Sylvanas Beginner Guide

I’m creating this guide to Sylvanas for players who aren’t very experienced in the game or are new to Sylvanas. The reason for this is I want to help players that want to learn Sylvanas but need a starting point/build. This topic will be just that. I will try to make this as brief as possible. That being said, lets jump right in.

First things first, let’s go over Sylvanas’s kit.

Trait (D) Black Arrows - Activate to stun minions, mercenaries (non-elite), and structures. All basic attacks mark heroes up to 3 times. At 3 stacks, enemies take 25% more damage from Sylvanas
Withering fire (Q) - Shoots enemies with up to 5 arrows that deal damage (prioritizing heroes). Cooldown resets on takedowns.
Shadow Dagger (W) - Throws a dagger to an enemy. By dealing damage to that target, the damage spreads to all other enemies within a certain range. (Even spreads activatable trait, if active)
Haunting Wave (E) - Launches a wave of banshees to a target area damaging all in path (also spreads activatable trait, if active). Press E again to teleport to her banshees. (her main method of escape)

Sylvanas has a few viable builds but this first one is the best for starter Sylvanas’s. Its very safe and as long as you know how to auto attack, you should do fine. (QM results may vary)

Level 1 - Might of the Banshee Queen
Level 4 - Mercenary Queen or Unstable Poison
Level 7 - Barbed Shot or Lost Soul
Level 10 - Wailing Arrow or Mind Control
Level 13 - Remorseless
Level 16 - Life Drain
Level 20 - Withering Barrage or Bolt of the Storm

  • Unstable Poison is more often a better choice than Mercenary Queen because waveclear is more important. The faster you clear a wave, the faster you can do something else or join your team.
  • Choose Lost Soul if you can consistently auto attack a hero (Dragon knight and Triglav Protector on Volskaya count as heroes), if not, take Barbed Shot for better single target damage.
  • Choose Mind Control against heroes like Zul’Jin or Butcher, who rely on AA’s and are basically unaffected by silences.
  • Choose Bolt of the Storm if you need better escapes, if not, take Withering Barrage for Q cooldown reduction.

This build is not meant for crazy plays or risky micro, like Genji. This is a simple build that should allow you to stay safe, deal damage in fights and still allow you to be a laner. Getting camps is important when playing Sylvanas because of how efficiently she can take them, but do try to help your team during fights as well because Sylvanas is good at that too. Perks of being a generalist hero.

Start the match by soaking xp. You can also shut down the forts early with your trait (D) but pay attention to enemy rotations because if they’re smart, they will try to stop you.
Siege camps become available after 1 min so as soon as they come available, get them. At level 4 you can keep camps stunned without your trait as long as you switch targets to keep them stunned. That talent also makes your mercenaries more powerful and allow you to deal more damage to enemy mercenaries.
Try your best to capture camps right before objectives. Its okay to defeat camps and leave them uncaptured, just keep an eye on them so no one steals them.
Try to avoid split pushing unless you are okay with giving the objective. On maps like Garden of Terror and Cursed Hallow, giving objective to take a fort can be more valuable than one of those early objectives. Make sure to consult with your team so you are all on the same page.

Team fights
First off, when team fighting, use Q as much as possible because her level 1 talent makes her AA’s a lot faster and she gains spell power if her Q hits heroes. Always use Q when you have the chance, but make sure you stay within range of a hero so you can gain more spell power. W is meant for you to spread out your damage to the whole enemy team. Pick a target and focus that target while your W is active to maximize damage spread. Use E to hard engage or retreat/reposition. But I would mostly stick to using it to retreat at first until you get a hang of Sylvanas. If you use it unwisely, you’ll end up in the middle of the enemy team with no escape and most likely cause yourself to die.
Mainly, what you want to do during team fights is stay near or behind your frontline and try to use basic attacks on enemy heroes. The Remorseless talent allows your damage to spread to other heroes just by basic attacking them, while also increasing your range, so do that as often as possible while using Q and W to add in more damage.
If you have the opportunity to focus down their backline, do so. While your damage still spreads to others, try not to only focus the tank 100% of the time. Attacking the backline is important too. If it is not safe to focus the enemy backline, focusing the tank is okay because of how well Sylvanas spreads her damage. Use your E to reposition if you need to and keep trying to send out basic attacks as often as you can. Use your R when they are somewhat clumped because the more heroes you hit, the safer it is to hard engage and secure kills. You can use your R to stop someone from chasing, or to finish off someone as well.

I hope this guide helps anyone looking to start playing Sylvanas. This ended up being longer than I thought. :neutral_face:

Note: Video removed due to issues with my youtube/google account safety. I apologize for any inconvenience this causes, but a repost of gameplay isn’t likely. Sorry about that.

Here’s a link to my intermediate guide. Thanks for reading.


Thank you for the good guide, bumping this so more people see it on front page. A long time since good Hero guides were posted.

Especially for the video which also helps visualize the contents in practice.


Thanks. I appreciate it. :grin:

I’m glad you found it helpful.


Really helpful indeed, it’s one of the main reasons that these forums should exist, it’s well explained and the video makes things clearer, good job, hope there’s more post like this one for the time being.


That was actually part of the inspiration for making this. I wanted to post something that was able to help players. As someone who plays a lot of Sylvanas, I figured that’s the best way for me to do it. :smile:


Of topic :sweat_smile::
Hearing the Raven Lord on english is quite disappointing. He sounds so arrogant and sassy in german. It’s a real good work of the voice actor.
And now, back to the topic.


I always thought he was quite arrogant voiced in English lol. I can’t imagine German. Too bad I don’t understand that language to be able to experience it.

I am starting to play Sylvanas. Is this guide still up to date or do I need to take it with a grain of salt?

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She hasnt changed its up to date

Just the meta is diffirent from a 3 bruiser meta to a regular comp

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I usually go unstable poison to allow me to quickly clear 2 lanes and then help my team. If you’re in solo queue, you want to make sure your teammates don’t kill themselves while not neglecting your other duties and unstable poison makes clearing waves quick and trivial.

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Ahah, no I first play AI to have to a feeling of the way the abilities work. And also to build some muscle memory :stuck_out_tongue: . And then only I’ll go with her against human players. So it is not for today XD

I would not recommend AI only because they do not move and fight the way a human does. You’ll come to find that you’ll have to relearn how to play if you transition from AI to QM because of that.

To save you time and to avoid bad habits, I suggest you just do QM or ARAM to get a feel for how players move and fight. It’ll help you a lot in predicting how players rotate and form plays.

Well, 2/3 of my play time is with my friends who play AI only (actually, this is not true since I think we played something like 2 or 3 QM together but one of them found it too stressfull, so only AI now with them XD)… But otherwise, yeah I solo queue.

And I was looking for an intermediate Sylvanas guide.

Oh well, just make another one :slight_smile:

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intermediate sylvanas guide

If you cant stack your W dont go W build

intermediate sylvanas guide 2

If you cant stack your D 3 times on targets, don’t play Sylvanas

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The video doesn’t seem to exist.

It existed but I assume that it has some expiration time or something like that. And Xivilaikhys hasn’t posted for more than a year, so I am not sure they even still play.

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Nice to know in my absence that someone had interest in learning Sylvanas…

I want to say a few things. First off, I do still play Sylvanas and I also have success playing her the same way as described in this guide as she hasn’t really changed.
Secondly, an intermediate guide would just entail growth of your mechanical gameplay, decision making, and IQ of the game in general. Practice and personal input of how you want to play the hero is your intermediate guide. This guide is just there to familiarize someone with the hero and learn the basics of how they should be used. Anything more than that would most likely come from practice.
Lastly, sorry about the gameplay being removed, personal issues…


My prefer build - main target are enemies frontline:

  1. Overghelming Affliction, because there will almost always be a mage on thy team, so …
  2. Possession : thou can intercept enemy catapults - it’s important when thou don’t have a fort, and the enemies have a catapult. And wave clear without Unstable Poison is already normal.
  3. Festering wounds - to immediately use the 1st talent.
  4. Only aoe silence ult -always.
  5. Remorseless or Cold Embrace? - until I do not decided still for myself what is best for the 1st talent.
  6. Personally I prefer Life Drain.
  7. Deafening Blast.