The bot REMOVED just stands around till he dies in TL and does not get obj.
Hi there TheDarkArmy
Please take a moment to review Forum Guidelines. We cannot call players out by name on the forums (especially considering the nature of non unique Battletags).
I’ve gone ahead and removed the player name from your report.
In the future, if you want to point us in the direction of a potentially exploitive game (with full details including screenshots and or player info) this is easily done by sending an email DIRECTLY to our Anti-hack team via
Still have not fixed this bug. It is easy to verify. On TL Bronze 5, especially at night time, you will see Treebeard and his bots just dying. I have already reported him AFK if he is a real person. Obviously, you rather make lame replies than take a moment to verify that I am telling the truth.
Zobrek I have flagged not only the response to this post but also the topic as they both call out players by name.
TheDarkArmy, not only are all of your posts in violation of forum guidelines, this also is not a bug.
Hello! I just got the MacBook Pro 16" I am able to launch the game but when it loads the window doesn’t work properly. The whole screen is the game but I can only move my mouse on the top left of the screen. I am pretty sure it thinks that’s the only window. I try to use commands to leave the game but it doesn’t work.
I guess the main problem is that I just can’t do anything at all with the game because it doesn’t launch properly.
I believe your problem is due to nastynate420 being a bug.