Ah yes, the thing has to be something is wrong with me rather it being something that you don’t know. That’s part of the course no matter how many times I point out how wrong, bad, ignorant your crappy assumptions continue to be time and again.
it really is ridiculous the extent you assume how ‘lazy’ other people have to be when dealing with you.
I used “thick”, and I used it intentionally because I ‘know’ what it means, and I mean what I wrote. If you’re going to excuse yourself for being “blunt” YOU SHOULD consider extending some of that courtesy on the potential of other people being that two instead of drowning in more ignorant double standards. Of the outcomes you have listed from what you perceive to be possible, you neglect so many other possibilities that you pretty much make a conversation to yourself and I’m simply not going to go through, again and again, to point out the crap you miss.
The most likely form someone of how I used “thick” will find of it in the expression “Am I being thick?” where someone outlines a concern or problem and ‘knows’ that the answer is simple/obvious, but they are missing something.
The “fact” of your concern is detailing a lack of activity in a particular span of time when the topic of concern is particular to the contribution of the person in the OP. What you see as me griping about “never” isn’t the “literal” definition, but the consequence of your choice to express your complaint in the use of “never”.
Married couples that use “oh never” don’t “literally” mean “never” but the choice to use that expression is an exasperation that details other issues of communication, observation and other concerns that tend to be symptomatic of marriage problems (of a wide variety) and that choice of expression tends to not help, esp as a stereotypical reply. People using it that way doesn’t excuse the concern I am expressing (that you won’t consider) and IS more to the point of what I am trying to convey should you manage to actually complete a sentence with your inability to read before you make more assumptions.
Much like with how you fault me for your inability to know a particular expression, or “what someone means”, you have a very narrow and faulty perspective that you excuse with double standards that you excuse by being “blunt”.
And while the choice of expression there is one of an excuse, it’s probably more apt to say you are being a “blunt” instrument.
Constructive criticism is a thing.
There’s a long list of things that can be done that you refuse to consider.
Part of the issue is that you are an ‘ends justifies the means’ person so all the other particulars people will write about largely don’t matter to you.
I don’t ‘cede’ anything to you because the ‘work shown’ (and I’ve used that expression several times before) is rife with problems that “rile you” to the point of you being your own issues.
Of the replies you have had with those that don’t agree with you, there’s a lot simpler approaches that could have been taken that use a slight bit a tact that is well beyond the consideration you have. In the polarization in how you view things (one thing or the other) the details between those don’t matter, possibilities don’t exist beyond the two, and anyone that doesn’t outright agree with you is going to get “blunt” replies that indicate how little you actually consider of anyone else.
Your “opinion” is “justified” because the ‘ends’ match something that you already agree with. The issue that people take is that they aren’t of the same polarity as you, and all the bits that they use to try to explain that are disregarded because you. are. being. thick.
The key, and fundamental issue with a “frustrating” conversation with me is that I am not a “means justify the ends” and time and again you demonstrate how much you disregard the “means” in a discussion. The biggest issue of that is a large chunk of “discussion” requires the “means”, and the ‘ends’ are then superfluous. Or as some put it, "the journey is the destination.
Yea, reality allows you to “believe” what you want, but you keep doing yourself perpetual disservice by how much you filter, and then fault others for it. Being “blunt” is associated with being honest, and being “honest” in a conversation would actually involve reading what people write.
You don’t. You make something else up, and go off on that again. And when you go to sweep that under the rug, again, remember: you faulted me for thinking I don’t know what I’m talking about.
And that’s the running flaw with HotS, so long as someone can blame others instead, they excuse their own ignorance.