Tassadar needs a complete rework

Tassadar is just not fun… he fits very specific comps and that’s it.

Like tyrande was he is in that awkard “support” role. He doesn’t need to be. Tassadar nees to be reverted like tyrande into a full blown support. Old school tassadar was so much fun.

Tassadar did very well when he was a full blown healer, someone you could send to solo if need be to hold the lane with decent waveclear. His healing was unique, and worked well with auto-attackers. Honestly a full blown revert to what he was would be amazing… I literally never had as much fun on a support as I did with oldschool tassadar.

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He is being reworked, and into a mage assassin I believe.


Pls dont rework tassadar, he’s completely fine. Same goes for chen and illidan.

Instead rework the tanks that make 1/3 of the roster obsolete(garrosh, diablo, anub).

Yeah, he’s getting a rework and it sounds like it’s towards a mage.

He’s going to be reworked dude. Our dream comes to us.


He’s being reworked into more like a mage though (as if we need, yet another one), which is not my dream. My dream is to see him as a hybrid that you can spec for different roles so he has that flexibility to fit into more teams.


Until Blizzard just shatters them and turns them into a nightmare by completely mutilating him into something completely unrecognizable and either just as bad or game-breakingly OP.

I’m with this guy, I like Tass as he is except for the aa life leech bs. I mean for the guys who want him more as a mage what is current Tass missing which you want? For me the only thing missing is feedback and for Tass to b able to spec into more dmg perhaps.

I’m totally against op’s idea. Making Tass into a full healer would be horrible

Well, I want the option to be a healer lol. Right now his shield talent is literally the worst talent in the game.

He needs to be respecced into a multiclass like Varian. Support buff role, Mage role, and Support debuff role.

I like him as is, but they removed the one talent that made him a good support. the one where his shields last forever until broken.

I’m fine with how he is but from a balance point of view I would give him some more healer stuff (Maybe more life steal or remove life steal and give an actual heal… just examples). You currently have the following:

  • Warrior that can shield
  • Assassin that can shield

Whats missing? Not sure if it would work but if they turn him into a mage then I hope they bring another hero that fits his current role (aka a disc priest).

I was previously happy with heros that were unique like pre reworked Tyrande so would be fine if they never did anything to him at all. I’m not a Tass main or anything and this is just my opinion

Evidence of the incoming rework is found here:

The funny thing is this description fits current Tass better than beta one.

if you call being in a 40% winrate for 2 years consistently as being “completely fine” and it’s a good thing you won’t ever be able to effect the balance of this game.


I’d already said it and I say it again.

Revert Tass into his early beta stage, remove lifelink from shield and talent, adjust numbers accordingly.

Voila, done.

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Related thought:

If the Glory to the Firstborn bundle showed up in the launcher accidentally, that might mean the rework is going to happen soon :thinking:

Unless they totally screw him up :smiley:

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You cant judge a hero from statistics by a game filled with wheelchair gamers. Hanzo is a perfect example of that, who is busted at high rating yet his winrate still match tassadars. If the goal is to make every hero near 50% wr then all you’re doing is taking away heroes that require actual skill to play.


Yes, he should get rework and the good news is the reworking is on the way…but then considering how mediocre was their previous reworks on other heroes and maps, so it is really hard to say that the Tassadar rework will be a success.

Yes, it can be too…

Same. I like his “multi-classing”.
I want him to become better, but Blizz refused to buff him. He needs little rework of some talents, buff of stats, etc.