Teach me how to climb

That’s not really a source. If that’s all you can provide, I guess I keep being in Masters believing that kills is not everything especially since the more higher elo I play (or watch), the less kills are in general in the match :man_shrugging:

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Entirely untrue. There are literally thousands of forum posts talking about playstyle and strategy.

So if you say it and your a master. All you need to do is write a guide so i can quote you


Not sure what your post is about @AnaBanana. But I will say this, spelling and grammar are important.

Unless you have the patience of Buddha, consider carefully about playing healers as your main role.
I absolutely love playing support in any RPG style games, but only when the ones I’m supporting knows what they are doing.

I feel that when it comes to saving a teammate, especially in lower ranks, a well played tank makes more difference than a well played healer.

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Im german I am selftaught because we dont had it at english lessons. Even our movies have a voice over.
Is it really important? Or is it important to you?

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Yes language is important. I did not understand what your post had to do with the ops topic. Your post came off as mildly combative.

play characters you have the most impact with

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Says the person who likes to correct grammar

Give yourself the most options possible in game so you can always be useful.
Ex: if you dump all your talents into one ability and it whiffs you’re useless(Naz and Azmo Q builds, as well as Rag meatball build).

If you know your team isn’t going to win a fight/obj, leave and go do something else(soak, camp). Soaking might even the levels when objectives spawn and camps in general can help de push objectives.

Be conscious of what we will win the game, for both teams. Be aware of what you need to do to advance your team, but also ask yourself “how does the enemy team win” so you can counter.

It’s the entire team’s responsibility to soak. If someone has to back or go get a camp help soak part of the wave.

Camps have dual purpose: XP and lane push. It can be better to time a camp so it’s pushing a lane while the teams are busy with an obj, but often time the better decision is get camps on cooldown to maximize XP.

Over the last few days I realised what I was doing that was making the difference between winning more or losing more games.

I knew what plays to make but during losing runs I would for example be pinging a wave to soak hoping for someone to go do it. During winning streaks, I’d already be on the way to do it myself.

It’s also knowing when to leave a situation. Don’t sit poking a team at an objective if you’re 1v5, go soak or take a camp to counter it (unless you can stall safely and for long enough until your whole team arrives), if you’ve won a fight and you’re up 5v2 for example, go leave and increase the lead with soak or steal a camp, you don’t need all of you there.

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Amen to that. Hoping for stuff to happen rarely turns out well in this game.

Isn’t it funny how everyone on these forums is a masters ranked player but none of them can actually tell you why or how they got there.

There’s a reason why there aren’t any “bronze to GM” guides for Heroes like there are for say Starcraft 2.

Yeah… kills aren’t the goal in this game.
Last match we were 19 to 19, yet they lost all 5 structures and we lost none.
If you just look at the kills it looks like we were even, but we squashed them.

Kills are helpful, but when and where kills happen are important too.

I’m Diamond 2, not quite masters yet (got around here in Starcraft 2 also)
And I can tell you the reason no one can really say why they climb is because there isn’t just one reason.
Not only that, but people have different strengths and weaknesses.
I get worse at looking at the minimap during team fights, I know that.
My camp timing is usually pretty bad, I’m working on it (but I often tank/healer so less practice anyway)
I freakin miss skill shots far more often than I care to admit.
By my account I’m still not amazing at the game, but according to rank I’m better than most of the player base.

I would though, suggest playing every hero to at least 5, preferably 10. For me anyway it helps understand what opposing players are thinking when playing that hero. Plus variety is fun. I also try to use every talent in the game, in different situations.
I also think playing QM is good for you, as long as you don’t whine over compositions and just focus on what you can do. Forces you to adapt to unexpected situations.

One thing that helped me in Starcraft was to narrow my focus.
I tried playing with only Zerglings, Queens and Overlords. Gas was pretty much only for upgrades and Overseers. Helped focus on making sure money was spent and army was always doing something useful, like map control.


So when I said I got there by learning the entire roster and using that knowledge in draft is magically “nothing” and I’m in Masters with pikachu-face :open_mouth:


What are you talking about no guides. A very large part of the community streamed themselves doing the Bronze to GM runs. Sadly when the pro circuit was cancelled so went a lot of the streamers that made this type of content. The videos are hopefully still out there but it is possible that they were taken down.

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Then his teammates shall die in the 4th.

Better to play 3rd. And always a bunch of healer-tank-dd. Or maybe tank- dd-dd.

Hands to grip with for balance, then one leg up and foot down to grip with, then one arm up and reafirm grip. Keep going till teaching the top.

Pro tip: confirm ladder balance by angling it a bit more instead op straight up.


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Mostly because a fulltime job/study and because SC is based more on individual performance

I dont expect someone to write it here. Writting a decent guide takes time. This was more for small tips. But there are many threads dedicated to them writting guides

How many degrees is your prefered step?

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