Technical Problem

Hello guys

I’m having a problem with opening Heroes of the Storm.

It says: Unsupported 16-bit Application

The program or feature …HeroesSwitcher_x64.exe cannot start or run due to incompatibity with 64-bit versions of Windows. Please contact the software vendor to ask if a 64-bit Windows compatible version is available.

Someone please help me.

benjamin, you should head over to Technical Support and get your DXDiag (there should be a pinned post about how to do it in the forum).

Best of luck.

Also you can move this thread to there by simply pressing the edit button , where it says “General Discussion” click on it and change it to “Technical Support”, and of course, save the changes.


Try uninstalling Heroes of the Storm and then download the 64-bit version. Maybe redownloading will fix it

I will throw out a wild suggestions (as people already suggested the sensible ones) and say that you need to check your computer for malware. Malware often tries to modify executable files and in doing so can corrupt them. A proper install of Heroes of the Storm running on 64bit Windows 7, 8 or 10 will not produce such an error as the one you mentioned.

If you are running a 32bit version of Windows 7, 8 or 10 then you do not meet the minimum requirements to play Heroes of the Storm or most Blizzard games for that matter. Blizzard dropped 32bit support last year or so and now only supports 64bit versions of Windows.

If you are using a retail version of Windows 7, 8 or 10 32bit you can always reinstall your OS as 64bit as that option is included as part of your licence. This is not the case for OEM versions of Windows 7, 8 or 10.