Tauren Druid
A multiple form support with this ability to change his role to Supportive, Fighter and protector during fight.
Trait and Basic Abilities
Moonkin, Feral and Guardian Form
1) Moonkin
Druid start the game in Moonkin form, this form is his base and also he has 2 another form with this names, Feral (Cat) form and Guardian (Bear) form, each form has specific basic abilities. (player can switch to a new form every 4 seconds as cool down).
Skin is The Tauren.
Health: 1659.
Health Regeneration: 3.56.
Basic Attack Damage: 87.
Attack Speed: 1.00.
Basic Attack Range: 4.5.
Role: Support.
Note: Scale Value=4% per level.
Basic Abilities
Q) Regrowed
Instantly heal Druid for 153 plus 62 amount over 3 seconds. (7 seconds cool down and no mana cost)
W) Solar Wrath
Hurl a ball of solar energy on the target enemy, dealing 176 damage. (6 seconds cool down and 40 mana cost)
E) Cyclone
After 0.5 seconds, stun an enemy hero target for 1.25 seconds, during this time, the target become protected, cannot get damage. (8 seconds cool down and 60 mana cost)
2) Feral (Cat Form).
Active 2 to switch to Feral form.(4 seconds cool down for next switch).
Active 1 to switch to Moonkin form.(4 seconds cool down for next switch).Base
Skin become changed to a Wild Cat.
Maximum Health and Health Regeneration is Increased by 20% than the Moonkin form.
Basic Attack Damage is reduced by 20% than Moonkin form.
Attack Speed is increased by 75% than the Moonkin form.
Basic attack range is reduced from 4.5 to 1.5.
Basic Abilities
Q) Thrash
Strike the target (charge effect), dealing 152 damage on him and also stun him for 0.75 seconds. (5 seconds cool down and 40 mana cost)
W) Rake
Active to instantly deal a basic attack damage plus 78 bleed damage over 3 seconds. (5 seconds cool down and 35 mana cost)
E) Feral Instinct
Active it to become stealth and gain 30% movement and speed for 3 seconds. This ability is failed while taken damage. (6 seconds cool down and 40 mana cost)
3) Guardian (Bear Form)
Active 2 to switch to Feral form.(4 seconds cool down for next switch).
Active 1 to switch to Moonkin form.(4 seconds cool down for next switch).Base
Skin become changed to a war Bear.
Maximum Health and Health Regeneration is increased by 75% than the Moonkin form.
Basic Attack Damage is Increased by 25% than the Moonkin form.
Attack Speed is reduced by 20% than the Moonkin Form.
Basic attack range is reduced from 4.5 to 2.
Basic Abilities
Q) Bear Charge
Charge on the target area, dealing 213 damage and stun targets in the area for 1.25 seconds. (10 seconds cool down and 70 mana cost).
W) Guardian’s Nature
Active it to Increase damage dealt and healing received of Bear and his nearby allied hero by 20% for 4 seconds. (6 seconds cool down and 45 mana cost).
E) Roar
Deals 103 damage and also slow enemy’s movement speed by 35% in a large area for 3 seconds. (12 seconds cool down and 60 mana cost).
Important Note: All abilities maintain their cool down duration ever Druid change its role, (Tauren, Cat Bear form).
After the Druid change its role, another role get 3 seconds cool down too and so It is not possible to change the form once again at the same moment.
Level 1
[Iron fur]. Every 5 seconds, Bear get 25 armor for 2.5 seconds, reduce damage taken by 25%.
[Hidden Thick]. Every 3 Second, Cat get 1 stack of 50 physical armor and also 1 stack of 50 spell armor against the next enemy hero basic attack and spell damage for 4 seconds, reduce damage taken by 50%. Casting Feral Instinct instantly restore 1 charge.
[Omen of Clarity]. Increase Moonkin Health and Mana regeneration by 150% if he doesn’t get damage in the last 3 seconds.
Level 4
[Rejuvenation]. While Bear is below 75% of maximum health, he instantly receives a Regrowed. This effect has 10 seconds cool down.
[Staff of The Mulgore]. Tauren get 10% bonus spell power while he is in Moonkin form, also changing a form, grant him15 spell power for 10 seconds.
[Solar Boom]. Tauren is healed for 70% of damage dealt with Solar Wrath.
Level 7
[Feline Swiftness]. Casting an ability grant the Bear and the Cat 20% attack speed and movement speed for 3 seconds.
[Wild Cat]. Increase bonus basic attack number of Rake by 1, also casting Feral Instinct increase next cat basic attack damage by 40%.
[Double Solar]. After 0.75 seconds of casting Solar Wrath, the second solar wrath will automatically hit the target with 75% of main damage.
Level 10
[Tear]. After breaking Feral Instinct, if the cat succeeds to damage an enemy hero 5 times in the next 2.5 seconds, the cool down of Feral Instinct instantly get refreshed. This effect has 12 seconds cool down.
[Swipe]. Increase the Bear basic damage by 25%, Bear basic attack deal cleave damage with 35% of the main amount.
[Innervate]. Casting Regrowed, grant Druid (Moonkin) 60 mana and also Instantly reduce current cool down of The Moonkin basic abilities by 3 seconds.
Level 13
[Healing Touch]. Tauren now can use his Regrowed on an allied hero.
[Survival in Fight]. The Bear damage dealt heal himself and his allied hero for 30% of this amount.
[Enhanced Anger]. Reduce cool down of Guardian’s Nature by 2 seconds and also increase its duration by 2 seconds.
Level 16
[Maul]. If Bear Charge hit at least 2 enemy heroes, deals 50% bonus damage, this amount is increased to 100% while Bear Charge hit at least 3 enemy heroes.
[Enrage]. While the Cat is below 50% of maximum health, he gets 40% attack speed and heal for 25% of damage dealt on enemies. This effect has 25 seconds cool down.
[Remove Corruption]. Every 3rd Regrowed, remove all negative buff on the target such as slow, root and stun.
Level 20
[Berserk]. Cat and Bear basic attack reduce cool down of basic abilities by 0.75 seconds.
[Soul of The Forest]. Reduce cast cool down of changing a form from 4 seconds to 3 seconds.