Teach me: Malthael

Ah okay you have earned my like :stuck_out_tongue:

Just in case people missed something.

I didn’t even know he had a rework or maybe I missed it. Still, he can be so good in a lot of situations. He has great solo lane capabilities, great team fight capabilities and can take camps with ease. One game I just sat there and took camps the whole game. Entered teamfights when I needed to just to mark the whole team and find someone to use last rites on, then returned to camps.

Malthael is one of the top solo/offlaners.

Are you a good offlaner? As an offlaner your goals are:

1-Get more exp than the opponent off/solo laner
2-Bully the opponent solo laner out of lane
3-Double soak
4-Don’t ever die while off-laning. Play safe, a kill isn’t worth the risk.
5-If someone hold the lane for you. Get camps, the more the better.

As Malthael your TF job is to poke with your mark and make kills with Last Rites.

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It was back in October of 2017, so it’s been almost 2 years since. If you only picked him up recently, it wouldn’t surprise me.

Just a couple months ago. I did try him once way back but I got confused on how to play him so I quit.

One other thing to note, when you are playing him in the solo lane or taking a camp, don’t bother using your E. Just wade in and start swinging to mark them. Spamming E wastes a ton of mana and doesn’t really save any time in clearing waves, so I tend to hold it to zone out anyone who wants to bother me.

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hey what does this mean btw?

The Immortal map with the demon/angel object.

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ooooh i see thank you.

Your finger should hurt from pressing Q.

Adding on to what Frogsaron said:
BoE → Battlefield on Eternity.

Adding my own comment: Did you really have to necro a 2 year old thread to ask that question`?

Didn’t you have someone else to could ask? An ingame friend perhaps?
Or use google?
I googled “hots boe” and the first hit basically has the answer in the link-title and is a link to the HotS Wiki on BoE.

seems like a well enough reason to me :stuck_out_tongue:
atleast its not a “i told you so” or a “by the way, this guys wrong”.

A question google could’ve answered him instantly. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Maybe, but so did we :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, because Karabars linked it in another thread, drawing it to their attention and telling them to ask any questions they may have. If anything blame Karabars, not Demontune.

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I just went the easy way and linked my comment which answered his question instead of typing or copying it, so they’re able to get more information.

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I still wouldn’t really blame you at any rate as Demontune literally ignored the warning that said “This thread is 2 years old! Do you really wish to revive it?”

No reason not to ask whatever questions he had in the thread where you answered him.

Or just googling what BoE means.

Googling is strong. Googling is power.

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i was actually sent here through another thread via karabars. maybe i should have asked him in that thread but… it would have gotten offtopic…

no q-q u be friend?

i have bing and got bound on equip.