Teach me how to climb

His twitch streams vs the videos he put up are diffirent unfortunatly he is a bit toxic

Got it!

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If my last qm team would ever read this.

I was left alone with a Zag whole game and none ever came up and ganked her. No it was more fun to just afk bot all four and camps was even me who took too while the four man was feeding/losing bot lane lol.

That helped me too. Looking at the heroes I thought I was good at, but my winrate said otherwise. I then focused on heroes I had good winrates with. It’s not as simple as that, but a big part is watching your own replays for example and identifying your weak spots.

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Get good at about 2 or 3 heroes in each category and learn to play them well.

At bronze and silver try to pick generic type heroes not heroes that your team needs to build around you (talking to you Medivh & illidan).

Save QM and unranked for experimenting with new heroes.

Understand the maps, what rotations are

don’t spend the first 5 minutes as 4 or 5 in middle then fall 1 or levels behind because the other team out soaked you

Know when the objectives come up and prep mercs for beforehand.

If you are on a map that has a lot of camps, draft a hero that can take camps.

Diving enemy camps when all 5 are up is dangerous and rarely worth the risk especially right before objective.

KNOW HOW TO COUNT TO 5. if the enemy is bossing as 5 and there are only you and 2 other teammates don’t dive the boss or the enemy team .

Know what counter soaking is, we cant get this objective lets get, camp/boss/front wall on the other side of the map while they get objective (but be carefull they may send 1 to get obj, and 4 to get you so be aware)

The minimap is your friend. If you are past the 1/2 way point on the map, and you don’t see ANY of the enemy on the minimap they are rotating to YOU. get out.


If only I read this advice 4 years ago… But I had to repeatedly hit my head in the wall to figure this one out. :smiley:

Curiously my deaths have barely if ever crossed ~3 per match after that (used to be 7+).

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Only queue for ranked when you feel good.
You can use consumables to boost your performance like coffee and sugar.
If you feel a little bit tired/tilted then you need a break.

Similar strategy to get high winrates with your heroes --> Only play them when you know they will be a good pick. Know when not to pick your main and you will keep the winrate high.

Unfortunately nobody will actually provide you with this information, mostly because nobody really understands how they climb. It’s a combination of luck and knowing how to “game the system” at the expense of the team game. In other words, playing the game using strategies and techniques you witness in tournament play doesn’t work.

Here’s an example from the developer who worked on the match making and ranking system for Blizzard: the data shows that in FPS games, solo queue win rates in Capture the Flag games were not driven by individuals running the flag successfully. Instead, outcome was more strongly correlated with head shots. In other words, players who focused strictly on head shots the entire match, even at the expense of running the flag, were more likely to win games and raise in ranks.

Similarly for HotS, playing the larger game meta isn’t nearly as important as just getting kills. Do you see what I’m getting at here? Learning how to “play” the team game, the key lesson that many of the HotS experts try to impart in their guides (naturally because that’s how tournaments are played) doesn’t actually provide the the desired results. Looking at the statistical analysis seems to drive this point home.

Like 20 posters provided valuable decent information, you just refused to read it.

Similarly for HotS, playing the larger game meta isn’t nearly as important as just getting kills.

So false. You can win a match even with 1 kill when the enemy has 20.
Hoku posted such a screen just a while back but I can’t find it.

Game is about taking down the enemy core, not a tally of who killed the most.

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One only climbs if one is ranked lower than their skill level would suggest. So if you want to climb you basically have to become better at the game :smiley:
Unfortunately one can’t teach players how to play the game that well on forums.
Maybe hire a coach ^^

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It’s just a lot easier for your whole team to take down structures/towers/cores when the enemy players are dead and it’s very difficult to take those structures down when the enemy team is defending them.

Getting a single kill in the right moment can be the reason for a win. Especially if you manage to kill enemy players in a way that there are never more than 4 enemy players alive at the same time. Like this the enemy team can never contest anything because it will always be 4vs5.

I love teamfighting, I just find many games ending because of macro too.

In some cases, even by catapults or backdoors, while the enemy is massively ahead of you in kills. (Even in platinum, people sometimes don’t clear catas during an objective)

Not to mention medivac rush (juice pirate?), which enables people to win four levels down and with 0 kills when the enemy has 30 kills, if they don’t have decent counters.

Thankfully most people don’t play that strategy much, it’s frustrating. I always pick Falstad against those.


You need to learn not to be matched with trolls.
Not sure where and how to do it, but that is the only way how to climb.

Because no matter how much I soak, depush, do camps, if I fill or not, there is always someone who is doing yolo or something similar.

5v3 lategame?
Better go back to base and dont get that enemy keep.

Won the objective, we are 4v2 and enemy is cursed?
Better get that boss, our boss and all the camps. No need to finish the game.

You see that your team is taking camp?
Better yolo dive into 3 enemies alone and then ping healer for not helping and tell him his build is trash…

How many kills doesn’t matter. Especially in the early game, a kill is just a bit of exp and the enemy player will be respawning within seconds. If your team doesn’t soak minion exp properly but got kills then it’s basically an even situation for both teams. You see the value of some kills is almost non existent so it’s only normal that a team is not winning just by having more kills and nothing else ^^

What matters is the momentum one team gets from a kill and if the team can use that momentum. A single kill can lead to a chain reaction of events that end up causing your team to win. Example your team can get the boss because the enemy team can’t contest you in a 4vs5 fight for the boss → Objective starts right after so the enemy team will be too late for the objective because they needed to defend the boss first. so one team got boss and objectives because of one kill at the right time.

Exactly! Why is everyone always treating it like a grind? You can’t grind to higher ranks. You have to be better than your current rank. For example I can’t go to diamond, because I don’t play like a diamond.

Unfortunately one can’t teach players how to play the game that well on forums.

Exactly. Even if GM#1 himself descended from the heavens to give advice, people would still dispute or ignore it. The people who treat ranked as a grind don’t want advice anyway, they think they’re always right.

Let them stay in Bronze for their own good. They’ll rank up if they improve personally.

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I used to believe this too but the data doesn’t lie. It turns out that if you want to play the Ranked meta game, that focus doesn’t work in your favor, statistically speaking.


I did see a Sonya named ‘Barbi’ (without the E) in QM. Makes me wonder if it was a Sonya main or pure coincidence.

Can you show your source?


Talk to Josh Menke on Twitter.

Menke hasn’t worked on HotS since 2017 so I don’t know what relevance he has on viability of macro heroes in modern heroes of the storm…

I dont agree. Many things can be learned from the forums even in a thread like the salt mines
They have a fresh mind to things and even disagreeing about it is learning because you run the scenario trough your head