly Orange just like you lick the developer’s feet when everything you do is deceive yourself and believe that with the power of friendship everything will be solved.
If you have something to say, well, but even if they make you see your mistake (If you continue after this) you keep putting words that did not exist in the mouths. But really, you don’t even know what you’re talking about and a liar.
It’s honestly good that you’re leaving, so you don’t fill this thread of deception. Keep it up
Finally, I would like to make a wake-up call to those who believe that this type of thing cannot be commented on in this thread when speaking with facts and putting what AZ did in context. For what is necessary, useful and we all have freedom of expression, only the offended take it the wrong way. Even more, denying people who lead to deception.
Yes, people today are usually blind.
You don’t get to make faulty assumptions, go on a long tangent on said faulty assumption, and then fault me for ‘not reading’ the elaboration of said faulty assumption. If I disagree with your assumption, I have a right to challenge/call you out on your baloney. I feel like this is a common tactic of yours; grasp at straws, then present a thesis on flimsy evidence, and when your opponent doesn’t respond to the substantiation, and instead focuses on the faulty statement, you berate them for ‘not reading’.
You post this, then proceed to elaborate for many more paragraphs, which is a waste of time on your part because you’re working on a faulty basis. You call it a bad conclusion, but conveniently enough you can’t disprove it, because you know what I said was factually correct. You may disapprove of the ‘trend’ or ‘symptoms’ of what said behavior elicits in the long run, but no matter how many darts you throw out onto the board, none of them are going to stick because your basis for dismissal is all based on either prior engagements with me or what you presume to be a systemic problem that will continue in the future.
You conveniently ignore the present because you -know- you have nothing to draw on here. I.E. you can’t dismiss what I’m saying here because it is incontrovertible. Which is why you like you chase hidden meaning. Meaning you like to connect dots between the past and what will presumably be the future because you don’t like to deal with the present.
That’s bad methodology on YOUR part. But it’s fine whatever, asking you to own up to your mistakes is like asking the sun not to set. I at least offered you a segway to move the conversation forward, so atleast you bit there. Though I see you couldn’t help but backtrack just a little with faulty assumptions made in bad faith. Looking at differing perspectives with a dirty magnifying glass is to be expected from you after all our previous dealings.
This is a non sequitur. Me not commenting on his posts does not make the assumption true that I am not ‘experienced’ with his presence on these forums, nor does it mean I am oblivious to his past contributions. You’re misrepresenting my argument by appealing to probability (“You probably haven’t”–yada yada) to draw your own conclusions as to why I’m not qualified enough to make my own assessments.
This is an appeal to emotion fallacy. Attesting to AzJackson’s good character does not excuse his silence on these forums. I don’t need to know if Azjackson tucks his kids in at night or donates to charity, which I’m sure he does. My argument was based on his communication with us alone, and it has been lacking.
This is an unwarranted assumption fallacy. It relies on the assumption that my lack of replies to blue posts infers that I am unaware or oblivious to their activity.
This one actually isn’t a fallacy, it’s just erroneous. At no point did I dismiss this thread on it’s own merit. Every argument I have made was to demonstrate the problem that lead up to this point in time.
This argument is so disingenuous I cannot POSSIBLY believe it had been written with sincerity. I can ONLY imagine this was posted as a bait and switch to trick me into agreeing to a shifting of goal posts.
The only way this makes sense to me for you to write this is if you’re being tongue-in-cheek to mess with me. If you’re actually trying to equate technical support with developer communication, you have more serious problems than I can probably sort out here.
It’s also a red herring fallacy. You’re on a roll, buddy!
Now, time for a little bonus stupidity!
“Some people”
Just you, buddy. Literally the only person to point it out.
Other people were responding to you before; you’ve also had these pointless back-and-forth excessive “arguments”. Did you forget those too? It’s not some magic internet secret that other people stop responding when posts get into an excessive, and off-topic, length.
Congratulations: that’s pretty much all the posts I’ve written to you since whenever topic ago.
4 posts or so of me trying to point that out and you still haven’t noticed
My pointing this out is pretty much par for the course: I mention that you’re doing something, you seem to avoid that entirety, then a few posts later try to accuse me of doing said thing.
When a person is running off a bad assumption, I then try to point out why it is a bad assumption, elaborate on why it is problematic, and that all becomes more ‘fluff’ to you that you assert to be justified in ignoring. IF you were still keeping somewhere in a reasonable line in ‘summarizing’ your interpretation of what people ‘write’, then I wouldn’t really care. However, most issues in these excessive replies stem from you NOT reading that stuff through, coming to bad assumptions, and then faulting others for your demonstrable problems.
You then try to rationalize that, demonstrate your double-standards, and then look the cycle from one topic to the next.
This whole back-and-forth that you call "assumptions’ isn’t an ‘assumption’; the basis of what I said can be seen in the back-and–forth replies that you give. I gave ‘predictions’ and then you up and meet them.
You have a massive mistrust of people you do not agree with, you ignore their attempts at clarification, “argue semantics” and have a very narrow approach on what you ‘think’ an ‘argument’ is going to be to the point you make-up the conversation and just look up key-words to try to ‘prove’ that you’re “right” about something.
That is the bottom line: you have a specific objective and are too busy assuming someone replying to you has to suit your fixed narrative, otherwise you ignore what they write.
How many posts on and on have you gone on about 'oh, well you can’t argue about x-y-z" and then proceed to ignore what I did post, or rather, why I’m not limited to your bad assumptions.
The fundamental concern that I keep poking out is that your filters make you effectively dishonest that you’re too busy arguing against yourself that you become your own biggest issue.
“Oh that thing is moving the goalposts”.
You weren’t aware of my “goal posts” in the first place and keep trying to sub in your own. A hefty bit of the things I write here are referential to the stuff you keep skipping, and then even admit to the point of my concern without having the self-awareness to consider otherwise.
~Oh, that’s a waste of time~
Wouldn’t be if you’d get over your bad faith assumptions, read stuff through, stop assuming the ‘worst’ about others, and actually engage in a conversation that doesn’t break down into your unspoken code creating some 'I’m rubber, you’re glue" recital.
The “faulty basis” i’m working on is trying to reply to you and you are not someone interested in what anyone else actually has to say.
When you decide you actually want a conversation with a ‘person’ instead of your imaginary narrative to suit cognitive biases, feel free to actually read this stuff through.
Cuz the whole getgo I keep poking at, esp in “backtracking” to previous posts is trying to deal with why you are your own big issue, and how problematic it gets to be when you fault others for your ignorance.
Best way to curb ignorance is to actually read something through; I’ve mentioned you have a backlog before and until you’re honest enough to get through to it, all the ‘answers’ you want were already written and you’re behind the curve.
It’s a written medium OJ, you can take the time to read this crap through the first time, or you can be more honest with yourself and not actually bother if you’re going to half-bake it. Otherwise, I’m done repeating myself.
Send each other a friends request and talk there.
This is a goodbye post, it should be about that, stop your gibbering and stop giving the forum a bad name with this nonsence.
Every single person who has called me out on this thread has done so by arguing that my post was tactless/inappropriate, which as I said before, is a separate discussion from what we’re having. You’re the only one challenging the validity of my claims and you have provided ZERO evidence to dismiss the legitimacy of what I bemoan. You’ve done the opposite actually, the only evidence you’ve posted reinforced what I’ve been saying, but you’re just oblivious to this truth.
So when I say you’re the only one making that argument, I mean it.
So you don’t deny it then. Obviously. Just point the finger.
This is why we had that little exchange on “lawyer talk” because none of your arguments would hold up in court. Before you could even finish your sentence, the opposing counsel would call an objection, which the judge would sustain.
I pointed out 8 months of silence from the Devs, and you counter by throwing out red herrings such as the ‘technical supports devs still post’ and ‘Well they USED to post frequently’ and ‘Never isn’t TECHNICALLY accurate…’
This is another bad habit of yours that you exhibit constantly. If someone disagrees with your assumption and/or conclusion, then OBVIOUSLY they must have not read what you posted because OBVIOUSLY your arguments ‘honor literacy’ so much that they cant possibly be incorrect.
It’s a lazy debate tactic that does nothing to move the conversation forward. Which is why I accuse you of making your arguments in bad faith. You post baloney, I challenge it, then you cry ‘you didn’t read’ over and over again until eventually you leave.
Every Xenterex exchange that isn’t a humorous one-off quip either goes one of two ways:
1.) Make a claim and wait for responses.
2.) Someone responds to your claim, calling you out.
3.) You berate them for ‘not reading’ since obviously anyone who disagrees with you just needs to ‘read more’
Or two,
1.) You challenge somebody else’s claim.
2.) They defend themselves.
3.) You circle back to your original argument and claim they ‘didn’t read’
Then, to give the false illusion of support you like to use words like ‘people’ ‘others’ ‘they’ ‘their’ ‘them’ to give the impression you’re not alone and/or multiple people are saying the same thing you are when they aren’t.
You also have a tendency to avoid any direct difficult question that anyone throws at you, instead opting to weasel around it by poking at the structure of someone’s argument rather than the argument itself to try and dismiss it. There’s a term for this, by the way;
Argument from fallacy, and it is single-handedly your greatest shortcoming both as a forum poster and a debater in general. You readily dismiss anyone who disagrees with you because of the structuring of their arguments rather than try and list reasons why the conclusion drawn by their argument is incorrect.
On the rare occasion that you actually do this, it’s almost always red herrings and bait-and-switch goalpost shifting tactics (I.E. ‘The blues aren’t ALL silent, look at the technical support forums!’)
Then stop repeating yourself and approach the argument from a different angle instead of arguing in circles and backtracking to previous points I’ve already addressed.
From the Start of 2020 (January 1st) until the end of May, there were 30 total posts from the devs. So on average, 6 posts a month. After may, there were a total of 7 posts (including this one) from the devs over a period of of 9 months, so less than 1 post a month on average, down from 6.
This is the problem I want to address. Something happened to the dev team following May of 2020, and whatever it is, resulted in a catastrophic decrease in communication with the playerbase on these forums. Regardless of the ‘tactless’ or ‘inappropriate’ comments here, I feel this drastic change warrants pointing it out.
This is a problem TO ME. If it isn’t a problem to you, make that argument, but stop playing this game of trying to dismiss the incontrovertible fact that communication has drastically decreased on these forums.
And stop blaming others for ‘not reading’ when you’re clearly too lazy to address the meat and bones of the issue. I read through
in your argument, but there’s just nothing under the surface, and there rarely ever is. Which is just sad.
These quote chains can make JeanFrancois blush.
Common guys, is this really the send off you want to give to such a pillar of our community? Take your argument else where.
I believe the debate is regarding a pillar of what. Regardless, not many are following it. I don’t even know what they’re actually debating.
A very pressing issue indeed. lol
You guys are proving the reason why we don’t get answers on other posts. Everyone here is way off topic and I wouldn’t want to respond to you if this is how you reply to a farewell post.