Btw he has a few builds and a few talents which are good in certain situations and should be picked there.
Lvl 1:
- On a Pale Horse is the way to go for double soaking (also helps him with creating merc pressure faster).
- Fear the Reaper tho is my personal favourite, it gives me surprise burst speed, I can engage and disengage with it, really helpful against Heroes and enemy comps which can bodyblock you.
- Death’s Reach is niche, probably you are fine without it, but against Heroes like Tracer, Genji, Lunara, who can create space between you and them quickly, really helpful.
Lvl 4:
- Die Alone is the way to go, it gives you better sololane bully powers, and since most the times that’s your job, you should do it. It also can be triggered with attention or by mere chance in teamfights.
- Throwing Shade is too niche, but with Final Curtain on lvl 20, it’s a strong obj (like tribute, seed) denier.
- Black Harvest also helps against Heroes who try to get away from you, plus imo, this is the best talent for BoE, since even if the enemy zones you and your team away, your dmg is still there, for longer, so it helps with the immortal races unlike anything else on that tier.
Lvl 7:
- Cold Hand is the way to go, it helps you kite, chase, helps your allies if they have Executioner talents, or even if not, a basically permanent slow helps with skillshots as well.
- Massacre helps with W build, otherwise I wouldn’t pick it, but in W build, it’s great.
- Touch of Death is good against any kind of predictable burst heal or to help shutdown certain sustained heals (I carried QM games against Butcher with it)
Lvl 10:
- LR the way to go, a strong finisher and if you can time it right, it can finish that Genji who used his E to escape to Narnia as well.
- TS if your team has enough dmg (quite common, thanks to the popularity of Assassins in every gamemode) but lacks frontline, or if you went for W build.
Lvl 13:
- Inevitable End if they have CC you want to avoid (Butch Charge+R, KT’z chainz). (I recommand TS with this, because this tlanet removes your marks, and TS just pops them back.)
- Soul Siphon if you just want extra heals (mostly from beefy targets).
- Shroud of Wisdom against spell dmg heavy targets, quite straightforward. Ming, Jaina, Kael, Chromie (I take it even against KT, usually I can dodge his combo with W and Fear the Reaper).
- Ethereal Existence, same as SoW, if they are AA heavy and you don’t need unstoppable.
Lvl 16:
- Mortality for W build.
- Memento Mori for Black Harvest or if the fights are usually really long.
- Soul Collector otherwise. Increased range on Q, so you can dmg mobile Heores for longer. Good synergy with every Q talent, basically doubling their effect.
Lvl 20:
- Both Heroic Upgrades are great imo. Angel of Death makes it easier to get full cdr on LR and gives you nice burst heals. Reaper of Souls makes TS infinite and slightly increasing your “numbers of Ws” for W build. (The increase is really low, but it still gives you TS’ sustain help for longer.)
- Final Curtain is niche, but as I metioned earlier, it helps a lot with most objectives and can be used even for zoning.
- No One Can Stop Death… It can make you unkillable in theory… But I find it a bit unnecessary (if you’re winning) or not useful enough (if you’re behind). So I personally only take it if I’m dead, we got 20 and if I pick it here and now and use it, we can turn the tides.