Support the idea Please

Hello blizzard or GM look at this idea.
Well, the idea consists of a game mode that you already know very well… a 2v2 or 3v3 Arena mode (although I would prefer only 2s as a start) and that it be a competitive mode, not a minigame, something with rank and unique rewards such as skins, portraits, banners , frames and the famous stickers.
The search mode is obviously random for those who want to play something chill and without losing points (that is, a skirmish), but to play competitively (by rank) let it be in a group and thus avoid trolls a bit (like the team league From before, when there were 3 or more in a group, it was no longer a storm league but a team league) well, there you see how they do it.
Start of the game in the draft, 3 bans per team 30 seconds to ban, the leaders ban at the same time when the time runs out the bans are shown (it doesn’t matter if they banned the same thing) I think it would be more interesting that way hehe I don’t know.
The banning phase ends and the selection of heroes continues:
The blue team 20s The red team
First pick First pick
At the same time, the picks will be the ones at the end of the 20 seconds, the picks will be shown and the same with the last two picks to make a counterpick or combo (there may be mirrors) after the selection of heroes ends, continue.
Badge selection, the four players must choose one as a buff or use it for 20 seconds
There were 4 insignia:
Liberation Badge: frees you from any mass control 2min cd.
Gladiator Badge: Boosts you for 7 seconds with damage and ability power 1 min cd.
Dynamic Duo Badge: Boosts you and your nearby ally with attack speed and movement speed (passive).
Stamina Badge: Grants you and your nearby ally 500hp for 5 sec 1min cd.
Those were the badges as a mini-advantage to choose before the game, you see how to nerf or buff them later hehe.
Then after all that, the loading screen follows with some tips there, the players with their arena portraits and their ranks and picks and of course the background map :smiley:
After the screen loading comes the talents that change everything there.
The heroes will only be able to choose only 3 talents, they will have 1 minute to do so.
The selection was the entire talent tree they have but you can only choose 3, here I explain how:
Level 1:
Option Q W E
Level 4:
Passive Q W Option
Level 7:
Option E E Q
Of those 9 talents or more you only choose one.
Level 10:
Here you only choose some, it depends on whether you like the last one or the final one or whatever you say.
Level 13:
Option: Q W extra spell
Level 16:
Option: Passive E Q
Level 20:
Option: R1 improvement
R2 improvement
Storm talent.
Passive or extra spell.
And from lvl 13 to 20, the same process was the same, you could only choose one.

Improve your ulti, some storm talent like blink, storm shield or choose a 16 talent that some are strong but only ONE.
After having spent 1 min to choose the 3 talents that you will use in the arena, the combat will begin (if you do not choose talents it will be random) and well, some details such as some things on how to reduce healing through combat, a revealing eye advances for the invisible ones that are not discovered in 30 seconds and that of course the R and their talents are visible at the beginning I forgot… well I think that was my idea hehe.
You have already perfected it, I share it since I have dreamed of playing that game mode (no joke) and I don’t want my favorite MOBA to be forgotten T-T
PSDT: I don’t know the name of the mode yet but I don’t know something like Stormy Combat or The Best Duo I don’t really know or ArenaStoms I’ll leave it to you Blizzard xd. (Everything is translated sorry :frowning: ).

That’s an entirely new game, not a mode.

There’s no way this can happen in a classic game.

I’m afraid you’ll have to create the game yourself for it to have any chance of existing.


Nah,is like old brawls im talking like 8 years go,if just people could support more…not like U rofl

I’d rather them just bring back the “Escape from Braxis” brawl, much less work involved, as it already exists. Even then, the Dev’s said the brawls cost too much time/money to maintain, so we’re out of luck.


I have hope m8 we need support i think wiht a new mode game the game can revive from ashes :frowning:

I’m curious to know why you think it can’t be done.

And before anyone says it, yes I understand the current state of the game… I know there’s no one to physically do it. But is that the only reason? Because ending a possible discussion due to that is very useless.


2v2 or 3v3
A completely overhauled talent system.
Badges, basically item that need to be added to the game.

That’s nothing like the old brawls.

Mostly that there’s no team to implement it. If they were willing to create a whole new game mode. We’d still have everything else.

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I mean, it seems like you don’t understand the point of the idea, it’s not perfect, it’s just for one of the people who works there to examine it and perfect it.
U are so bored.

‘arena’ mode suggestions aren’t new and other games that have had them as an additional gimmick (not balanced around them) have seen interest in them die out when the game isn’t balanced around it.

When this is suggested here, the usual take is to make a brawl out of it as a trial, rather than jumping into a ranked mode. Since the current game is ‘balanced’ around select maps with 10 players, it’s going to skew heavily on select gimmicks to min/max certain aspects of the game unless new maps are made to match. That’s part of why the suggestion dies off in low-population in similar games that reduce player-counts, but don’t adjust resources and balance accordingly.


Me and a friend played in a community 2v2 aram tournament a couple months ago. It was actually pretty fun.


People really need to stop using that as an excuse to dismiss an idea. Isn’t the point of this general discussion forum to discuss things related to the game? What, because the devs are no longer working on the game the whole point of the forum ceases to exist? I don’t think that’s fair.

ARAM is literally an arena mode and its one of most popular. QM is not balanced around and its one of the most popular modes as well. You see that Ranked is the only mode (besides UR which is dead) the game is balanced around and the queue times are the longest for that mode. So what you’re saying about modes that aren’t balanced around being unpopular seems like a bad assumption at best since we see literally the opposite in current Hots.

I agree that 5v5 is much more balanced around than 2v2 or 3v3, but that doesn’t mean that the game can’t be balanced differently in those modes. ARAM has had work done on it to make it more “balanced” and its its own arena mode. Brawls were an even larger example of this.


We had these kinds of arena brawls ages and ages ago.

My favorite ones were the sky temple one and the punisher arena.

AZJackson said it’s too much hassle and energy updating them with each patch to be compatible with the new client so they’re permanently gone (without modding the client) so all we have now is ARAM.

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It’s not the idea.

They don’t have the resources to give us events, or season rewards (which would be like, 2 mounts per year) or even a single brawl that everyone’s been asking for.

So the chages you are asking for are just too much to expect. It requires new maps, a redesign of talents etc. Again, if they could do it, they could bring the game back to full support.

But they can’t.

It’s not an excuse Xiv, it’s a fact. OP isn’t just proposing this as a theory or for discussion purposes, he/she wants this to actually be made. You have to be realistic with expectations.

They did do some balancing for QM. A lot of talents exist to adjust for things you may be lacking in a QM comp. And some heroes are buffed or nerfed with QM in mind (mostly nerfed). Valeera for example was kept as is to prevent her from ruling QM, even though she would not cause problems in ranked. Most heroes with high push potential, like Azmodan, are in the same boat.

The only one they left alone a bit was Sylvanas, so unlike the others, she gets picked at high level in ranked. Though her talent “Unfurling Shadows” was nerfed, in my opinion, to prevent her from stomping on newbs who don’t realize that she’s stacking. (Even pre-nerf the talent wasn’t that good, it only worked becauseplyers weren’t familiar with it.)

It was very different from what OP is proposing though. Balancing a ranked 3v3 with a completely different talent system (and items) would take more work than the brawls did.
For the brawls, they just made a smaller version of a map and let the bosses loose on them with eveyone Lvl 10 (Or sometimes with no talents, which made Kharazim and Varian REALLY bad)

The game is designed around 10 players, and modes that have 10 players function as sustainable modes. Individual hero balance is not based on every mode, but the core of the player count is still addressed, and other aspects have been adjusted. When things are problematic, some heroes are removed from the pool.

The game is not balanced around 2 v 2 or 3 v 3, nor have other “mobile online battle arena” games that made the mode for the game, and removed it.
(oh the genre already has ‘arena’ in it, so it’s already “arena” mode :open_mouth: )

While it is possible to impose specific adjustments for those modes, it’s likely going to need to gut a large portion of the hero pool, and a myriad of other changes that, while possible to do, are unlikely since the shown projection is that this sort of design isn’t ‘sustainable’ for player interest or company content generation.

While I didn’t specify lower-counts on the player matches in my post, that is the content of what the OP wants, and they’re not particularly interested in discussion, but rather, they have conveyed their idea to the powers that be.
You ignoring context to impose something else, and then demonstrate your own contradiction doesn’t hold doesn’t make much of a ‘discussion’ and just plays off bad-faith whateverisms that aren’t much a ‘discussion’ either.

I just wish someone from Blizzard would take a look at it…I think they can make a mode like that, like in WoW, I know my idea is not perfect but they can make it perfect…And I really think people would like it.

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This could have been a unique take back in the day before the development went on the path of attempting to implenent a story, make original characters, and really started chasing the competitive scene as well erode away at what seperated HotS and LoL a bit.

Even if this is a rough draft, I can see it working with more work done to iron it out.

Unfortunately, unless HotS gets a revival nothing will happen besides slight tweaks here and there, resets on the ladder or whatever, and changing the main menu background from time to time. Hate to state the obvious but it is just the cruel truth of the matter.

Yes, something drastic would have to change for the OP’s ideas to have any chance. I get that it can be fun to discuss possibilities, but people also need to be realistic.

If Blizz won’t/can’t spend the money to maintain already existing modes like OG brawls, it’s very unlikely they will develop a whole new mode, with a ranking system thrown in to make it even more work.

So? Let them make a thread about it. Shutting down anything discussed on this forum because “it will never be possible in the current situation” defeats the purpose of a forum. I’m so tired of people saying things like that because then what else do you want this forum for? To share stories? Share cartoons? Talk about things unrelated to hots in general? Go create a discord to do all that because is a better place to do all this… oh wait…

Further proves my point that not only one mode can receive balancing resources.

The balancing for any certain newer modes can be adjusted separately. If that’s too much to ask even if the game was successful and there are people there to do it then you can create compromises. That’s what a discussion is hint hint. Plus, what evidence do you have to support the idea that a 3v3 wouldn’t be possible? Essentially you’d have some sort of tank, healer and damage. With the use of items in the OP, its doable to create that balance, if not patches that are separate from the other modes. With the resources, its possible without creating a separate game. I just forget that this community hates the use of items (I did dislike the medallion but that doesn’t mean I should shut down every idea that uses it… its arrogant behavior).

Just because there’s a possibility that something isn’t going to be successful doesn’t mean people can’t try and come up with something new and different. That’s kind of how innovation works. Yes, it will require a lot of work to implement, but I don’t think the purpose of the OP was to talk about the idea because it was 100% optimized and with logistics on how it will be done. We’re just a bunch of random people coming up with ideas. The goal I believe is for Blizzard to take their idea and implement it somehow. Will it work? Idk, but most of the reasoning behind shutting down the idea is baseless and therefore unhelpful. If your goal on the forum is to police what ideas are deemed acceptable then I hope you’re getting paid for it somehow, if not, that’s just sad.

When the first reply to a thread lacks all desire to have a discussion, I can sympathize with OP’s similar response to it. That first reply had no interest in having a discussion either. Its kind of hard to have a discussion with someone when they just put down your ideas right off the bat. I’m pretty sure the OP wasn’t going to waste time trying to have a discussion with someone who clearly doesn’t want to, despite how much they claim to about other things. Perhaps if people didn’t trash an idea without discussion you’d see some reciprocity of that.

I didn’t ignore anything btw. While I don’t agree with everything the OP stated I didn’t feel the need to say what Phaseshifter said because it defeats the purpose of a discussion forum. People here seem to like to post something when it isn’t useful or needed. And then they defend themselves when people call them out about it.

I don’t know why you feel so strongly to reply to every troll in other threads to do the same thing when they clearly don’t care about what you have to say. Its stupid that you spend that much time writing up things just so someone who disagrees with you can feel like they’re dumb or have no self awareness.

You’re mistaken about me ignoring context and you also misunderstood the major point I was trying to make by swimming around it, which is that people here shouldn’t be so quick to discount ideas made by others based on something that is pretty obvious to everyone who plays the game. I’m sure the OP knows queue times are long and that it means there’s not a lot of people playing the game… so pointing it out when its not easy to come to that conclusion breeds negativity and it pretty pointless in my opinion.

Let me also mention that another thread implementing a mode that received much more positive responses. That may have been seen as a joke or satire or just a fun thread… but still its sad that people can’t reply productive things that add to a discussion rather than shut it down before it’s given a chance. That’s probably why so many people dislike a lot of users with a lot of posts. Its not hard to recognize patterns and sadly a lot of people with a lot of posts have a pattern of doing these types of things. Funny how people here are also surprised how many people became trolls because of that type of behavior.

Anyway if you, or anyone else reading this gets something from what I said… be nicer, post productively, and give things a chance by discussing it instead of shutting it down based on the elephant in the room.

I already know where this discussion is going with you Xen so I’ll see myself out. If you take that as a concession… so be it. I would rather further replies be about applying what I said and having a discussion about the OP not “proving me wrong”.


Yes, you did.

I’m not ignoring your statement on you 'knowing where this is going" because I’m under the impression you do not. What you have ignored is what I wrote in favor of projecting what you think of me and responding to that instead. A strawman is a form of ignoring things.

While the statement you made on ‘not ignoring things’ is for this topic, the implications of this apply to my conduct in other ones. I don’t ‘feel strongly’ about replying to ‘trolls’ but I do try to encourage actual discussions.

OP does not look interested in discussing the idea, they just want ‘support’, because they think the idea should be implemented. From their replies, it looks like that is the extent of their interest: blizzard can “perfect” the idea.

If an idea is going to get ‘support’ then either an OP should present something novel, provide more than words (eg. a test map), or actively try to get support by engaging with the conversation by actively seeking refinement or asking about related experiences they personally may not have. They don’t seem interested in forum activity – despite posting a few times – as they aren’t asking questions and mostly resort back to the “blue do this”.

Contrary to your imposed statement, there is a discussion happening about this, and the ‘forum’ isn’t shutting down the idea – or ‘hating items’ – but they are working with what is provided.

Have you ever seen a suggestion I’ve made for the game? I’ve made several, and most of which don’t get much ‘discussion’ for the idea.
Have you read the contests of suggestions others have made for the game?
Suggestions don’t generate much discussion or interest beyond a few others trying to also get attention for their own demands/ideas as it’s hard to pass/fail any idea, and people usually need something more to ‘see’ what is happening, so they don’t have much to say.

However, if the idea wants ‘support’ then having it bumped with activity is a way for a community manager to see this and see activity and maybe think something about it akin to the reddit suggestions that got mirrored re-enabled for aram. Granted, in that particular case, there were several posters who independently said the same thing (ie, show support) rather than spam topics asking for that thing.

Your particular fixation seems to just want to accuse people of ‘shutting down the idea’ instead of realizing that your particular conduct has steered it that way because that is what you are asking: you have contented yourself to find what you set forth to see.

I quoted earlier your statement on my responding to ‘trolls’: I typically post when people ask for information, and I try to provide it. You asked a question, and I answered it. From there, you seemed to have ignored that my answering the question does not actually convey my idea on the ‘support’ of the idea. Sure, I could say I think it’s unlikely – for several reasons – but I’m also not saying that idea can’t work, but rather, it’s not taking the right approach.

If you ask “what could we do to make this work” instead of “why are the forums opposed to ideas that don’t put much traction into realizing their idea” then you’d get different responses.

The idea of this mode could be made more novel (ie, draw attention as a unique experience) by calling it “lost vikings mode” or “misha mode” and having 1 player control all 2 or 3 heroes. Or, it could be “cho’gall mode” and have 2 players split control over the team. The point being that presenting a unique idea to get some ‘support’ with forum traction would require having something more than just “blizzard perfect my idea please”

People have suggested this same thing, with similar amounts of their own ‘support’ since the game was announced and I do think that if an old idea is going to garner new interest, then it needs to do something more than what the previous attempts did. Especially since modes like this have been attempted, and they’ve been removed when less than 1% of their players play it. Since HotS regularly gets compared to similar games, it’s going to compare that suggestion to other games that already tried it and likely stack that against implementation if there isn’t anything else done to increase the appeal. Autochess, or DotA autochess wasn’t just a suggestion for a mode, nor was it left up to valve to make it. And like Dota, now there’s a spin-off genre made from a spin-off genre.

Responding to this topic is a way for them to keep trying where others did not.
Perhaps if you set aside your bias, you’d find a similar opportunity in not ‘ignoring’ something you demonstrably are.

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I cannot shut down anything. Nothing stops you from discussing it if you want to. I have voiced my opinion on the matter, which is also the purpose of a discussion forum. You can’t on one hand say that people can discuss what they want, and simultaneously tell peple that there are opinions they’re not allowed to voice.

No, these are balance changes made for QM, there are changes made for Ranked, and there are charcters banned from ARAM, as well as locked heroics. Every mode gets some. The changes are not proportional, because all modes don’t need the same amount of balance. ARAM was designed to be the opposite of a balanced mode, so it’s normal that there are few balance changes.

Doing patches that are completely seperate from other modes in the game is basically the same as a seperate game.

But isn’t that what you want people to do on the forum? Voice their opinion reguardless of whether someone else finds it useless or pointless?

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