Teach me how to climb

Google says 75° but I usually have it swinging between 60° and 75°. Depends on height and if I get help or not.

Albeit I never checked it tbh, can be wrong. So to be safe, I do not take responsibility for ladder related injuries.


As third player we had Harbinger.

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So an all arounder master of no particular role :stuck_out_tongue:
Still a good player

Yes, there are player who stream themselves going bronze to GM but none of them tell you how thats done.

Here’s an excelent example of what I’m talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRzaIP6jl5s

If you watch this series Vibe will tell you exactly what strategies and tactics you need to learn to become a good player and advance your rank.

Go try and search for something similar for Heroes of the Storm and you will find nothing. Sure you’ll get players who will stream their experience of going from Bronze to GM, but none of them will actually share any of the secret sauce on how it is exactly that they can do it. Nobody will analyze their game play or tell you what strategies and tactics lead to their success.

you were already given the exact recipe by multiple real masters in this thread (i have seen their in-game rank)

yet you keep posting the same thing over and over, that “nobody wants to share with you”

i don’t get it…
bronze->gm streams also educate viewers as much as possible by narration why they are doing what they are doing

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A person streaming themselves going from Bonze to GM is making a live unedited interactive video of themselves climbing the ranks. How can you say this is not sharing? How can you say that the people watching are not learning by watching and chatting in these streams? That is completely unfair for you to suggest that. And to claim that NOBODY is doing it is far fetched.
I have seen these streams and I have listened to the commentary about there draft choices and gameplay. You can physically see when they choose to engage TF, camps, and lanes. I can see where I need to improve my gameplay from watching and listening.
And like I said, the videos have likely been taking down or lost in the void because of the loss of the pro circuit and with it the pro streamers. Bronze to GM streams and videos were very common when there was a larger stream community.
I disagree with your claim.

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he refuses to read your post because then he can’t complain nobody is helping him

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No, they don’t. Find me a Bronze to GM HotS video series that provides the same level of technical detail as the Vibe content I just linked to and then we can talk. Until then you’re just wasting your time.

Check out NotParadox on YouTube

He has done Bronze to Master challenges himself, but his videos are great, they’re all either tactics with a certain map or hero, or general tips like winning the solo lane

His point is vague and without substance. That information is common sense. Everyone is already trying to do that. It doesn’t provide any more information then what nearly anyone who has play more then a handful of games doesn’t already know.

Go watch the Vibe series and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about.

ok, if we are to be constructive, did you try watching replays of fan, notparadox, chu8 and such? i learned lots about the right time to take camps, to soak etc. from these replays

(non-stream, completely silent stormreplay files). helped me to go from around silver to dia.
i received no coaching of any kind, i purely watched their replay files of climbs

they also do have commented replays on youtube

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Yes. None of those streamers provide any real information on how to play the game successfully. They simply stream their own game play while rambling to their chat about mostly nonsense.

They aren’t guides. They don’t share actionable strategies and tactics. They don’t provide any details about their game play that can help guide players to success.

Go watch the Vibe series for Stracraft 2 and you’ll see just what I’m talking about.

You are just being stubborn and rude to be honest. Several people have contributed positively to this post. Several people have disagreed with your far fetched claim and you refuse to listen.
I am going to leave it at that.

I love watching Chu8 and Grubby. Both of them are fun and good spirited streamers who love the game. They provide great feed back on gameplay and heroes.


I’m not being rude. There’s been no post in this topic that adequately addresses the OP. And none of you have, as of yet, pointed out any guides that provide the detailed explanation of how a player can climb rank successfully.

I watch Grubby all of the time. His stream is entertaining, for sure, but it’s not a HOWTO play HotS. It’s entertainment and spectator content, not an actionable guide. The problem is that you don’t know what you are missing and thus can’t actually answer the question adequately.

Have you watched the Vibe videos to get an idea of what it is that WILL provide a player with the type of detailed information they need?

This isn’t a bad series but it’s very situational and he doesn’t really have a “HowTo HotS Ranked” guide aside from the barebones basics that most long time players already know. I watched a bunch of these and they can indeed help players learn about some aspect of each Hero but it doesn’t cover the broader game.


It includes various points such as

And so on.


I think you didnt look too good. Jayhow is a great example
Fan usually explains things on twitch. Not youtube
Notparadox reviews individual players actions

Hey :frowning:

I meant you arent a onetrick. You are good with many and can reach around 2k I think. maybe higher, I mean you carried me 4 days ago and I was GM but your not a onetrick tank or assassin

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Oddly specific bur you recovered well late game

I play ranked exclusively now. I found out that if you solo Q, it’s more difficult to climb latter as people do not communicate as much. After you win a game, identify the good players and add them as a friend. Play with a party as much as possible. That way you avoid trolls and you have better win/loss ration and that’s how you climb.