Out of curiosity about. Tassadar Rework

lol you’re saying it as if DrLogan is your god or something and whatever he says = obey! he’s just another person like you and other’s. however keep thinking that way lol cause even your “DrLogan” was waiting for this rework and knew tass will become a mage so don’t try to say otherwise

this tassadar drinking game is going wrong cause people will suffer with it… slow down with the drinking!


Its important to stay hydrated


i’ll get something to eat. and perhaps a drink… be back later as it’s almost midnight ~

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But in al serious. Big change, people need some time to let it sink in.
Besides its still the ptr

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This thread showed me that people are going into the 7 stages of grief.

Some even reached stage 5 bargain.

Uh this is awkward.


I don’t have to think anything about Logan. He’s said some things I disagreed about Tass like you can’t play him at masters. I’m just saying people exist that liked Tass as a support, and there was no bigger representative of that on the forums than him.

So you saying everyone wanted him to be an assassin is just not true. Man I can see why strawman is your favorite argument, wouldn’t want to be missing any organs that help you think.

Speaking of, here’s a fun post about Tass from me which Logan responded to back in May of last year. So have fun with being wrong.


so many people are loving this rework so you and him complaining over and over isn’t gonna make it get reverted. so… why do it if you know it won’t change? idk. but it’s whatever in that case if you think complaining about it gonna make a difference other than showing you as a whiner then sure fine.

oh look what i found! the poll they made to see “how many tassadar fans hated this rework and want it to not go LIVE” guess what. both polls failed cause people love the rework despite what you saying



yeah tassadar had so many fans that prefer him before this rework /s

or this “he’s totally not being aggressive”

i would like it if you take a look at his comment first impression is he wish people to “burn in hell” for trying tassadar now wow

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Most of the community aren’t very high level with Tassadar. People who are, you will find, will be the most upset about the change. People who enjoy potato mages will be very excited.

People who played and were good with Tassadar put the time in to understand his kit and do well with it. His new kit is extraordinarily easy to understand because there is no nuance. There is nothing special. He’s boring.

Again, have you played him on the PTR? Have you played against him? These things would be obvious if you had.

EDIT: I want to add that I’m not here to flame or be contradictory. I’m here because my favorite hero is being changed in a very negative way that destroys everything that I loved about playing him (again).

check reddit polls and how many people enjoying him.

So… basically… the same thing that can be said about any other hero that got reworked. Narha took the time to learn Chromie, it got reworked, and now he’s upset. What’s your point?

Next news, “water is wet”

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i’m really surprised about 1 person that i didn’t expect to actually show their true colour by this tassadar rework no i’m not talking about a tassadar main but yeah this rework not only was good for most of the player’s but it was good for revealing few things that i needed to know. i appreciate the devs for this actually i can’t wait for more interesting reworks that’ll reveal even more stuff!

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Ive been a tassadar player since the beta , so far i have seem him go through 3 different version.
The original support
The damaged focused
And the current version we have now.

The 1st and 3rd are are those i enjoyed the most , with its original design the one i loved the most.

Out of all 3 the one i liked the least was the second itteration of tassadar.

Why was there this feeling ? Because tassadar / high templars are about enabling big plays . high templars are simpler to use but the feeling of accomplishment were the same. You had a limited amount of storm , you best land it perfectly otherwise it may cost you the fight or even the game.

Original tassadar was similar , not every action were so timing precises but it always felt that you had very specific timing and things to keep in mind at all times ( he had way more actives back then and more utilities )

When they focused on damage , they lost alot of that feeling of big play enabling moves.

Also , supports and healers are never going to be a vocal majority because they are not ! I did stats about this before its also easy to see in games , assassins and bruisers are between 70-85% of your general player base , so for them getting a new dps is great ! Then the remaining 30-15% are divided between healers supports and tanks .

Lets take half for the tanks so were down to lets say 15%-7.5% are healers and support mains .

Nit everyone plays the same characters at the same frequencies .

Tassadar , like medivh is a niche hero that is a reactive character rather then a proactive character. That factor alone explain why theses two have such a low popularity rate but the players who play them are either horrible or will bring their team to victory . there are no grey zone for those characters . you suck or your awesome.

DrLogan isnt the only tassadar main here. I did tassadar tutorials going from how and when to use the skills and the different use of every single talents.

I expressed my oppinion that tassadar possibly needed a rework but it had to be done in a specific way in order to maintain the original feeling . which was defintiely not followed .

If you compare tassadar now and the ptr and play them , you will notice there is a very obvious shift in player skill needed to play but also those decisive play momments that you enable.

They got some elements right but they seriously messed up other key things

They are You need something for these rework I know it about these heroes.

I thank that Alarak and the team (D.Va, Lt.Morales, Cassia & Li-ming) could rework with new skin I want it.

i actually will consider both sides of this argument. on ONE hand it is saddening that we lost the original design, because i believed it couldve been reworked without changing the whole kit. but on the OTHER hand, the new kit looks wonderful! honestly cant wait to try him out :smiley: .

i get that the devs want to make him a hybrid of support and mage. basically i think he is an anti-support now! he messes up the enemy and deals alot of dmg if well executed! i am sad the old tass will go away, but he will live in our hearts! maybe they can make a better tass-like hero later on :smiley:

edit: ok i just read some replies and HOLY HECC ppl are irrational in ALL ways. no, not ALL ppl are sad, and not ALL ppl are happy. its what all reworks do. the amount of ppl who will finally accept tassadar in matches will increase dramatically! and the ppl who liked the kit just have to accept the truth and try him out instead of complaining. again, im not in wonderful terms with the fact that old tass is gone, but LOOK at his wonderful kit! he has an ult as an abillity!

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My question for you is why are people under the impression one hero can only have one kit to work with? Why box yourself up that way?

Isn’t Hots the moba that defies moba convention? Why not just include two versions of tassadar you can choose from? While he remains as a single hero, so only one tass can appear in league games.

I don’t see why not, people that want a new hero, get a new hero and people that want the old tass get to keep the old tass, it’s a win win


When it really boils down to it, they did literally change everything about him, however at the same time, they kinda had to. The only assassins with any sort of shield are ones gained from damage, tass has that at 4 now. They kept his wall, they kept his archon, they kept the slow, chaining beams so you can get it sooner, sure they removed his stasis but tbh can’t have an assassin with that much zoning potential and be safe too; it would be too frustrating otherwise.

Let’s also not forget that this can be changed, this is not the final iteration of tassadar (as I’m sure we’re all aware) and can be changed to what he needs to be in patches. Personally I feel like he stands still far too much for how much range he’s actually given. Stand still to cast his main damage spell, stand still to auto, stand still to use his oracle, stand still to cast blackhole. There are only so many two handed actions a mage should have, at some point he just becomes too clunky. He’s kind of like orphea except orphea was rewarded with burst and healing AND mobility when she was played right, tass is much more teamfight oriented and with that it’s far more dangerous for how squishy he is. He has talents to alleviate that and sure maybe his shock laser should still be clunky because its a massive chunk spell, but this seems like a case of square hole; round peg.

The talents themselves seem clunky and are supposedly help reduce the clunky as you go on, movement on Q hit, standing still for oracle giving spell armor, autos having further range or chaining, slowing heroes so they stay in your spells, but the real question here is “will that be enough to really make tassadar an assassin?” some say yes, me personally feel as if he should retain some parts of his old self for nostalgia factor or giving him a layer of depth with his kit. If he’s really a utility based mage, what makes him better than say a jaina? Probably the wall, but thats on a 21 second cooldown, is that worth it playing a less bursty mage who has a wall? It seems like the only time you ever want walls is when you’re comboing with another character that uses walls, namely pretty much diablo, even then a stun at midrange every 21 seconds is not great, a muradin can open up with a better stun or even a blaze, diablos more about the chunk and raw tankiness but it seems like you can just solve that by playing a jaina and some other stun tank.

The rework as a whole does not seem fluid enough IMO. I feel like if you’re going to make him a utility assassin, similar to probius, maiev, junk or syl, someone who’s entire existance is not based on killing but can provide other means of winning, then I believe tass might either need to have a more hybridized kit.

This isn’t saying he should have a shield that comes off cooldown and can heal people if they hit stuff because frankly we should steer away from that. But like Zarya or fenix, it’s not wrong to have a shield, it is however wrong to have a shield and at an extremely low cooldown with a lot of utility and damage to boot. Maybe he could have a shield that he could give to allies, but as a larger cooldown, maybe he could have a sort of “damage you support you” sort of mantra, something akin to Senna from LoL where she would shoot beams and give allies shields but damage enemies. Maybe shockray could enable by dealing a lower amount of damage but allies hit have a small shield, maybe psistorm could give buffs to allies to make him a support based assassin.

But needless to say, we do have quite a few mages that outshine whatever tass is going to do, imo. It would make more sense to have him simply select what he wants to do more in the composition without giving him as much raw support power as before but not as much damage as someone like Orphea.

But that’s just my opinion on him.
He chunks for a ton not gonna lie. Would not mind playing him in live.

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To be fair, tassadar is might be the most radical rework in the game’s history, barring perhaps alpha and beta. I don’t think we’ve ever had another hero change roles just like that.

Not that I dislike the rework, but blizz stepped on toes harder than reworks usually do by flat out removing how the character played. I sympathize with those that are sad about it. I think the best solution would’ve been to make another HT hero.

Sylvanas’ rework was drastic aswell, changing her playstyle completly. It wasn’t labeled as a role’s change just because Specialist were removed as a whole and she was already been shifted to DPS.
And also at that time there were people crying around about how they’ve killed the fun out of her or how they would have stop playing the game and so on.

People doesn’t like changes, because they force them to move out of their comfort zone and adapt to something new. Every change will always upset someone while making someone else happy, it’s impossibile to have everybody agree.

The closest one we have here is Chromie honestly since they radically changed the properties of her spells in her last rework and shifted her playstyle from burst to sustain and more siege. So I’d say it is more comparable there since it is a completely new direction for the hero.

But yeah Tassadar is drastic in so much that he basically lost two of his basic abilities rather than one or just having it reworked. So he does play way more differently as a result thereof.