Supports and melee assassins

Am i the only one, who has weird feeling about supports and melee assassins in this game?
There are too much classes, especially melee ones. Considering what a nightmare melee assassins are to balance team, they would look much better if they were transitioned to bruisers, which would be a multifunctional “fighter” class. To prove this i will bring some examples of weirdo melee assassins. We have 1st half which is decent assassins relying on their ability combos (Maive, Alarak, Valeera, Zeratul, Qhira). 2nd half is Samuro, Illidan, Butcher and Murky which almost never fulfill their role of melee assassins. All except Murky rely on their auto-attacks and automaticly fall off with burst damage when compared with any mage or melee assassin with combo.
Also this class is underused in high elo, and pretty hard to play against in low level games. If they all were transitioned in melee fighter class and changed a bit, maybe Butcher wouldn’t be completely useless in rating higher than plat, and wouldn’t obliterate in lower ones. Maybe he even would become fun with other game plan than “me charge and kill or not kill and die”.
Same goes with supports. They are all completely different and have different functions, so why only 4 heroes should take a whole different role? Zarya makes a good off tank in Overwatch, why shouldn’t she be tank in Heroes? Shields are completely okay for that role, considering that Tyrael has one (and even supportive ulti).
Medivh would make decent healer or ranged assassin with a small addition, as he has good background for both. Same goes for Abathur.
TLV is completely unique hero, and it would be hard to tell, but imo Olaf feels the most important one of them, he would make a cool tank with unique possibility to soak lanes with hes friends.
I would like to see what is your opinion about this, or what you would suggest devs to make this game better.

In some ways you are correct, however, changing the classification label of a hero won’t magically change their utility.

Ultimately, I feel that your concern boils down to the playstyle differences between low and high rating. At low ranks, people do a lot more small things, hence a Butcher has a good chance to pick up meat, or Illidan has the opportunity to wittle down the opponents. Same with Valla actually.

Several of these heroes are balanced around Abathur, unfortunately. Bruisers and tanks included, it’s often make it or break it: with Abathur, the hero is objectively a carry, while without, it’s underpowered, being either a chicken or a feeder. (Some healers, particularly Morales, do a fairly good job at fixing it.) Tassadar has been reworked for exactly this reason.

About Zarya specifically, she has a gimmicky playstyle - as most OW and newer heroes do - and in particular, her abilities require her presence in teamfights. Going solo, she makes little use of her abilities and trait. However, in the current meta there is hardly room for this hero, maybe in the four man deathball, assuming it happens in the first place and the enemy is stupid enough to empower her. Occasionally I come across fantastic Zarya players, though.

I think the point wasn’t to create heroes matching the classification, but to describe heroes in general: while bruisers are slower but durable, melee assassins are squishier and rely in hit and run (or good trading).

On a per-player basis, it might not make too much sense or correlate. With my favorite ranged assassins my winrate is around 60% after many matches, yet there is a class of ranged assassins where I’m floating in the 25-35% range. Similarly, I love Qhira but fail with virtually every other melee. I also have exactly one tank I can play with results.

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